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Guest the_guv_nor

Joey Barton has got so much more shit than any other player who has been sent to jail. i dont remember kluivert, pennant or adams getting as much stick as him. What he did was totally out of order but this sort of thing happens a hundred times in town on saturday night when  people are pissed up! if this had of been one of my mate that had beat the shit out of someone when he was pissed i wouldnt dis-own him, i wouldnt condone  his actions either but at the end of the day Joey Barton is gonna be a toon player regardless of anyones thoughts so we might aswell just get behind him and leave the booing to the opposition.

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I sat there wondering how many of the people booing were two faced twats. Are we to believe that all those booing have never had a fight or two before or never done anything against the law more than once ? I never knew soo many born again Christians were into football these days, oh wait Christians believe in forgiveness, so just a bunch of twats booing then.



Was thinking this myself. Even more ironic when you get the really OTT fans that actually get irate and shout threatening abuse etc.


There's a huge difference between having a fight and laying into someone when he's unconscious! That makes him scum of the earth and I'll never support him!



My main point was About the people booing. Were there seriously that many people in a North London based crowd ( Lived there for 2yrs ) that have done no wrong in there life ?  I`m not a hypocrite is basically what i`m saying. I don`t agree with violence, I hate it but I have had fights, I have stolen before ( remember even taking a stapler from work as an example is stealing )  I smoke weed which feeds organised crime ( these criminals do far worse to others ) I buy clothes that are made in sweat shops by small children that are treated like shit in foreign countries. If you sit and think about theres lots more examples.


I`m not saying what he did was right but booing him is only going to effect one thing, his performance in a Black and White shirt.  Secondly I wouldn`t have been booing because im not whiter than white myself.

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Guest the_guv_nor

I sat there wondering how many of the people booing were two faced twats. Are we to believe that all those booing have never had a fight or two before or never done anything against the law more than once ? I never knew soo many born again Christians were into football these days, oh wait Christians believe in forgiveness, so just a bunch of twats booing then.



Was thinking this myself. Even more ironic when you get the really OTT fans that actually get irate and shout threatening abuse etc.


There's a huge difference between having a fight and laying into someone when he's unconscious! That makes him scum of the earth and I'll never support him!



My main point was About the people booing. Were there seriously that many people in a North London based crowd ( Lived there for 2yrs ) that have done no wrong in there life ?  I`m not a hypocrite is basically what i`m saying. I don`t agree with violence, I hate it but I have had fights, I have stolen before ( remember even taking a stapler from work as an example is stealing )  I smoke weed which feeds organised crime ( these criminals do far worse to others ) I buy clothes that are made in sweat shops by small children that are treated like shit in foreign countries. If you sit and think about theres lots more examples.


I`m not saying what he did was right but booing him is only going to effect one thing, his performance in a Black and White shirt.  Secondly I wouldn`t have been booing because im not whiter than white myself.


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Guest helios_centric

I'm not going to boo Barton, but I'm certainly not going to back him. I don't want him here, I feel ashamed that he wears our colours and I think the club have shown a lack of backbone for keeping him.


The kind of things he has done are way beyond minor transgressions. I've never stubbed out a cigar in someone's eye or viciously assaulted anyone in town after a night out and neither have any of my mates - if they had then I wouldn't have anything to do with them. The only kind of people I know who do things like that I cross the road to avoid and most people quite rightly regard them as scum. I don't think it's hypocrisy for condemning him for his actions at all - he has proven he is a vicious thug.


As a club we have given him another chance and in my opinion it is just a matter of time before he explodes again either on or off the pitch. The reaction he will get from all opposition fans (and some of ours)and some of their players (Nasri was just the first I'm sure) as well as referees pre-judging him will make his life very difficult as a footballer. The pressure on him will be immense with close-ups and replays of every challenge and every comment he makes to the ref and opposing players. I think that pressure, coupled with his dodgy character will cause him more and more problems and I'd rather he wasn't at Newcastle when it happened.





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Joey Barton has got so much more shit than any other player who has been sent to jail. i dont remember kluivert, pennant or adams getting as much stick as him. What he did was totally out of order but this sort of thing happens a hundred times in town on saturday night when  people are pissed up! if this had of been one of my mate that had beat the shit out of someone when he was pissed i wouldnt dis-own him, i wouldnt condone  his actions either but at the end of the day Joey Barton is gonna be a toon player regardless of anyones thoughts so we might aswell just get behind him and leave the booing to the opposition.




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I was really hoping KK would have brought on Joey Barton on earlier on in the game, we needed someone to get stuck in midfield, they were over running us, Barton would have been what we needed to slow them down a bit.


exactly right, he should play every game for us.

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he's a footballer, who gives a shit if he's been locked up for fighting, i've got friends who've been to jail, i didnt stop being friends with them because of it. i'll support him while he plays for us because i support our team and he can actually play a bit, i'd much rather have him on the pitch than smith or ameobi.

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Guest the_guv_nor

I'm not going to boo Barton, but I'm certainly not going to back him. I don't want him here, I feel ashamed that he wears our colours and I think the club have shown a lack of backbone for keeping him.



if you had just spend £5.5m on someone to work for you and they went out and chinned someone would you throw that money down the drain by sacking that person who is still more than capable of doing the job you employed him to do? or would you keep him, hope he performs the way you expected and if he doesnt you can always sell him 12 months down the line when the whole thing is near enough fogotten about and re-coup some of the money you paid for him.

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Guest LucaAltieri

Just watched a clip of the tackle on that famous video sharing website...


Quality tackle, that. Good to see him up for it. After what's been going on for him recently you might understand if his head wasn't 100% on the game.


What disturbed me most about the tackle was the commentator's reaction. There was obviously nothing wrong with it and they still saw fit to turn him into a panto villain. I can see this being a long season for little Joseph if that's the reaction to every stiff tackle. The only blessing is that if anyone can keep his confidence up in face of it then it'd probably be Keegan.

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Some more shit being talked about Barton on 5Live this morning, basically two second rate hacks saying they thought Keegan had some 'moral fibre' and that Barton should never be in the squad, they hope the FA will 'make an example of him' etc etc. Also that if he wanted to get back into peoples' good books he shouldn't be 'flying into tackles like he did on Saturday'.


I actually shouted at the radio in the car, fucking unbelievable how one-sided the argument is.

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Those who aren't going to back Barton, at least try to back Keegan judgment and the club's decision to keep him. How dare the media (in all its forms) try to tell them how to run the club? Keegan knows him better than any of us, and any of the media. Would they tell Ferguson or Wenger what to do and question their character? I highly doubt it.


The club should not have to pander to these morons spinning ridiculous hyperbole and utter nonsense. No other club has to put up with the vitriol that spews from the pages of these rags. They have been negative towards the club for ages now and I hope, I really, really hope that Barton takes this final chance and makes something of it, if not to show the media up, just to prove Keegan right.

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Guest Toon Barmy


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Guest Toon Barmy

Personally, that tackle was absolutely spot on.


That little spiteful french c*** deserved a yellow for a blatent foul.


As far as I'm concerned Barton has served his time, the s*** he gets is far too severe considering.


Some little s*** on the Big Market sets his lip up to me like they did with him, there going to get a f***ing kicking.


Anyone on these boards who disagree's seriously needs to check if they have testicles (apart from the girls ofcourse).  


Let the lad play football for fucks sake.  If he regains the form he showed at ManShitty then he will be f***ing superb.  


I just hope the FA realise that its not the fact they are charging him for something, its the fact its 15 months later.  The guy deserves a chance rather than some suits in f***ing high paid b****** jobs condeming someone before they have had a chance to prove they can be a different person.


Like KK said, if he isnt given a 2nd chance after his sentence, then the justice system around the world does not make sense.






Your AVATAR sums you up.  How many more chances does a thug from a murderous family need? 


This is chance number 5, how many more do you give?

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Have been watching FOX Sports on TVU and they were saying how his "sarcastic little smile" was "out of order" while relating it to the FA respect campaign.


These lot must have female genitalia as there are so many double standards it's unbelievable.




Steve Banyard and Nigel Winterburn - most unbelievably shit commentary I've heard.  Total Arsenal wankfest.  I want to rip their heads off  :angry:

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Guest trainer

Just watched a clip of the tackle on that famous video sharing website...


Quality tackle, that. Good to see him up for it. After what's been going on for him recently you might understand if his head wasn't 100% on the game.


What disturbed me most about the tackle was the commentator's reaction. There was obviously nothing wrong with it and they still saw fit to turn him into a panto villain. I can see this being a long season for little Joseph if that's the reaction to every stiff tackle. The only blessing is that if anyone can keep his confidence up in face of it then it'd probably be Keegan.


What is everyones problem with this tackle? Reporters and such like disgracing it, when in fact it was a great challenge. Anyone else and they would have been praising the 'heart and determination' of the player considering we were 3-0 down etc

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Guest Phil K
but if he gets applauded as though he is a hero just as a way to show "support" for this thug I will be massivly unhappy with the Newcastle fans who do it.



My - I can imagine those applauding losing sleep over you two pillocks being unhappy if they cheer Barton.

Makes me want to cheer and applaud him just to irritate a pair of pompous prats.

Like him or loathe him he's a NEWCASTLE player

I dare so you'll be waving your hankerchiefs and cheering sodding Milner when he comes back, eh ?



Quality tackle, that. Good to see him up for it. After what's been going on for him recently you might understand if his head wasn't 100% on the game.


What disturbed me most about the tackle was the commentator's reaction.


Depends who he plays for with these hypocritical turds doesn't it ?

Remember Keane at Man U's thuggish behaviour ?

The BBC/ITV and the rags bent over backwards to applaud his determination.

And when you've got some of our own fans coming up with grovelling SH1T like the above, is it any wonder ?



Therefore he deserves our support, its totally stupid for any fans to do anything else but get behind him..


Well said - the pair at the top there want to stop dancing to the media's tune and think for themselves for a change.

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These sort of threads always bring out


1) the forum knuckle-draggers........

2) the forum high-horses.


The idiots saying they hope the FA ban him for life or that they hope he gets stick off the home fans are presumably just thick, nothing else.


As Skirge says, we need to back him, he plays for us.


Nothing else matters now.

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but if he gets applauded as though he is a hero just as a way to show "support" for this thug I will be massivly unhappy with the Newcastle fans who do it.



My - I can imagine those applauding losing sleep over you two pillocks being unhappy if they cheer Barton.

Makes me want to cheer and applaud him just to irritate a pair of pompous prats.

Like him or loathe him he's a NEWCASTLE player

I dare so you'll be waving your hankerchiefs and cheering sodding Milner when he comes back, eh ?



Quality tackle, that. Good to see him up for it. After what's been going on for him recently you might understand if his head wasn't 100% on the game.


What disturbed me most about the tackle was the commentator's reaction.


Depends who he plays for with these hypocritical turds doesn't it ?

Remember Keane at Man U's thuggish behaviour ?

The BBC/ITV and the rags bent over backwards to applaud his determination.

And when you've got some of our own fans coming up with grovelling SH1T like the above, is it any wonder ?



Therefore he deserves our support, its totally stupid for any fans to do anything else but get behind him..


Well said - the pair at the top there want to stop dancing to the media's tune and think for themselves for a change.


It seems I'm a pompous prat and a pillock because I have a different opinion to you and many others on here?


But apparently I need to think for myself?


Make your mind up daft cunt.



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