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NUSC - Good or Bad?

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its a good idea, but they need a couple of big hitters to get the right publicity.




It would be even better if they could find someone with money to invest in the club. Ashley is looking for co-investors so if the NUSC can forge links with someone with the capital to do that, they would be in a position of some clout.

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I have pretty mixed feelings on the group. I like the concept but let’s face it they are always going to be rightly or wrongly viewed as a group who formed on the back of a knee jerk reaction.


If I felt the group was going to make some sort of progress in terms with helpful communication with the group I'd attend their meetings but every time they make some form of public announcement they come across as clueless fools on a crusade to settle the score with Ashley and Co. I know they may insist this is not the case but it very much looks that way, for progress to occur on their part public image is everything.


Then I happen to stumble across this meeting they broadcasted. I agree with some of the views, then I here about this rally their planning and they are back at square one.


I like what they're trying to achieve, but the way they go about is very much a mixed bag. They need to start acting professionally in order to be taken seriously and as far as I'm concerned rallies and childish snipes aimed at the board (whether in retaliation or not) are just the opposite, they're shooting themselves in the foot.


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I don't know man.. I'm far away from things and it's hard for me to form an opinion one way or the other. I just feel that it's strange how nobody's happy with the way the club's being run, yet there's absolutely no sympathy for the people who are actually trying to do something about it.


"Doing something" is not, in itself, necessarily constructive. The people who come out with this one are invariably those who think that what they're doing is the right thing.


Doing absolutely nothing will merely encourage those in control to carry on with the current way things are being run. The people who say nothing should be done, or that doing something will be harmful to the club are invariably those who are happy with the status quo.


Or they are just realists.


If you don't do what you can to object to something you disagree with, no matter how futile the gesture, you have no right to complain about the outcome.


Ozzie on the other hand believes in positive action.


The point of a campaign should be to weaken Fat Fred's position before the next approach from Belgravia or suchlike.


There should be banners and chants, things people will notice on television, stuff commentators and reporters will have to mention, so that the next time even someone as shameless as he is can't chunder on about "the people of Tyneside" or the importance of having someone "who understands the club". We will have made it very clear what he's supposed to "understand".


Declining attendances would also concentrate his mind wonderfully.



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Good point.


I suggest Frank Gilmour.


who's he   :kasper:


Who did you think he was all those times you posted in his defence?


well, he isn't that cockney journalist you dished the dirt on the club you say you support to ? Have you been in contact with him lately regarding our looming relegation and selling our best players ?



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I have pretty mixed feelings on the group. I like the concept but lets face it they are always going to be rightly or wrongly viewed as a group who formed on the back of a knee jerk reaction.


If I felt the group was going to make some sort of progress in terms with helpful communication with the group I'd attend their meetings but every time they make some form of public announcement they come across as clueless fools on a crusade to settle the score with Ashley and Co. I know they may insist this is not the case but it very much looks that way, for progress to occur on their part public image is everything.


Then I happen to stumble across this meeting they broadcasted. I agree with some of the views, then I here about this rally their planning and they are back at square one.


I like what they're trying to achieve, but the way they go about is very much a mixed bag. They need to start acting professionally in order to be taken seriously and as far as I'm concerned rallies and childish snipes aimed at the board (whether in retaliation or not) are just the opposite, they're shooting themselves in the foot.



What is it they are trying to achieve? I asked earlier about their plan or objectives but I still don't know what they are so if you could shed some light that would be great.

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Guest Brummiemag

When will some people realise and what more will it take for them to realise that Mike Ashley has not got the best interests of our club at heart


When you explain how this can possibly be the case when he's put over £250m of his own money into the club ?


Just because he spent  £250 million of his own money to buy the club, it

doesn't necessarily mean he has the best interests of the club at heart.

(indeed part of that figure was due to his own failure to undertake due



More importantly there are many reasons people buy football clubs. He may

well have bought it as a play thing to boost his own ego, image, profile and

popularity. He may also have bought it as an investment with the intention

of making a profit.


The bottom line is he tried to sell the club and couldn't sell it for the

price he was asking. In other words he wanted all of his £250 million back but now

he's stuck with a football club he doesn't want and has no natural affinity

with and he's now attempting to recoup as much as possible by selling players, cutting costs and maximising income.

He's supposed to be worth a billion and if he really cared about NUFC

he would have been prepared to sell at a loss.

I hope I'm wrong and your right but thats the way it looks to me

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Guest toonlass

Agree totally with the idea of an independent supporters club and mostly support the aims of NUSC which is why Ive joined.

Well done to the people involved in setting up and running NUSC.

When will some people realise and what more will it take for them to realise that Mike Ashley has not got the best interests of our club at heart


Why does Mike Ashley not have the best interests of our club at heart? Can you explain that? When he is putting in his own money, yes its a loan but at 0%, and Shepherd put in a loan at 11%. What makes Ashley the demon that he has been painted as, apart from Keegan walking out?


And no I am not an Ashley apologist or supporter, but the "Ashley couldn't give a toss" line is starting to wear thin with me.

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If we all just believe hard enough, the Northumberland Street tramp will reveal himself to be an eccentric multi-billionaire, wave his magic wand, and buy us loads and loads of world-class players.


If we all stay quiet and carry on buying merchandise as normal, maybe Ashley/Llambias will start to run the club competently. If we doff our cap to them enough they may even deign to speak to us every now and again.


Or maybe they'll just carry on stumbling along with promises of being dead good in 5 years time - starting from whenever they say it each time - due to spending £1m a year on youngsters for the academy with Wise & Kinnear as our Dein & Wenger.

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If we all just believe hard enough, the Northumberland Street tramp will reveal himself to be an eccentric multi-billionaire, wave his magic wand, and buy us loads and loads of world-class players.


if you wish hard enough and he tells you he has a grand 5 year plan to be the number 1 club in the world you would probably believe him.



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Doiubtless you two clowns are just full of bright ideas about where to get more money for players etc.


Let's hear 'em, then.


qualifying for the Champions League ? Do you still think we should have taken the Ashley route than the one we did when Robson was manager ?






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Guest NobbyOhNobby

I'd agree with a lot of the sentiment mentioned so far with regards to the outlandish expectations our fans have sometimes and the realistic, if somewhat mismanaged, plan that Ashley seems to have for the toon. Its certainly a good idea in principle.


My main gripe with NUSC is how Keegan-central it is. I don't care about Keegan any more, I'm sick of him.

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I'd agree with a lot of the sentiment mentioned so far with regards to the outlandish expectations our fans have sometimes and the realistic, if somewhat mismanaged, plan that Ashley seems to have for the toon. Its certainly a good idea in principle.


My main gripe with NUSC is how Keegan-central it is. I don't care about Keegan any more, I'm sick of him.





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Doiubtless you two clowns are just full of bright ideas about where to get more money for players etc.


Let's hear 'em, then.


qualifying for the Champions League ?





Do you honestly think Shepherd was going to get us back into the Champions League? :lol:


with your usual hindsight, do you think Mike Ashley will match the Halls and Shepherd ? Why don't you email Mike and tell him your criteria for appointing managers, as you agreed with at least 4 of the ones made by the Halls and Shepherd  bluelaugh.gif

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Guest toonlass

Doiubtless you two clowns are just full of bright ideas about where to get more money for players etc.


Let's hear 'em, then.


qualifying for the Champions League ?





Do you honestly think Shepherd was going to get us back into the Champions League? :lol:


with your usual hindsight, do you think Mike Ashley will match the Halls and Shepherd ? Why don't you email Mike and tell him your criteria for appointing managers, as you agreed with at least 4 of the ones made by the Halls and Shepherd  bluelaugh.gif


Avoiding the direct questions once again NE5.



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Guest Brummiemag

Yeah, I'm sure he's going to sell at a massive loss just to appease a bunch of people who are calling him a c***.


No he wont sell at a loss because he's not got the interests of the club at heart, he's got the interests of his back pocket at heart and he wants to recoup every penny he's put in

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