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The other games today - 2008/09


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Guest kingdawson

According to: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/m/man_utd/live_text/default.stm


Ronaldo wasn't cautioned for the Lennon thing.


If that is true, i'm even more disgusted then i was a few minutes ago. Does anyone remember that particular incident? he actually kicked/tripped up Lennon when he were attacking. It was so cynical, it was actually funny. How did he not get booked?. Ok for sure Webb was corrupt.


Not a massive Spurs fan KD, and would hate to see the bin dippers win the title




you were robbed today of a comfortable win

- how that was a penalty is beyond me

- Ronaldo takes his top off and petunantly kicks Lennon up in the air and only receives a yellow


The backlash from Liverpool supporters/ officials/ players will be extreme and rightfully so


You now have the makings of a top top side with Redknapp in charge and i would much prefer you to be the team challenging the top 4 than those money rich arabs from moss side


Good luck mate


Man, a pro spurs post on here? i really don't know how to react, except tell you that your analysis was spot on. Cheers mate :thup: :thup:.






Thing is KD, you've had the makings of a top 4 a side for a while now. What is there to suggest next season will be your season?


Nothing. I never once said we'll break top 4, and i don't think we will. I was agreeing with sicko2ndbest analysis of todays game.

Going back to the top 4 talk, i also don't think neither you nor Villa are equipped to break into it, without changes in the summer.

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Guest optimistic nit

if ronaldo was on a yellow before his celebration as well (only saw the second half) then i think i can honestly say i've never seen a more embarrassing reffereeing performance in any none newcastle game i've watched. i thought the bbc must have just not mentioned his booking or i missed it or something.


Webb was an absolute disgrace, its not just those 2 decisions as well, there were a few more dodgy ones and as i said i only watched 1 half.


i wanted manu to win, but refereeing performances like that really piss me off.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Spurs are far more equipped to challenge the top 4 than Everton or Villa. Villa are an average side based on a good start. A predominantly English side with only one full England international, says it all. The amount of fluky results they got mid season (West ham away, Hull away etc) sugar coats their position hugely.


Everton, they have the heart but not the squad nor the game turners nor the backing to break through.


I fancy Redknapp to buy well in the summer and further strengthen what he has.


Like i said KD, i am not a spurs fan, and enjoy our victories against you as much as any in a season, but credit where credits due, you chief exec and manager along with your squad have the makings of good times ahead 

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Whatd ronaldo do in his celebration ? Has a player ever been sent off for his celebration ? Would be nonsense if it happened anyway.


Loads of players have got a second yellow for celebrating.

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Whatd ronaldo do in his celebration ? Has a player ever been sent off for his celebration ? Would be nonsense if it happened anyway.


Loads of players have got a second yellow for celebrating.


Cant think of many off hand, as i say think its nonsense regardless ive probably disregarded them

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Whatd ronaldo do in his celebration ? Has a player ever been sent off for his celebration ? Would be nonsense if it happened anyway.


Took his top off in a massively antagonistic way, blatantly revelling in his overly optomistic cathartic celebration


ie: he took the piss

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Whatd ronaldo do in his celebration ? Has a player ever been sent off for his celebration ? Would be nonsense if it happened anyway.


Loads of players have got a second yellow for celebrating.


Cant think of many off hand, as i say think its nonsense regardless ive probably disregarded them


Didn't it happen to Ronaldo at Sunderland? For jumping into the crowd?

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Whatd ronaldo do in his celebration ? Has a player ever been sent off for his celebration ? Would be nonsense if it happened anyway.


Loads of players have got a second yellow for celebrating.


Cant think of many off hand, as i say think its nonsense regardless ive probably disregarded them


Didn't it happen to Ronaldo at Sunderland? For jumping into the crowd?


Wasn't it Robben? I know it was definitely a foreign winger who was a bit of a tart.

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Whatd ronaldo do in his celebration ? Has a player ever been sent off for his celebration ? Would be nonsense if it happened anyway.


Loads of players have got a second yellow for celebrating.


Cant think of many off hand, as i say think its nonsense regardless ive probably disregarded them


Didn't it happen to Ronaldo at Sunderland? For jumping into the crowd?


Wasn't it Robben? I know it was definitely a foreign winger who was a bit of a tart.


Aye, Robben - http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_prem/4590278.stm "Over celebrating"

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Whatd ronaldo do in his celebration ? Has a player ever been sent off for his celebration ? Would be nonsense if it happened anyway.


Took his top off in a massively antagonistic way, blatantly revelling in his overly optomistic cathartic celebration


ie: he took the piss


Well id have to see it to judge properly, but id think it were a joke if any player was sent off for winding up the crowd through celebration of a goal.

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Guest firetotheworks

I still dont understand what the need for that rule is, Im not offended by it, and I doubt anyone would be. Imagine the laughs we'd get seeing Viduka do it.

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Wasnt Tim Cahill the first player to be sent off for a second yellow given for taking his shirt off in celebration ?


Not sure if he was the first, but I know the game you mean. I think it was 2004 (or maybe 2005). Man City away, just scored a goal late on, which gave us a 1-0 win. I don't agree with the rule at all, it's absolutely pathetic in every way possible.

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Wasnt Tim Cahill the first player to be sent off for a second yellow given for taking his shirt off in celebration ?


Not sure if he was the first, but I know the game you mean. I think it was 2004 (or maybe 2005). Man City away, just scored a goal in 86th minute, which gave us a 1-0 win. I don't agree with the rule at all, it's absolutely pathetic in every way possible.


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Guest Heneage

KingDawson, I really do feel sorry for you tonight mate.


Its not often any team is 2-0 up half time and often its a deserved lead and that was no different tonight. But as Howard Webb showed tonight, Old Trafford is a place where rules do not apply to those in Red. Ronaldo should have had 3 or 4 red cards this season.


I'm watching Barca and its like watching 10 players with the same brain. They can drop players bring new ones in and its the same old story.

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