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The official Fat Fred Out campaign

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Guest ToonFanNorway

Come on he has been the downfall of the toon for years lads!!!

Lets kick the F**ker out for good ?????????? :wullie: :wullie: :wullie:


:thup: :thup: :thup:

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Guest ToonFanNorway

PM me storm rider n we will start website together ???

If neh other geordies are on side we will kick the fat F**K oot !!!!!!!!!!

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Guest ToonFanNorway

How much will it cost stormrider im not skint like and i will atleast put me money where me mouth is !!!

On the TOON !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest stormrider

hosting a website wont cost shit. I just wanna know if it's worth doing or not. can you add a poll to this thread to see whos going to support it and whos not?

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Guest ToonFanNorway

Come on lads n lasses we need help on this on !!

Me and stormrider will sort campaign we just want support ??????????????

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Guest ToonFanNorway

We will get a group going to support this campaign !!!

Pm me with ideas lads, and MODERATERS please !!!


Come on lads lets put the toon back where it should be eh??????????

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