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Need a break?

Guest sicko2ndbest

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im not sick of the club at all, though i could do with a break from all the off-field turbulence. Im sick of reading board debates and posts about where the club is going. I would love it if we for a couple of months would just be able to focus on the football.

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Could never even contemplate 'taking a break' from Newcastle United. They're the club I love, and I always will no matter what happens or what is said about us. The hairs on the back of my neck still stand up on end every time I enter SJP

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Not sure how anyone can just switch off. The club at the moment is like a dying relative in the hospital. You can't just stop going to see them even if you know you're going to need to dig out a black tie at some point in the near future.


I'll be here long after Mike Ashley's ran off with his swag bag over his shoulder.

Spot on. I probly don't know what the club was like in the past when we nearly went down and Keegan saved us, so this is a first for me. My first games were under Sir Bobby and in those Champions League nights, so i have seen decent Football since 1999/2000 season when i got my season ticket. We have nearly always been in the Uefa Cup/Champions league. Now it is going to be different. I know that there is going to be times like this when we are doing shit, and things arn' looking bright. I just guess thats what being a Newcastle supporter is all about. We stick through the good times together, now we have to stick through the bad times together and try and help us out of this situation
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Guest firetotheworks

There was a time when I was done with football actually. It was when in 1997. I was about 12, we'd just lost the league the previous season, England lost Euro 96 then we signed Shearer and I remember thinking we'd definitely win the league. Keegan left, Dalglish came in and sold my favourite player (Ginola) and sold Ferdinand.


Puberty was kicking in, I was proper down about Newcastle and I lost my place in the school team aswell, coupled with going after girls and living on a Nintendo 64 and I dont think I went anywhere near football again until 1998. So I managed to give it up for one year. I couldnt give it up now.


Anyone else had any lapses like that before?

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Disillusioned, certainly.  Won't ever affect my support though.  It's an irrational thing, and i'll follow us whatever.


It's difficult to feel as passionate.  If I was as passionate about this crapness as i was when we're doing well, then it would affect my life too much, and i can't really surrender my all-round mood to Mike Ashley, Joe Kinnear and Charles N'Zogbia, but will travel, wear my shirt, proudly call myself a newcastle fan the same as ever. In fact, i think i can display it more to show my defiance.  I've started wearing my black and white scarf with my coat in Edinburgh more since our direness.


My heart didn't even sink when i saw the result the other day; i knew we were gonna lose, that was blatantly obvious, and it was just an annoyance more than anything really


I found this strange too. So expected recently, it doesn't even hurt. That real sinking feeling i get when we concede a goal has been lacking this season.  Of course it was there with the mackems, wigan, stoke (the latter just the time i think) a few others but really lacking in some. I took my scouse friend to the game last week and i really ended up laughing, particularly at the corners. There was no sink when they scored, little rise when we did, as i knew it'd come to nothing.

Looking forward to tomorrow a bit more due to the clean slate nature of the competition i think.



Given going would be a real blow.  For obvious reasons, but also because he feels like some sort of conenction to the better times. He goes, and that era will be completely dead.


I, too, convince myself it's the crap that will make it extra sweet when we eventually prevail. At aged 19, I'm hoping that is realistic in my life. Though I wonder if it would ever be as satisfying as in the KK/Bobby days, with the game changing so much.  Ah and i was so happy a year ago when KK came back!

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Despite being a fan of the club for nearly 50 years, I have, in past times, withdrawn support from it whenever I felt that I was being conned ; this was especially true during the era of McKeag/Seymour when they regularly made a habit of selling top players(think Waddle, Beardsley and Gascoigne in the 80s,Supermac in the 70s)just AFTER all the Season-ticket money was in....

It didn't take me long to twig this, and I stopped getting a ST - instead, I would simply pick & choose games.


There is NO WAY anyone is going to get away with conning me twice - even once is too often, and I have adopted this policy in every aspect of life. Certain things, such a individual freedom, mean more to me than just money, and that is one of the reasons I now live away from the UK, but that is another story.

It was because myself and several other guys felt so strongly that the club was being mismanaged and badly-run , that we spent our own time assisting SJH to purchase shares so that he could oust McKeag & Co - we realised that , unless we did this and stirred up dissatisfaction among the main group of supporters which ultimately meant boycotting games,NOTHING WOULD CHANGE....


If you want something badly enough, you have to be prepared to make sacrifices to get it, and this is something that seems to have been forgotten in today's world - one of the reasons why the economy is in such a state ; people have over-borrowed because they 'want it now'..this has NEVER worked, and the results are clear for all to see.


None of us were happy about missing games - I once drove up to Edinburgh on a Saturday morning because we had found out that a person there was willing to sell her shares and it was literally a race against a rep of McKeag's and myself as to who got there first...some of the lads were offered the chance to go but refused because they wanted to see the Coventry game that day - a game which, as it turned out, we lost 0-3, but memorable because the crowd in the Milburn turned on the Board for the first time and chanted 'OUT,OUT, OUT'. I would LOVE to have seen that, but I wasn't sorry I went to Edinburgh, because I knew that , in the end, that was more important to the club's future.


This was in October 1988, and it took a further 18 months before SJH got on to the Board - it took until June 1992 before he gained total control, because the club was going BUST..WHY?..because the fans had stopped going in large numbers..YOU CANNOT BUCK THE MARKET, and McKeag found that out despite fighting tooth and nail to stay in charge.


If Ashley does not try to improve the club and learn from his mistakes, he also will find that you cannot buck the market(if indeed he hasn't absorbed that lesson already..!!) ; despite his relative wealth he will be faced with unacceptable losses, both in reputation and in his pocket if the club goes down because he will be faced with a massive bill to get it back up again - either that, or he will have to sell it at a big loss...


I am fortunate to be living away from the UK because it means I do not have the choice to make about attending games/buying STs etc., and I am now well past the flush of youth...you guys are the ones who now have the responsibility of deciding what you do about the decline of NUFC - its an individual decision, but those who decide NOT to back the Board should NOT be condemned as some sort of success-followers because firstly, there hasn't BEEN any real success since 1969 and secondly, if  we had taken that view back in 1988, the KK era wouldn't even have been possible.


Eventually, you have to make a stand - if you don't things will just carry on as before...

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Despite being a fan of the club for nearly 50 years, I have, in past times, withdrawn support from it whenever I felt that I was being conned ; this was especially true during the era of McKeag/Seymour when they regularly made a habit of selling top players(think Waddle, Beardsley and Gascoigne in the 80s,Supermac in the 70s)just AFTER all the Season-ticket money was in....

It didn't take me long to twig this, and I stopped getting a ST - instead, I would simply pick & choose games.


There is NO WAY anyone is going to get away with conning me twice - even once is too often, and I have adopted this policy in every aspect of life. Certain things, such a individual freedom, mean more to me than just money, and that is one of the reasons I now live away from the UK, but that is another story.

It was because myself and several other guys felt so strongly that the club was being mismanaged and badly-run , that we spent our own time assisting SJH to purchase shares so that he could oust McKeag & Co - we realised that , unless we did this and stirred up dissatisfaction among the main group of supporters which ultimately meant boycotting games,NOTHING WOULD CHANGE....


If you want something badly enough, you have to be prepared to make sacrifices to get it, and this is something that seems to have been forgotten in today's world - one of the reasons why the economy is in such a state ; people have over-borrowed because they 'want it now'..this has NEVER worked, and the results are clear for all to see.


None of us were happy about missing games - I once drove up to Edinburgh on a Saturday morning because we had found out that a person there was willing to sell her shares and it was literally a race against a rep of McKeag's and myself as to who got there first...some of the lads were offered the chance to go but refused because they wanted to see the Coventry game that day - a game which, as it turned out, we lost 0-3, but memorable because the crowd in the Milburn turned on the Board for the first time and chanted 'OUT,OUT, OUT'. I would LOVE to have seen that, but I wasn't sorry I went to Edinburgh, because I knew that , in the end, that was more important to the club's future.


This was in October 1988, and it took a further 18 months before SJH got on to the Board - it took until June 1992 before he gained total control, because the club was going BUST..WHY?..because the fans had stopped going in large numbers..YOU CANNOT BUCK THE MARKET, and McKeag found that out despite fighting tooth and nail to stay in charge.


If Ashley does not try to improve the club and learn from his mistakes, he also will find that you cannot buck the market(if indeed he hasn't absorbed that lesson already..!!) ; despite his relative wealth he will be faced with unacceptable losses, both in reputation and in his pocket if the club goes down because he will be faced with a massive bill to get it back up again - either that, or he will have to sell it at a big loss...


I am fortunate to be living away from the UK because it means I do not have the choice to make about attending games/buying STs etc., and I am now well past the flush of youth...you guys are the ones who now have the responsibility of deciding what you do about the decline of NUFC - its an individual decision, but those who decide NOT to back the Board should NOT be condemned as some sort of success-followers because firstly, there hasn't BEEN any real success since 1969 and secondly, if  we had taken that view back in 1988, the KK era wouldn't even have been possible.


Eventually, you have to make a stand - if you don't things will just carry on as before...


Someone has to be available and willing to come in though. You talk about action but you had the Halls and Shepherd waiting in the wings to take over the club. In today's climate who is there waiting with the sort of money and know-how who could sort the club out?


I've never gotten where you come from either re: Hall etc.

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Supporting nufc feels like a dead end job at the moment, no prospects, no hint of improvement, lttle satisfaction and severe hatred of those in power.

We're badly going in completely the wrong direction and there seems to be little chance of a turn around.

Even under Souness and Roeder most of us were optermistic that things would change if improvement didn't occur, right now there's little prospect of that. Internal arselickling, senior players bailing out one by one, stupid fans sticking by the same gutless, talentless players.


Disillusioned but i'll never stop being a fan, you can't go the games for 15 years and just stop, even missing 1 feels wrong.

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Not sure how anyone can just switch off. The club at the moment is like a dying relative in the hospital. You can't just stop going to see them even if you know you're going to need to dig out a black tie at some point in the near future.


I'll be here long after Mike Ashley's ran off with his swag bag over his shoulder.


Sums up how i feel very well. You almost want it to happen so you can begin the grieving/re-building process


this is kind of how i feel too, i've felt it coming for long while, well before ashley pitched up but that tit is putting the last few nails in the coffin for me


if it's gonna happeen now might as well be the time, ship out some of the high earners and rebuild from there...

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Supporting nufc feels like a dead end job at the moment, no prospects, no hint of improvement, lttle satisfaction and severe hatred of those in power.

We're badly going in completely the wrong direction and there seems to be little chance of a turn around.

Even under Souness and Roeder most of us were optermistic that things would change if improvement didn't occur, right now there's little prospect of that. Internal arselickling, senior players bailing out one by one, stupid fans sticking by the same gutless, talentless players.


Disillusioned but i'll never stop being a fan, you can't go the games for 15 years and just stop, even missing 1 feels wrong.


to be fair, and at the risk of derailing this thread (not exactly a fucking laughathon anyways), this kind of backs up what NE5 says in the heavyweight thread; as much as i hated FS for a number of reasons one thing you could pretty much guarantee he'd do was invest some money from ST sales & sponsorship during the close season


[i don't want any examples of the bowyer fucking summer thanks, it's been done]


inept fucker would always keep having a go, you've got to give him that, this feels like we're going out without a fight - in fact it feels like we're going out without turning up for the fight

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Despite being a fan of the club for nearly 50 years, I have, in past times, withdrawn support from it whenever I felt that I was being conned ; this was especially true during the era of McKeag/Seymour when they regularly made a habit of selling top players(think Waddle, Beardsley and Gascoigne in the 80s,Supermac in the 70s)just AFTER all the Season-ticket money was in....

It didn't take me long to twig this, and I stopped getting a ST - instead, I would simply pick & choose games.


There is NO WAY anyone is going to get away with conning me twice - even once is too often, and I have adopted this policy in every aspect of life. Certain things, such a individual freedom, mean more to me than just money, and that is one of the reasons I now live away from the UK, but that is another story.

It was because myself and several other guys felt so strongly that the club was being mismanaged and badly-run , that we spent our own time assisting SJH to purchase shares so that he could oust McKeag & Co - we realised that , unless we did this and stirred up dissatisfaction among the main group of supporters which ultimately meant boycotting games,NOTHING WOULD CHANGE....


If you want something badly enough, you have to be prepared to make sacrifices to get it, and this is something that seems to have been forgotten in today's world - one of the reasons why the economy is in such a state ; people have over-borrowed because they 'want it now'..this has NEVER worked, and the results are clear for all to see.


None of us were happy about missing games - I once drove up to Edinburgh on a Saturday morning because we had found out that a person there was willing to sell her shares and it was literally a race against a rep of McKeag's and myself as to who got there first...some of the lads were offered the chance to go but refused because they wanted to see the Coventry game that day - a game which, as it turned out, we lost 0-3, but memorable because the crowd in the Milburn turned on the Board for the first time and chanted 'OUT,OUT, OUT'. I would LOVE to have seen that, but I wasn't sorry I went to Edinburgh, because I knew that , in the end, that was more important to the club's future.


This was in October 1988, and it took a further 18 months before SJH got on to the Board - it took until June 1992 before he gained total control, because the club was going BUST..WHY?..because the fans had stopped going in large numbers..YOU CANNOT BUCK THE MARKET, and McKeag found that out despite fighting tooth and nail to stay in charge.


If Ashley does not try to improve the club and learn from his mistakes, he also will find that you cannot buck the market(if indeed he hasn't absorbed that lesson already..!!) ; despite his relative wealth he will be faced with unacceptable losses, both in reputation and in his pocket if the club goes down because he will be faced with a massive bill to get it back up again - either that, or he will have to sell it at a big loss...


I am fortunate to be living away from the UK because it means I do not have the choice to make about attending games/buying STs etc., and I am now well past the flush of youth...you guys are the ones who now have the responsibility of deciding what you do about the decline of NUFC - its an individual decision, but those who decide NOT to back the Board should NOT be condemned as some sort of success-followers because firstly, there hasn't BEEN any real success since 1969 and secondly, if  we had taken that view back in 1988, the KK era wouldn't even have been possible.


Eventually, you have to make a stand - if you don't things will just carry on as before...


Someone has to be available and willing to come in though. You talk about action but you had the Halls and Shepherd waiting in the wings to take over the club. In today's climate who is there waiting with the sort of money and know-how who could sort the club out?


I've never gotten where you come from either re: Hall etc.


Firstly, there WILL be someone out there who would want NUFC - but they aint going to go for it right now, partly as you say, because of the economic climate, but also because they have Ashley by the short & curlies - as I said. he either has to invest to prevent relegation or accept a huge loss in the value of his investment if the club goes down....nobody is going to throw money at him in THAT situation, but eventually, they will ....

Even so, there was NO 'White Knight' around in the 70s/80s wanting to take the club over(or prepared to battle the Board with cash to do it), but it didn't stop me witholding ST money - I picked my games as I said. Whether anyone else does that is up to them, but if you look at attendances from 1978 onwards, you can see that quite a few fans felt the same.


As for the Hall connection, I had met SJH in 1986 during the opening of MetroCentre and done business with his Company - we talked football, and it was he who confirmed that Beardsley was to be sold to pay for the Milburn stand in 87.

When he decided to make a bid to take over the club, I offered to help and that is how I got involved.

There were a number of us who did much of the donkey work in contacting shareholders, meeting them and persuading them to sell to the Magpie Group etc.


I know Sir John and his wife reasonably well and I KNOW they personally wanted the best for the club...

more than that I am not prepared to comment.


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