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The Newcastle United Transfer Thread: D-Day [Spoiler: Not Much Happens]


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For the record this isn't defending the club, this window has been a disappointment, we needed more bodies but the business we have done hasn't been two bad.


You can criticise the sales of Zoggy and Shay all you want but at the end of the day they wanted to leave, we cannot afford to carry passengers in the current situation.


Nolan is average, but he's a body while I think Lovenkrands and Taylor will come in handy during the current injury crisis. It's key to remember we have players returning from injury as well.


Has to be said though I do agree with the whole if we wanted Johnson why didn't we use him as a bargaining chip school of thought.



Completely ignored why they wanted to leave.


Given because he's sick of the club consistently being mired in the s*** and N'Zogbia because he spat his dummy out when our manager mispronounced his name?



Exactly. Although Nzogbias reason was pathetic they still both wanted to leave because of push factors rather than pull factors. Im f***ed off because if we were being run properly then they wouldnt have left we could have been up 3 players, rather than up just 1.


I'd say their factors but not the absolute reasons for them leaving. I think Given would have left two or three years ago had he been handed the choice, it's just been a rainbow road with no treasure at the end for the lad. The recent events may have been the straw that broke the camel's back but not the absolute reason.


With regards to N'Zogbia that could have been resolved with some common sense and a quite chat, both parties were in the wrong for me.




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Waiting for the final word from the club.


Until then ...  :harry:




They blatantly had 4 players signed just 2 hours ago?


Just ignore him, does this every window; an absolute joke of a human being.


Now now, thats a bit OTT and nasty.


Seriously, the boy spouts so much shite its fucking coma-inducing. If i was to make a pile of all of his 'hunches' that never made it we'd all be weeping before a mountain of his own ignorance.

I imagine after he's finished frollicking in a meadow talking to fucking flowers, he'll be back here claiming that the 16 million not spent is going into the kitty to fund a 25 million pound summer swoop for quaresma.

Honestly he's a loon, an absolute clown, and probably types with his tongue to impress his carer.


Way to take the internet far too seriously.

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Wow, should i give it up now or wait till summer like i said i would?  :lol:


Fuck me, that was a poor window, just needed one big signing away i think.


One good signing would have done, like.


Agree. Would have done wonders for morale - could have given players and fans a real impetus for the forthcoming run-in.

We were promised so much but, once again, we are let down. What a fucking joke - I guarantee fat Ash will regret this.

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Guest NobbyOhNobby

I'd hate to be one of Ashley's kids at Xmas. He'd put your bike on ebay and get you a yo-yo and an orange.


"Sorry son, I went to get you an Xbox 360, but they'd ran out."



How disappointing has today been?! I don't believe for one second that Kinnear has anything to do with transfers. I wouldn't trust him with a pound and a shopping list that said 'milk'. He's full of shit, just spouts the first thing that comes into his head.


I'm now just as worried about relegation as I was before the derby. Our squad is STILL paper thin. We talk about returning players,  but they won't start filtering back in until March when we could have cut ourselves adrift.


Reinvestment of the Zog and Given money was a must, and i can only hope that a couple of mystery deals eke out of the ether in the next hour or so, and that neither is Sibierski. Surely the idiots running the club must see the position we're in. To say they tried and failed in this transfer window just doesn't wash as failure simply wasn't an option because of what's at stake.

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I wonder whether Kinnear will break rank and speak out. He was obviously told something would happen, even if was just these loans to bulk out 'his' squad.


Naturally I'm very interested to hear what he's got to say.

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Waiting for the final word from the club.


Until then ...  :harry:




They blatantly had 4 players signed just 2 hours ago?


Just ignore him, does this every window; an absolute joke of a human being.


Now now, thats a bit OTT and nasty.


Seriously, the boy spouts so much shite its fucking coma-inducing. If i was to make a pile of all of his 'hunches' that never made it we'd all be weeping before a mountain of his own ignorance.

I imagine after he's finished frollicking in a meadow talking to fucking flowers, he'll be back here claiming that the 16 million not spent is going into the kitty to fund a 25 million pound summer swoop for quaresma.

Honestly he's a loon, an absolute clown, and probably types with his tongue to impress his carer.


:lol: :clap:

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I'd hate to be one of Ashley's kids at Xmas. He'd put your bike on ebay and get you a yo-yo and an orange.


"Sorry son, I went to get you an Xbox 360, but they'd ran out."



How disappointing has today been?! I don't believe for one second that Kinnear has anything to do with transfers. I wouldn't trust him with a pound and a shopping list that said 'milk'. He's full of shit, just spouts the first thing that comes into his head.


I'm now just as worried about relegation as I was before the derby. Our squad is STILL paper thin. We talk about returning players,  but they won't start filtering back in until March when we could have cut ourselves adrift.


Reinvestment of the Zog and Given money was a must, and i can only hope that a couple of mystery deals eke out of the ether in the next hour or so, and that neither is Sibierski. Surely the idiots running the club must see the position we're in. To say they tried and failed in this transfer window just doesn't wash as failure simply wasn't an option because of what's at stake.


spot on really

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I wonder whether Kinnear will break rank and speak out. He was obviously told something would happen, even if was just these loans to bulk out 'his' squad.



He has looked a broken man of late, wouldnt be suprised to see him walk.

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I wonder whether Kinnear will break rank and speak out. He was obviously told something would happen, even if was just these loans to bulk out 'his' squad.



He has looked a broken man of late, wouldnt be suprised to see him walk.


Hope so. That would instantaneously make this the best transfer window ever.

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I wonder whether Kinnear will break rank and speak out. He was obviously told something would happen, even if was just these loans to bulk out 'his' squad.



He has looked a broken man of late, wouldnt be suprised to see him walk.


Hope so. That would instantaneously make this the best transfer window ever.


If Kinnears walks then who will take this job.

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Guest The Libertine

Taylor > Duff

Nolan > Geremi


Could have been worse, could have been better.


is Taylor better than Duff on the wing? he certainly isn't better than N'zogbia. Horrible window yet again


Really..a player from Bolton and one from wigan?? Shows how low our expectations are..buying off clubs around us..


Yep should have signed Lampard and Ronaldo.


No one's asked for massive signings FFS


Just an improvement on our squad


I think we have done that.


we have. but most people made their minds up months ago that we havent.


In what way do you feel we've improved the squad?


given wanted out and handed in a transfer request. little we can do about that. harper is a more than adequate replacement and is free. £6 million up + big wages gone. just a loss/a draw at best.


n'zogbia WAS NEVER GOING TO PLAY FOR US AGAIN. lovenkrands WILL PLAY FOR US. £6 million up. win by default.


nolan is better than butt, smith, geremi and is far more reliable than barton. win.


taylor plays in many positions and is a decent squad player (squad depth innit). win.


overall, improvement. not a huge one but an improvement.



Every striker we have is carrying some kind of injury..


We only have two fit fullbacks ..... (I include Taylor in that)


We have very little creativity from the middle of the park.


There is no real pace in the team apart from Oba.


Too many injured players, 17 year old untried kids on the bench.


FFS man!


we arent man city. we have essentially zero money so we weren't going to hugely improve the way most expected/demanded.


But we did have money apparently two £8 mill bids knocked back.


But we f***ed up so badly or intentionally that we didn't spend it. Hope we don't regret it come April


if the money was there then surely kinnear should be getting it in the neck? he's been banging on about wanting money and his bidding for players for weeks.


No fan of Kinnear but to believe he is in charge of deals with the present structure at the club is cloud cuckoo land.


i think he is because (im fairly certain that) if he wasnt, we'd have done a bit better.


What makes you so fairly certain of that?


from some of the deals in the summer. if wise and co did do the most of the work in the last window then i think they'd have done a decent job in this window.

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I wonder whether Kinnear will break rank and speak out. He was obviously told something would happen, even if was just these loans to bulk out 'his' squad.



He has looked a broken man of late, wouldnt be suprised to see him walk.


It might be the reason why he hasn't signed this 2 and a half year deal or he is lying about being offered the contract. Who knows with NUFC!

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I wonder whether Kinnear will break rank and speak out. He was obviously told something would happen, even if was just these loans to bulk out 'his' squad.



He has looked a broken man of late, wouldnt be suprised to see him walk.


Hope so. That would instantaneously make this the best transfer window ever.


If Kinnears walks then who will take this job.


I refuse to answer this question for the 35th time.

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I wonder whether Kinnear will break rank and speak out. He was obviously told something would happen, even if was just these loans to bulk out 'his' squad.



He has looked a broken man of late, wouldnt be suprised to see him walk.


Hope so. That would instantaneously make this the best transfer window ever.


If Kinnears walks then who will take this job.


now that we're 'off the market' maybe the pool of managers would look a little better?

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I wonder whether Kinnear will break rank and speak out. He was obviously told something would happen, even if was just these loans to bulk out 'his' squad.



He has looked a broken man of late, wouldnt be suprised to see him walk.


Hope so. That would instantaneously make this the best transfer window ever.


If Kinnears walks then who will take this job.


Calderwood probably.


Another Forest reject

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I wonder whether Kinnear will break rank and speak out. He was obviously told something would happen, even if was just these loans to bulk out 'his' squad.



He has looked a broken man of late, wouldnt be suprised to see him walk.


Hope so. That would instantaneously make this the best transfer window ever.


If Kinnears walks then who will take this job.


I refuse to answer this question for the 35th time.


Because you already know the answer. There isnt a manager in the world or a good enough manager who would take the job.

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I wonder whether Kinnear will break rank and speak out. He was obviously told something would happen, even if was just these loans to bulk out 'his' squad.



He has looked a broken man of late, wouldnt be suprised to see him walk.


Hope so. That would instantaneously make this the best transfer window ever.


If Kinnears walks then who will take this job.


now that we're 'off the market' maybe the pool of managers would look a little better?


If it's a long term contract there are people that would take it. That i'm sure of.

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Guest firetotheworks

I wonder whether Kinnear will break rank and speak out. He was obviously told something would happen, even if was just these loans to bulk out 'his' squad.



He has looked a broken man of late, wouldnt be suprised to see him walk.


Hope so. That would instantaneously make this the best transfer window ever.


If Kinnears walks then who will take this job.


Not that one again.

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I wonder whether Kinnear will break rank and speak out. He was obviously told something would happen, even if was just these loans to bulk out 'his' squad.



He has looked a broken man of late, wouldnt be suprised to see him walk.


Hope so. That would instantaneously make this the best transfer window ever.


If Kinnears walks then who will take this job.


now that we're 'off the market' maybe the pool of managers would look a little better?


Knowing they dont have a say in the very few transfers we do?

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I wonder whether Kinnear will break rank and speak out. He was obviously told something would happen, even if was just these loans to bulk out 'his' squad.



He has looked a broken man of late, wouldnt be suprised to see him walk.


Hope so. That would instantaneously make this the best transfer window ever.


If Kinnears walks then who will take this job.


we had a good manager and forced him out.

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Quote from: firetotheworks on Today at 05:40:05 PM

Quote from: McCormick on Today at 05:38:13 PM

Quote from: dcmk on Today at 05:36:01 PM

Quote from: KaKa on Today at 05:34:21 PM

Waiting for the final word from the club.


Until then ...  Harry Redknapp




They blatantly had 4 players signed just 2 hours ago?


Just ignore him, does this every window; an absolute joke of a human being.


Now now, thats a bit OTT and nasty.


Seriously, the boy spouts so much s**** its f***ing coma-inducing. If i was to make a pile of all of his 'hunches' that never made it we'd all be weeping before a mountain of his own ignorance.

I imagine after he's finished frollicking in a meadow talking to f***ing flowers, he'll be back here claiming that the 16 million not spent is going into the kitty to fund a 25 million pound summer swoop for quaresma.

Honestly he's a loon, an absolute clown, and probably types with his tongue to impress his carer.


What a head case you are.


You keep on making up things in your head.


I have done nothing wrong. Just because I don't moan and bitch on here 24/7 like the majority of you?


Get a life of your own dude. Don't worry about what I'm doing.


I'm doing just fine.



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I wonder whether Kinnear will break rank and speak out. He was obviously told something would happen, even if was just these loans to bulk out 'his' squad.



He has looked a broken man of late, wouldnt be suprised to see him walk.


Hope so. That would instantaneously make this the best transfer window ever.


If Kinnears walks then who will take this job.


I refuse to answer this question for the 35th time.


Because you already know the answer. There isnt a manager in the world or a good enough manager who would take the job.


Here's a quote of the 34th time, which, incidentally, is also a quote of the 33rd time.  :banghead:


I could be a c*** and just say "search the thread"


Or I suppose I could be a decent man and just mention Aidy Boothroyd or Alan Pardew, both of whom are probably desperate to get back into Premiership management (or management of any sort for that manner) and would jump at the chance.


There are also managers in the Championship that I'm sure could be tempted. Chris Coleman, Simon Davey, Roberto Martinez?


They're not world-beaters, but like I said, "competent and non-embarrassing."


Midds, this one is for you.

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