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The other games today - 2008/09


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Wish Liverpool had done it, but dear me. Surreal game. Fucking Lampard...


Had a great season. Really like him as a player these days.


I do as well, always have done since his WHU days but his dive against us leaves a sour taste in the mouth.


Not a big fan, but you can't argue with his record. That second goal was lovely.


19 goals in 46 games this season for Lampard says it all. To be that consistant from midfield is ridiculous (i know he gets a few pens)


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How do you score 4 goals away from home and still go out???


Really makes you fathom the absolute cracker-ness of this game



i would Hazard a guess at conceding more, over two legs

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Guest firetotheworks

Can some one please teach Joe Cole, english.


"We was clam"


No - You were calm you prick.


I pissed myself when he said 'To be fair, half time came at the best time for us'


He said it in a tone that suggested half time would have come at a different time.



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It must be so embarrassing being a Chelsea fan. 


The club having to give everyone a free flag to creatate any kind of atmosphere for a Champions League Quarter Final, one game from the semis.  Even Tyldsley was making fun of them about it when I switched over for the last 5 minutes.

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Guest optimistic nit

Although as someone shouted at the match the other week, you want to point to the ground Lampard because thats where your mother is you daft cunt




must just be me who thinks the whole "haha, i dont know you but your mum is dead and in the ground, not the sky lolz" punchline is a bit low then.

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Guest Heneage

Although as someone shouted at the match the other week, you want to point to the ground Lampard because thats where your mother is you daft c***




must just be me who thinks the whole "haha, i dont know you but your mum is dead and in the ground, not the sky lolz" punchline is a bit low then.

Very. There's lines you shouldn't cross.

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Guest kingdawson

Joe Cole: "to come here and score four goals, I cant remember that for a long long time"


I can.


Villa last year, you stupid haired c***.


We also scored 4 against them last season, and 3 the season before that. Their defence is actually as bad as ours when it comes to defending set pieces.

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Joe Cole: "to come here and score four goals, I cant remember that for a long long time"


I can.


Villa last year, you stupid haired c***.


We also scored 4 against them last season, and 3 the season before that. Their defence is actually as bad as ours when it comes to defending set pieces.




Last year


Spurs 4 - Villa 4


Chelsea 4 - Villa 4


Spurs 4 - Chelsea 4


Obviously, I could point out that the question was how many people scored 4 at Stamford Bridge, but I won't, as that's a particularly interesting triangle of results there.

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Guest kingdawson

Joe Cole: "to come here and score four goals, I cant remember that for a long long time"


I can.


Villa last year, you stupid haired c***.


We also scored 4 against them last season, and 3 the season before that. Their defence is actually as bad as ours when it comes to defending set pieces.




Last year


Spurs 4 - Villa 4


Chelsea 4 - Villa 4


Spurs 4 - Chelsea 4


Obviously, I could point out that the question was how many people scored 4 at Stamford Bridge[/i], but I won't, as that's a particularly interesting triangle of results there.


yeh i knew that. Just wanted to mention it anyway O0

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Joe Cole: "to come here and score four goals, I cant remember that for a long long time"


I can.


Villa last year, you stupid haired c***.


We also scored 4 against them last season, and 3 the season before that. Their defence is actually as bad as ours when it comes to defending set pieces.




Last year


Spurs 4 - Villa 4


Chelsea 4 - Villa 4


Spurs 4 - Chelsea 4


Obviously, I could point out that the question was how many people scored 4 at Stamford Bridge[/i], but I won't, as that's a particularly interesting triangle of results there.


yeh i knew that. Just wanted to mention it anyway O0


When you equalised in the 4-4 at your place, i found myself in a face-to-face stand off with the cunt who lives over the road from us over a minor transgression involving loud music and engine revving.


I was really very, very upset.

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