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Today's Other Matches


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Could we compare the entire Liverpool squad to Simpsons characters?


Benitez IS Homer Simpson.

Pennant is Cletus the slack jawed yokel


Rafa could possibly pass as Dr Nick as well. Shame they sold the 'are you laughing at my appearance' bloke who gets out of the really small car to Pompey though

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Man City going out of the Uefa cup by the looks of it!


That might be a blessing in disguise for them, I'm not their squad is deep enough to cope with a UEFA cup campaign too.


Players will only sign for them because of the glamour of the UEFA cup though.

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I know, that last chance should have finished it.  They had one player in the centre against two defenders and both of them just left the one midtjylland player by himself to recieve the cross..  Dunne literally just walked away from him for no reason, fucking awful defending!

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