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The official Fat Fred Out campaign

Guest ToonFanNorway
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Strangely PP, as I know it seems I don't, but I believe in the club, I think we could be the biggest club in the world, or one of the biggest. However - realistically, lots of fans of other clubs feel the same and the fans of those clubs who do, are just very very lucky.


I have absolutely no idea who would be the right people to attempt to make the club this - I know I would have the ultimate ambition  :winking: but I also think - and have said - that staying at SJP has curtailed it anyway. We should have moved to Leazes Park.


Dont get me wrong I too believe we could be but not in the near future. I know that to do it will need a big change from top to bottom.  I agree with your argument in other threads that getting rid of Shepherd is no guarantee of anything however its at that stage now where to do so would be a good gamble. The way I see it now is... stick with Shepherd and accept our lot ie mid table nobodies or take a chance on A N Other and become a force or fade away.

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Guest Imperio

I haven't read Bobby's book in its full but the extracts I have read have disgusted me, such as the ones that were posted on the last page.


I don't know how much more interference has gone on since then but the manager needs his own room to breathe with regards to transfers and how long he is going to be in the job for.


Questioning Bobby's transfer record is funny when Souness spent an awful lot on players that aren't up to much.

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Strangely PP, as I know it seems I don't, but I believe in the club, I think we could be the biggest club in the world, or one of the biggest. However - realistically, lots of fans of other clubs feel the same and the fans of those clubs who do, are just very very lucky.


I have absolutely no idea who would be the right people to attempt to make the club this - I know I would have the ultimate ambition  :winking: but I also think - and have said - that staying at SJP has curtailed it anyway. We should have moved to Leazes Park.


Dont get me wrong I too believe we could be but not in the near future. I know that to do it will need a big change from top to bottom.  I agree with your argument in other threads that getting rid of Shepherd is no guarantee of anything however its at that stage now where to do so would be a good gamble. The way I see it now is... stick with Shepherd and accept our lot ie mid table nobodies or take a chance on A N Other and become a force or fade away.


For me the main attraction of a takeover by Belgravia or a similar group is that the structure of the club would change. Running a football club is a massive job and can no longer be done by just a chairman and a few low-level suits - well not in the Premiership anyway - yet Fred seems to think he can do the vast majority of it himself, I don't think he can and that's my problem with him. I've said before, if he brought people into the job who had expertise, who could share the workload and therefore, improve the club's performance, then I'd be willing to give him a chance to turn things around. But this is never going to happen, in fact, he has consistantly removed/not replaced board-members with this kind of expertise and is now in the position of being chairman of both the club and the PLC, which is dodgy to say the least.


If a new owner comes in, particularly a company like Belgravia, they will appoint people to fill a number of postions at the club. The people who get these jobs will be selected using one criteria: ability. They won't be friends or family of the owners, they won't be selected based upon where they were born or any other sentimental bollocks like that, they'll be chosen because they're good at their jobs.


This is what appeals to me, that the club will be run by a team, rather than an individual; and that team will be made-up off experts, rather than a jack of all trades, master of none, like Fred. I want a club run by people who are accountable, so if they do a bad job they get fired and replaced by someone who will do a better job, I don't want a club run by someone who is untouchable because him and his mates own the club, and that's what we've got now. This is the chance to change that.


Football is a business, there's nothing anyone - certainly not you or I - can do about that. NUFC needs to face-up to reality and get its act together, at the moment it's living in the past, whilst clubs like: Man Utd, Arsenal, Liverpool, and even Chelsea - despite no current need to do so - are living in the present and looking to the future. That's why they're successful and we aren't, the longer we wait the further behind we'll be and the harder it'll be to catch-up.

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Guest The Fox

I would not call no Top League success since 1927 and no FA Cup Trophy since 1955 knee jerk.


your stretching things a bit far to blame FF for that FFS



and what's with all these SBR book quotes? Has it just reached the bargain bin at Lidll or summat? I read those months ago on several forums


so did I and I've already gave my response. Alex should have seen it as he does nowt else at work but read message boards.


EDIT. Invicta and kiwi make some good points. I dont' expect the deluded and blind to listen though.


People wanted rid of Keegan because they thought we would automatically do better with someone more "tactically astute". People wanted rid of Bobby Robson because they thought we would automatically do better. Now they want rid of the current board because they think we will automatically do better. Be careful what you wish for. Some people never learn.


As for Fox, he constantly moans on. He said we had a bad defence when Keegan was here, despite conceding less than a goal a game in 1995-96. He complains we appoint managers who are failures...despite being asked who he would appoint and what criteria he would adopt as he thinks Dalglish was underqualified, but won't give us his opinion. This is a serious question, I would like to know.





So tiresome respoonding to made up nonsense.

Firstly I did not say we had a bad defence under Keegan, I said the defence was the weakest part of the team and if we had a top quality keeper at the time, and Srnicek wasn't, then we would have won the league.


Secondly its in bold so perhaps you would quote the actual post where I said Dalglish was under qualified, you wont be able to because like your as bad as HTL you make up things as you go along.

What I said  several times, but you have not grasped it, was that Dalglish was not a successful appointment. Presumably you disagree and I would be interested to hear why you think he was a success.

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Guest Gemmill

New lad on TT reckons he got his Shepherd Out banner out and was booed by the Ultras.  He might be on the wind-up though.


DOWN WITH THE ULTRAS!!  (just in case)

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I would not call no Top League success since 1927 and no FA Cup Trophy since 1955 knee jerk.


your stretching things a bit far to blame FF for that FFS



and what's with all these SBR book quotes? Has it just reached the bargain bin at Lidll or summat? I read those months ago on several forums


so did I and I've already gave my response. Alex should have seen it as he does nowt else at work but read message boards.


EDIT. Invicta and kiwi make some good points. I dont' expect the deluded and blind to listen though.


People wanted rid of Keegan because they thought we would automatically do better with someone more "tactically astute". People wanted rid of Bobby Robson because they thought we would automatically do better. Now they want rid of the current board because they think we will automatically do better. Be careful what you wish for. Some people never learn.


As for Fox, he constantly moans on. He said we had a bad defence when Keegan was here, despite conceding less than a goal a game in 1995-96. He complains we appoint managers who are failures...despite being asked who he would appoint and what criteria he would adopt as he thinks Dalglish was underqualified, but won't give us his opinion. This is a serious question, I would like to know.





So tiresome respoonding to made up nonsense.

Firstly I did not say we had a bad defence under Keegan, I said the defence was the weakest part of the team and if we had a top quality keeper at the time, and Srnicek wasn't, then we would have won the league.


Secondly its in bold so perhaps you would quote the actual post where I said Dalglish was under qualified, you wont be able to because like your as bad as HTL you make up things as you go along.

What I said  several times, but you have not grasped it, was that Dalglish was not a successful appointment. Presumably you disagree and I would be interested to hear why you think he was a success.


NE5 and HTL seem to think that Dogleash should have been a successful appointment and therefore, in some sense, was.


Same goes for Gullit and Souness, I guess. Anything rather than Fat Fred actually taking the responsibility for the consequences of his decisions.

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I would not call no Top League success since 1927 and no FA Cup Trophy since 1955 knee jerk.


your stretching things a bit far to blame FF for that FFS



and what's with all these SBR book quotes? Has it just reached the bargain bin at Lidll or summat? I read those months ago on several forums


so did I and I've already gave my response. Alex should have seen it as he does nowt else at work but read message boards.


EDIT. Invicta and kiwi make some good points. I dont' expect the deluded and blind to listen though.


People wanted rid of Keegan because they thought we would automatically do better with someone more "tactically astute". People wanted rid of Bobby Robson because they thought we would automatically do better. Now they want rid of the current board because they think we will automatically do better. Be careful what you wish for. Some people never learn.


As for Fox, he constantly moans on. He said we had a bad defence when Keegan was here, despite conceding less than a goal a game in 1995-96. He complains we appoint managers who are failures...despite being asked who he would appoint and what criteria he would adopt as he thinks Dalglish was underqualified, but won't give us his opinion. This is a serious question, I would like to know.





So tiresome respoonding to made up nonsense.

Firstly I did not say we had a bad defence under Keegan, I said the defence was the weakest part of the team and if we had a top quality keeper at the time, and Srnicek wasn't, then we would have won the league.


Secondly its in bold so perhaps you would quote the actual post where I said Dalglish was under qualified, you wont be able to because like your as bad as HTL you make up things as you go along.

What I said  several times, but you have not grasped it, was that Dalglish was not a successful appointment. Presumably you disagree and I would be interested to hear why you think he was a success.


Well you are saying he was a failure - despite reaching our first cup final in 22 years - but aside of that, you are insinuating you wouldn't have appointed him, so its a straightforward question. Would YOU have appointed him, in view of his track record, or not, and if not what would have been your criteria to find a better candidate for the job ?


I can remember you saying "we didn't have a good defence under Keegan", but nowadays you say "we have never had a good defence". So what exactly do you mean when you say this ?






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Guest The Fox

To make it even clearer to you.

I said the defence under Keegan was the weakest part of the team.

It was a better defence than the current one.

We have never had what I would call a top quality defence. If you go back to the Allchurch, White, Eastham days, we had a good attack but the defence was awful, I witnessed it numerous times.

I would not have appointed any of  Dalglish, Gullit, Souness, Roeder.

Dalglish had his success at Liverpool, anything else was boring to him, Celtic you could manage. How long was he in management after us.

Gullit was more involved in clashing with Shearer and his success as a manager before and since was a short spell at Chelsea.

Souness and Roeder are not good enough.

Thats my opinion and thats pretty clear to me. 

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Well you are saying he was a failure - despite reaching our first cup final in 22 years.


We had the easiest ride to the final, though still nearly got turned over by Stevenage (!), and put in a pitiful performance at Wembley.


Oh well, the team got losers' medals.


If this made Dalglish a success, why did Fat Fredface get rid of him so quickly?

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Didn't we get to that FA Cup final by only playing one team from the top flight, i.e. Everton away?

Anyway, if Dalglish was successful (which he wasn't imo), the chairman would have been in the wrong to sack him surely, you can't have it both ways.

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Guest ToonFanNorway

It will be posted on the campaign forum as soon as its up and running  bluecool.gif bluecool.gif bluecool.gif

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Guest ToonFanNorway

FOR THE ATTENTION OF ALL FANS  bluebigeek.gif bluebigeek.gif bluebigeek.gif


We have decided to name the campaign 'United For Change'.


We have registered the domain www.unitedforchange.co.uk


The website is still being constructed but with a bit of luck we can have it up and running over this weekend.


What we need now is a logo for United For Change, this where we need your help. If you are any good with photoshop etc then please try and make a banner or logo for United For Change. Please remember not to include any NUFC copyrighted material.


We also think it might be an idea to also register another domain and redirect it to united for change, something such as shepherd-out.org. What do you think about this?


Apologies for the delay in getting the website up and running but everything should be up and running sooner rather than later and then we really can get the Shepherd Out campaign going.


Please either PM me with feedback(NO S**T Invicta  bluewink.gif) or visit link below and post on there  bluecool.gif



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FOR THE ATTENTION OF ALL FANS  bluebigeek.gif bluebigeek.gif bluebigeek.gif


We have decided to name the campaign 'United For Change'.


We have registered the domain www.unitedforchange.co.uk


The website is still being constructed but with a bit of luck we can have it up and running over this weekend.


What we need now is a logo for United For Change, this where we need your help. If you are any good with photoshop etc then please try and make a banner or logo for United For Change. Please remember not to include any NUFC copyrighted material.


We also think it might be an idea to also register another domain and redirect it to united for change, something such as shepherd-out.org. What do you think about this?


Apologies for the delay in getting the website up and running but everything should be up and running sooner rather than later and then we really can get the Shepherd Out campaign going.


Please either PM me with feedback(NO S**T Invicta  bluewink.gif) or visit link below and post on there  bluecool.gif




Do i get a thankyou then? ;)

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