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The other games today - 2008/09


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Perhaps playing with no strikers is the future


Man Utd have tried it before I think, Giggs and someone I forget, played up front occasionally last season I believe, or maybe season before that.


There's no reason it can't work. Not saying it's sustainable but when you have someone like Cahill who's essentially a second striker, being constantly supported by Fellaini, Arteta and Osman/Pienaar, then it's perfectly viable for the time being.

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Finally started to perform in patches today. Should really have been further ahead in the first half.


Never really felt threatened by Albion.


They did exactly what i thought they would - pass ball around midfield impressively, then lose it - for 45 minutes, then brought on Bednar who created far more trouble for us, but they were never going to get anything.


They need to learn. Sometimes there's nothing wrong with being more direct. They can outplay Liverpool at Anfield for most of the game like they did recently, but they'll get fuck all if they don't score more goals.

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Guest quklaani

Perhaps playing with no strikers is the future


Man Utd have tried it before I think, Giggs and someone I forget, played up front occasionally last season I believe, or maybe season before that.


There's no reason it can't work. Not saying it's sustainable but when you have someone like Cahill who's essentially a second striker, being constantly supported by Fellaini, Arteta and Osman/Pienaar, then it's perfectly viable for the time being.


Roma pioneered it, and then we copied it for most of last season.  It's not so much playing without a forward as just playing without anyone up top.  With Man Utd whichever combination of Giggs, Ronaldo, Tevez, Nani, Rooney and Park were playing would all have something of a free role.  It worked brilliantly for the most part, but in Europe we tended to stick Ronaldo up front (most obviously at the Nou Camp, where everyone thinks he was rubbish because he missed the penalty, but he actually did brilliantly spending most of the game alone in their half.)  With Everton I've not really been watching beyond highlights, but yours seems more like the Roma version than what we played.  Cahill isn't exactly Totti, but I'd presume its that kind of system.  You score a lot from midfield, we were more about the wingers and second strikers.  This season we've reverted to 4-4-1-1 and it's no way near as brilliant to watch, even if we're still winning most of the time.

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What a shit bunch of results today. We're fucked, one point out of the relegation zone.


So is rogers any bloody good? Or is he just some marketing hype? :lol: (By Mourinho)


Needs time. We were in a shit position anyway, it's just results have conspired against us today. I reckon he'll still come good once he gets rid of some of the shit we have, Doyley, McAnuff etc.

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