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Newcastle United Supporters Club

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Michael Teasdale, of the Newcastle United Supporters Club, said: “All we want if for the owners to communicate with us. If they came to us and said money is tight, I think the vast majority of fans would get behind team and support the club.”


Fair comment.

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Rather than slagging off NUSC all the time, if people have a problem with them why dont they join up and try to change things.


I think its a good thing to have an independent supporters club and I think the statements they have issued generally do relect the views of myself and most of the newcastle fans I attend games with. 


What is it they hope to achieve? The problems at the club are lack of finance, the only one who is capable of providing money to invest in the team is Ashley. From the accounts it's clear he's done that to quite a hefty level already. Yes we need him to provide more but he's hardly likely to want to do that if he's not welcome at his own team's stadium.


So as an anti-Ashley lobby group why would we want to join an association which in my opinion is doing more harm than good?

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Michael Teasdale, of the Newcastle United Supporters Club, said: All we want if for the owners to communicate with us. If they came to us and said money is tight, I think the vast majority of fans would get behind team and support the club.


Fair comment.


But we can all see from the accounts and what Ashley said about clearing tonnes of debt that money is tight, and everyone is still whinging about the lack of signings.

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Michael Teasdale, of the Newcastle United Supporters Club, said: “All we want if for the owners to communicate with us. If they came to us and said money is tight, I think the vast majority of fans would get behind team and support the club.”


Fair comment.


Major U turn and backtrack form the NUSC.


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Michael Teasdale, of the Newcastle United Supporters Club, said: All we want if for the owners to communicate with us. If they came to us and said money is tight, I think the vast majority of fans would get behind team and support the club.


Fair comment.


'us' meaning the fans in general, not NUSC in particular

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Michael Teasdale, of the Newcastle United Supporters Club, said: “All we want if for the owners to communicate with us. If they came to us and said money is tight, I think the vast majority of fans would get behind team and support the club.”


Fair comment.


Tbh, they shouldnt be 'reluctantly' communicating, they should either want to or not, and they clearly dont.

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Part of the reason for having this meeting is so if you've got a problem with some of the statements NUSC has come out with, you can tell us that. We want to iron things out, explain our position, reasons and we really do want to hear what people have to say, because I'm sure we all want a well run, successful club, but sadly we are a million miles away from that.


It's a desperate time for the club, and a time for us as fans to be pulling together rather than bickering or swiping at each other. I'm not saying we haven't got a few things wrong since setting up NUSC, but in someways it's inevitable that we will make mistakes because we've set this thing up from scratch and it has been a big learning curve for a lot of us.


We're not neccesarily saying 'join us now', more come and hear what we have to say, tell us what you think and let us hear what you have to say. This isn't so much about NUSC as about NUFC and where we all as fans go from here, because we can't just sit back and watch this happen. This is about getting a consensus of opinion from NUFC fans across the spectrum.


I sent the NUSC an e-mail criticising their comments to the media saying Ashley deliberately made it official he was planning to take the club off the market just in order to f*ck up the "Sir Bobby Robson" day, and this was the reply.


First of all can I just say how sorry we are that it has taken us so long

to reply to your email. We have had technical difficulties which hopefully

are sorted now.


We as a comittee stand by Michael Ord's comments. We believe that Ashley's

statement was issued deliberately to coincide with the SBR day - trying to

hide bad news. As for it being the last game before the transfer window -

why would he want to time it to highlight the fact that absolutely nothing

has happened except players like Given & N,zogbia wanting to leave.


He then went on to say I should go to the next meeting...no thanks.

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The fans.


It's fair to say they haven't done it on a regular basis yet but it's not fair to say that they don't want to now just because thay haven't with NUSC.


No, just the way I see it, Ashley, Wise & Llambias have all been incredibly reulactant to talk about any issues to the fans in general, say though media/tv interview. I think they have a total lack of respect for the fans, and in general would always want to keep silent.


They might well start talking, especially with NUSC, who are definetely a chance for them to. But they've had so much time now to talk and refused, even in amongst the worry, anger & question marks surrounding the club, so any improvement in terms of communication would simply seem through gritted teeth & reluctantly, as like I said, I think they have a total lack og respect for the fans.


In that case, I'd rather they didnt now seemingly reluctantly say some nice words 'to shut us up' & I wouldnt even trust it anyway. I'd rather they simply sold up. Easier said than done, obviously.

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Part of the reason for having this meeting is so if you've got a problem with some of the statements NUSC has come out with, you can tell us that. We want to iron things out, explain our position, reasons and we really do want to hear what people have to say, because I'm sure we all want a well run, successful club, but sadly we are a million miles away from that.


It's a desperate time for the club, and a time for us as fans to be pulling together rather than bickering or swiping at each other. I'm not saying we haven't got a few things wrong since setting up NUSC, but in someways it's inevitable that we will make mistakes because we've set this thing up from scratch and it has been a big learning curve for a lot of us.


We're not neccesarily saying 'join us now', more come and hear what we have to say, tell us what you think and let us hear what you have to say. This isn't so much about NUSC as about NUFC and where we all as fans go from here, because we can't just sit back and watch this happen. This is about getting a consensus of opinion from NUFC fans across the spectrum.


I sent the NUSC an e-mail criticising their comments to the media saying Ashley deliberately made it official he was planning to take the club off the market just in order to f*ck up the "Sir Bobby Robson" day, and this was the reply.


First of all can I just say how sorry we are that it has taken us so long

to reply to your email. We have had technical difficulties which hopefully

are sorted now.


We as a comittee stand by Michael Ord's comments. We believe that Ashley's

statement was issued deliberately to coincide with the SBR day - trying to

hide bad news. As for it being the last game before the transfer window -

why would he want to time it to highlight the fact that absolutely nothing

has happened except players like Given & N,zogbia wanting to leave.


He then went on to say I should go to the next meeting...no thanks.


That's fucking cringeworthy, especially seeing as the committee had apparently agreed not to comment on it straight away, but Michael Ord went against the wishes of everyone else on the committee and opened his mouth.

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Part of the reason for having this meeting is so if you've got a problem with some of the statements NUSC has come out with, you can tell us that. We want to iron things out, explain our position, reasons and we really do want to hear what people have to say, because I'm sure we all want a well run, successful club, but sadly we are a million miles away from that.


It's a desperate time for the club, and a time for us as fans to be pulling together rather than bickering or swiping at each other. I'm not saying we haven't got a few things wrong since setting up NUSC, but in someways it's inevitable that we will make mistakes because we've set this thing up from scratch and it has been a big learning curve for a lot of us.


We're not neccesarily saying 'join us now', more come and hear what we have to say, tell us what you think and let us hear what you have to say. This isn't so much about NUSC as about NUFC and where we all as fans go from here, because we can't just sit back and watch this happen. This is about getting a consensus of opinion from NUFC fans across the spectrum.


I sent the NUSC an e-mail criticising their comments to the media saying Ashley deliberately made it official he was planning to take the club off the market just in order to f*ck up the "Sir Bobby Robson" day, and this was the reply.


First of all can I just say how sorry we are that it has taken us so long

to reply to your email. We have had technical difficulties which hopefully

are sorted now.


We as a comittee stand by Michael Ord's comments. We believe that Ashley's

statement was issued deliberately to coincide with the SBR day - trying to

hide bad news. As for it being the last game before the transfer window -

why would he want to time it to highlight the fact that absolutely nothing

has happened except players like Given & N,zogbia wanting to leave.


He then went on to say I should go to the next meeting...no thanks.


Don't know whether to laugh or cry.


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  • 1 month later...

"SO…….WHERE IS THE MONEY, MR ASHLEY? " - No club is going to come out and tell everyone exactly how much money there is available to spend in the transfer window. We've been moaning about Shepherd doing things like that for ages, yet now that the club is not leaking everything to the press people are pissed off. The window isn't even open yet, for fuck's sake, they're talking like it's already passed and we've spent nothing. Get a grip, stop pissing your pants, calm down, and wait to see what happens, if we spend nothing then by all means be pissed off then, but don't waste your time being pissed about something that hasn't happened yet and might never do so. The reality is you're going to have to wait anyway, because there's no chance this question is going to be answered before February the second, you should have known that already and not asked such a stupid and pointless question.


Ashley came out of the window in profit without cover in many positions while still in danger of relegation.  Are we allowed to be pissed off yet?


"SO….WHY WON’T YOU SPEAK TO THE SUPPORTERS OF NEWCASTLE UNITED, MR ASHLEY?" - Same old stupid question as always, why do you fucking think he doesn't speak to you!?! When I say "you" I mean NUSC because that's what this is really about, isn't it, he hasn't spoken to you directly and that pisses you off. He's "spoken" to the supporters in much the same way that every other football club chairman "speaks" to the supporters, through the press and the official club website, but that's not good enough for NUSC for the simple reason that it doesn't stroke it's collective ego enough, or rather the ego of the people "running" it. It doesn't acknowledge your importance enough and how dare he not acknowledge the importance of NUSC!?! A group so important that they have had all of what is it two, three meetings? A group so dedicated their list of achievements includes... ....erm, a website containing a stupid poem and a countdown timer. A group so united that every time the make an announcement it totally contradicts the previous one! Who wouldn't consider such an organisation as hugely important, who wouldn't want to talk to them!?! The club put a lot of effort into establishing links with supporters' groups before all the Keegan stuff kicked off, but that's all gone now. The trust is all gone and that applies both ways.


By Llambias' own admission, that's not the case.  There was 3 months of silence before the Keegan stuff kicked off.  It was a conscious decision made once Mort left.  What trust Mort had built up with fans had been largley eroded before Keegan left anyway.

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It's laughable to claim that Ashley is "in profit".



Why are you repeating some unrelated statement.


We've been promised a transfer spend 3 windows running, and ended up with a transfer profit in them all.


Good of Llambias to repeat the promise to spend money in Summer 2009 today.  :lol:


Words are of far more comfort than action.

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