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Lets all give thanks to uncle Mike....


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Guest The Libertine

Ashley has sacked managers at a rate 3 times more frequent than Shepherd did.


bullshit "fact". he has sacked 1 manager he didnt appoint and who the vast majority of fans wanted out.


I take your comment on board.  Would you agree that.


Ashley had 3 managers at the club in the space of one year.

Ashley has made significant compensation payments to two of them (or will have soon enough) one of whom was extraordinarily popular and doing very well.


manager #1 has been explained above. manager #2 quit and isnt guaranteed any payout (though it is likely he'll get something) and manager #3 took over because manager #2 quit and is still currently employed as our manager.


to compare this to shepherd's hirings and sackings is insane.


I don't think Shepherd made a hash of a single managerial departure as much as Ashley screwed up in letting Keegan qo.


Nor do I think he screwed up any appointment as badly as Ashley screwed up when he gave the job to Kinnear.


Can you give me an example?


Robson and Souness.


if gullit had hung on a few more days we'd have paid a shit load to him for nothing also.

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Guest icemanblue

How sad btw that this thread is a continuation of the same boring argument, with the same boring people, under a new (boring) title.

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Ashley has sacked managers at a rate 3 times more frequent than Shepherd did.


bullshit "fact". he has sacked 1 manager he didnt appoint and who the vast majority of fans wanted out.


I take your comment on board.  Would you agree that.


Ashley had 3 managers at the club in the space of one year.

Ashley has made significant compensation payments to two of them (or will have soon enough) one of whom was extraordinarily popular and doing very well.


manager #1 has been explained above. manager #2 quit and isnt guaranteed any payout (though it is likely he'll get something) and manager #3 took over because manager #2 quit and is still currently employed as our manager.


to compare this to shepherd's hirings and sackings is insane.


I don't think Shepherd made a hash of a single managerial departure as much as Ashley screwed up in letting Keegan qo.


Nor do I think he screwed up any appointment as badly as Ashley screwed up when he gave the job to Kinnear.


Can you give me an example?


Robson and Souness.


Did you see the walkout at the end of Robsons last full season?  A lot of people thought his time had come.


Whatever you think of Souness (and he is a shit massive twat) he'd won far more and managed far bigger clubs than Kinnear.


I was one of those who believed it was time for Robson to move on/upstairs. But not at the time he did, and not in the manner he did.


Replacing him with Souness was the icing on the very shitty cake.


As I said above though, it's depressing that this is pretty much a 'who was worst' contest.

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Ashley has sacked managers at a rate 3 times more frequent than Shepherd did.


bullshit "fact". he has sacked 1 manager he didnt appoint and who the vast majority of fans wanted out.


I take your comment on board.  Would you agree that.


Ashley had 3 managers at the club in the space of one year.

Ashley has made significant compensation payments to two of them (or will have soon enough) one of whom was extraordinarily popular and doing very well.


manager #1 has been explained above. manager #2 quit and isnt guaranteed any payout (though it is likely he'll get something) and manager #3 took over because manager #2 quit and is still currently employed as our manager.


to compare this to shepherd's hirings and sackings is insane.


I don't think Shepherd made a hash of a single managerial departure as much as Ashley screwed up in letting Keegan qo.


Nor do I think he screwed up any appointment as badly as Ashley screwed up when he gave the job to Kinnear.


Can you give me an example?


:lol:   fuck me


Howay then


i'll be round once i've had my ring bleached then, had on

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How sad btw that this thread is a continuation of the same boring argument, with the same boring people, under a new (boring) title.


Well comes down to the fact that people want to believe we have a more positive future than the shit we are in at the moment and the only way for us to believe that, is to discuss/argue the owner's previous actions and current plans and speculate on transfer budgets and such.

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How sad btw that this thread is a continuation of the same boring argument, with the same boring people, under a new (boring) title.


Well comes down to the fact that people want to believe we have a more positive future than the shit we are in at the moment and the only way for us to believe that, is to discuss/argue the owner's previous actions and current plans and speculate on transfer budgets and such.



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How sad btw that this thread is a continuation of the same boring argument, with the same boring people, under a new (boring) title.


Well comes down to the fact that people want to believe we have a more positive future than the shit we are in at the moment and the only way for us to believe that, is to discuss/argue the owner's previous actions and current plans and speculate on transfer budgets and such.


yeah, never got that...this and many other discussions reflect the reality of the clubs situation, what the fuck else should we talk about, our prospects for next seasons champions league?


i fully support the non-derailing of threads but as this isn't being take it elsewhere i say

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Guest icemanblue

How sad btw that this thread is a continuation of the same boring argument, with the same boring people, under a new (boring) title.


Well comes down to the fact that people want to believe we have a more positive future than the shit we are in at the moment and the only way for us to believe that, is to discuss/argue the owner's previous actions and current plans and speculate on transfer budgets and such.


I hear you, pal. Still boring as shit, mind.

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Guest Brazilianbob

If people are prepared to accept the shambles that has been NUFC over the course of this(and other)seasons, they deserve all they are, and will, get.


Face facts - Ashley, for all his good intentions(are they, I wonder?), has messed up jumbo style.


I cannot think of ONE thing he has done this season which has put the club on a better footing.


That sentence in bold is probably one of the biggest piles of dogshit I have ever read on this forum


This is the problem with anti-Ashley posters and the likes of the NUSC. Banging on about what's been done wrong without even attempting to acknowledge the point of the original post, which is about clubs going facing real financial difficulties if they spend beyond their means without any proportionate success. Does this sound like any club in particular?



This is the problem about those who have bought into Ashley's propaganda and have posted on this thread without correctly interpreting what others have said - there was absolutely NOTHING in my posting which mentioned Ashley's spend - if you look again , you will see that I said he has messed up Jumbo style ; this has nothing to do with the spend but EVERYTHING to do with his decision-making...and I stand by that 100 % , as would anyone unless they think that creating a situation where KK walks out, employing a third-rater like Kinnear after making an abortive effort to sell the club(and then offering him a 2 year contract) etc etc...is good management.


not arguing with any of that like, but i love the chelp that Happy Face has railed off into about spending on managers under ashley after a massive amount of the debt ashley paid off was built up by the previous owners in appointing s*** managers on big contracts, allowing them to spend a fortune on s*** players then sacking them and paying them off


you couldn't make it up


Ashley hasn't paid it off.  He's changed the lender....to himself...so we save on the interest.


Ashley has sacked managers at a rate 3 times more frequent than Shepherd did.  Why do you support this course of action while deriding it from the previous chairman?



But I don't see a problem in Ashley being repaid the loans he has made to the club.  After all, if it was a PLC the shareholder(s) would all be entitled to dividends from the club each year.  Is it really so dreadful to expect to be repaid for loans made to the club.


It makes sound business sense to me, and once the loans are repaid, and providing the club is on a stable financial footing, then the club will, if run sensibly along the lines now set out by Ashley, generate ample funds for player purchases for years to come.  Hopefully players will want to play for NUFC for the kudos of playing for a top well run and successful club, rather than that last big payday.



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If people are prepared to accept the shambles that has been NUFC over the course of this(and other)seasons, they deserve all they are, and will, get.


Face facts - Ashley, for all his good intentions(are they, I wonder?), has messed up jumbo style.


I cannot think of ONE thing he has done this season which has put the club on a better footing.


That sentence in bold is probably one of the biggest piles of dogshit I have ever read on this forum


This is the problem with anti-Ashley posters and the likes of the NUSC. Banging on about what's been done wrong without even attempting to acknowledge the point of the original post, which is about clubs going facing real financial difficulties if they spend beyond their means without any proportionate success. Does this sound like any club in particular?



This is the problem about those who have bought into Ashley's propaganda and have posted on this thread without correctly interpreting what others have said - there was absolutely NOTHING in my posting which mentioned Ashley's spend - if you look again , you will see that I said he has messed up Jumbo style ; this has nothing to do with the spend but EVERYTHING to do with his decision-making...and I stand by that 100 % , as would anyone unless they think that creating a situation where KK walks out, employing a third-rater like Kinnear after making an abortive effort to sell the club(and then offering him a 2 year contract) etc etc...is good management.


not arguing with any of that like, but i love the chelp that Happy Face has railed off into about spending on managers under ashley after a massive amount of the debt ashley paid off was built up by the previous owners in appointing s*** managers on big contracts, allowing them to spend a fortune on s*** players then sacking them and paying them off


you couldn't make it up


Ashley hasn't paid it off.  He's changed the lender....to himself...so we save on the interest.


Ashley has sacked managers at a rate 3 times more frequent than Shepherd did.  Why do you support this course of action while deriding it from the previous chairman?



But I don't see a problem in Ashley being repaid the loans he has made to the club.  After all, if it was a PLC the shareholder(s) would all be entitled to dividends from the club each year.  Is it really so dreadful to expect to be repaid for loans made to the club.


It makes sound business sense to me, and once the loans are repaid, and providing the club is on a stable financial footing, then the club will, if run sensibly along the lines now set out by Ashley, generate ample funds for player purchases for years to come.  Hopefully players will want to play for NUFC for the kudos of playing for a top well run and successful club, rather than that last big payday.


I have no problem whatsoever with him loaning the club money interest free rather than a bank.


It's just as beneficial for him as it is for the club.  We save on interest and loan repayments until he sells.  And just like the banks, he gets the full amount back, even if players he's signed decrease in value to zero and we're left with a shitty squad fighting relegation year after year.



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If people are prepared to accept the shambles that has been NUFC over the course of this(and other)seasons, they deserve all they are, and will, get.


Face facts - Ashley, for all his good intentions(are they, I wonder?), has messed up jumbo style.


I cannot think of ONE thing he has done this season which has put the club on a better footing.


That sentence in bold is probably one of the biggest piles of dogshit I have ever read on this forum


This is the problem with anti-Ashley posters and the likes of the NUSC. Banging on about what's been done wrong without even attempting to acknowledge the point of the original post, which is about clubs going facing real financial difficulties if they spend beyond their means without any proportionate success. Does this sound like any club in particular?



This is the problem about those who have bought into Ashley's propaganda and have posted on this thread without correctly interpreting what others have said - there was absolutely NOTHING in my posting which mentioned Ashley's spend - if you look again , you will see that I said he has messed up Jumbo style ; this has nothing to do with the spend but EVERYTHING to do with his decision-making...and I stand by that 100 % , as would anyone unless they think that creating a situation where KK walks out, employing a third-rater like Kinnear after making an abortive effort to sell the club(and then offering him a 2 year contract) etc etc...is good management.


not arguing with any of that like, but i love the chelp that Happy Face has railed off into about spending on managers under ashley after a massive amount of the debt ashley paid off was built up by the previous owners in appointing s*** managers on big contracts, allowing them to spend a fortune on s*** players then sacking them and paying them off


you couldn't make it up


Ashley hasn't paid it off.  He's changed the lender....to himself...so we save on the interest.


Ashley has sacked managers at a rate 3 times more frequent than Shepherd did.  Why do you support this course of action while deriding it from the previous chairman?



But I don't see a problem in Ashley being repaid the loans he has made to the club.  After all, if it was a PLC the shareholder(s) would all be entitled to dividends from the club each year.  Is it really so dreadful to expect to be repaid for loans made to the club.


It makes sound business sense to me, and once the loans are repaid, and providing the club is on a stable financial footing, then the club will, if run sensibly along the lines now set out by Ashley, generate ample funds for player purchases for years to come.  Hopefully players will want to play for NUFC for the kudos of playing for a top well run and successful club, rather than that last big payday.





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If people are prepared to accept the shambles that has been NUFC over the course of this(and other)seasons, they deserve all they are, and will, get.


Face facts - Ashley, for all his good intentions(are they, I wonder?), has messed up jumbo style.


I cannot think of ONE thing he has done this season which has put the club on a better footing.


That sentence in bold is probably one of the biggest piles of dogshit I have ever read on this forum


This is the problem with anti-Ashley posters and the likes of the NUSC. Banging on about what's been done wrong without even attempting to acknowledge the point of the original post, which is about clubs going facing real financial difficulties if they spend beyond their means without any proportionate success. Does this sound like any club in particular?



This is the problem about those who have bought into Ashley's propaganda and have posted on this thread without correctly interpreting what others have said - there was absolutely NOTHING in my posting which mentioned Ashley's spend - if you look again , you will see that I said he has messed up Jumbo style ; this has nothing to do with the spend but EVERYTHING to do with his decision-making...and I stand by that 100 % , as would anyone unless they think that creating a situation where KK walks out, employing a third-rater like Kinnear after making an abortive effort to sell the club(and then offering him a 2 year contract) etc etc...is good management.


not arguing with any of that like, but i love the chelp that Happy Face has railed off into about spending on managers under ashley after a massive amount of the debt ashley paid off was built up by the previous owners in appointing s*** managers on big contracts, allowing them to spend a fortune on s*** players then sacking them and paying them off


you couldn't make it up


Ashley hasn't paid it off.  He's changed the lender....to himself...so we save on the interest.


Ashley has sacked managers at a rate 3 times more frequent than Shepherd did.  Why do you support this course of action while deriding it from the previous chairman?



But I don't see a problem in Ashley being repaid the loans he has made to the club.  After all, if it was a PLC the shareholder(s) would all be entitled to dividends from the club each year.  Is it really so dreadful to expect to be repaid for loans made to the club.


It makes sound business sense to me, and once the loans are repaid, and providing the club is on a stable financial footing, then the club will, if run sensibly along the lines now set out by Ashley, generate ample funds for player purchases for years to come.  Hopefully players will want to play for NUFC for the kudos of playing for a top well run and successful club, rather than that last big payday.


I have no problem whatsoever with him loaning the club money interest free rather than a bank.


It's just as beneficial for him as it is for the club.  We save on interest and loan repayments until he sells.  And just like the banks, he gets the full amount back, even if players he's signed decrease in value to zero and we're left with a shitty squad fighting relegation year after year.




Started off brightly but you still insisted on twisting a perfectly good and reasonable post to fit your agenda

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If people are prepared to accept the shambles that has been NUFC over the course of this(and other)seasons, they deserve all they are, and will, get.


Face facts - Ashley, for all his good intentions(are they, I wonder?), has messed up jumbo style.


I cannot think of ONE thing he has done this season which has put the club on a better footing.


That sentence in bold is probably one of the biggest piles of dogshit I have ever read on this forum


This is the problem with anti-Ashley posters and the likes of the NUSC. Banging on about what's been done wrong without even attempting to acknowledge the point of the original post, which is about clubs going facing real financial difficulties if they spend beyond their means without any proportionate success. Does this sound like any club in particular?



This is the problem about those who have bought into Ashley's propaganda and have posted on this thread without correctly interpreting what others have said - there was absolutely NOTHING in my posting which mentioned Ashley's spend - if you look again , you will see that I said he has messed up Jumbo style ; this has nothing to do with the spend but EVERYTHING to do with his decision-making...and I stand by that 100 % , as would anyone unless they think that creating a situation where KK walks out, employing a third-rater like Kinnear after making an abortive effort to sell the club(and then offering him a 2 year contract) etc etc...is good management.


not arguing with any of that like, but i love the chelp that Happy Face has railed off into about spending on managers under ashley after a massive amount of the debt ashley paid off was built up by the previous owners in appointing s*** managers on big contracts, allowing them to spend a fortune on s*** players then sacking them and paying them off


you couldn't make it up


Ashley hasn't paid it off.  He's changed the lender....to himself...so we save on the interest.


Ashley has sacked managers at a rate 3 times more frequent than Shepherd did.  Why do you support this course of action while deriding it from the previous chairman?



But I don't see a problem in Ashley being repaid the loans he has made to the club.  After all, if it was a PLC the shareholder(s) would all be entitled to dividends from the club each year.  Is it really so dreadful to expect to be repaid for loans made to the club.


It makes sound business sense to me, and once the loans are repaid, and providing the club is on a stable financial footing, then the club will, if run sensibly along the lines now set out by Ashley, generate ample funds for player purchases for years to come.  Hopefully players will want to play for NUFC for the kudos of playing for a top well run and successful club, rather than that last big payday.


I have no problem whatsoever with him loaning the club money interest free rather than a bank.


It's just as beneficial for him as it is for the club.  We save on interest and loan repayments until he sells.  And just like the banks, he gets the full amount back, even if players he's signed decrease in value to zero and we're left with a shitty squad fighting relegation year after year.




Started off brightly but you still insisted on twisting a perfectly good and reasonable post to fit your agenda


How's that man?


It's just as good for Ashley being the clubs moneylender as it is for the club.


There's no negativity in that, no underhand, money laundering, assett stripping conspiracy theory.  Just a fact that it's a common sense approach for both parties.


I'd have thought my agenda would be the same as yours.  We want Newcastle to do better in the league.

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If people are prepared to accept the shambles that has been NUFC over the course of this(and other)seasons, they deserve all they are, and will, get.


Face facts - Ashley, for all his good intentions(are they, I wonder?), has messed up jumbo style.


I cannot think of ONE thing he has done this season which has put the club on a better footing.


That sentence in bold is probably one of the biggest piles of dogshit I have ever read on this forum


This is the problem with anti-Ashley posters and the likes of the NUSC. Banging on about what's been done wrong without even attempting to acknowledge the point of the original post, which is about clubs going facing real financial difficulties if they spend beyond their means without any proportionate success. Does this sound like any club in particular?



This is the problem about those who have bought into Ashley's propaganda and have posted on this thread without correctly interpreting what others have said - there was absolutely NOTHING in my posting which mentioned Ashley's spend - if you look again , you will see that I said he has messed up Jumbo style ; this has nothing to do with the spend but EVERYTHING to do with his decision-making...and I stand by that 100 % , as would anyone unless they think that creating a situation where KK walks out, employing a third-rater like Kinnear after making an abortive effort to sell the club(and then offering him a 2 year contract) etc etc...is good management.


not arguing with any of that like, but i love the chelp that Happy Face has railed off into about spending on managers under ashley after a massive amount of the debt ashley paid off was built up by the previous owners in appointing s*** managers on big contracts, allowing them to spend a fortune on s*** players then sacking them and paying them off


you couldn't make it up


Ashley hasn't paid it off.  He's changed the lender....to himself...so we save on the interest.


Ashley has sacked managers at a rate 3 times more frequent than Shepherd did.  Why do you support this course of action while deriding it from the previous chairman?



But I don't see a problem in Ashley being repaid the loans he has made to the club.  After all, if it was a PLC the shareholder(s) would all be entitled to dividends from the club each year.  Is it really so dreadful to expect to be repaid for loans made to the club.


It makes sound business sense to me, and once the loans are repaid, and providing the club is on a stable financial footing, then the club will, if run sensibly along the lines now set out by Ashley, generate ample funds for player purchases for years to come.  Hopefully players will want to play for NUFC for the kudos of playing for a top well run and successful club, rather than that last big payday.


I have no problem whatsoever with him loaning the club money interest free rather than a bank.


It's just as beneficial for him as it is for the club.  We save on interest and loan repayments until he sells.  And just like the banks, he gets the full amount back, even if players he's signed decrease in value to zero and we're left with a shitty squad fighting relegation year after year.




Started off brightly but you still insisted on twisting a perfectly good and reasonable post to fit your agenda


How's that man?


It's just as good for Ashley being the clubs moneylender as it is for the club.


There's no negativity in that, no underhand, money laundering, assett stripping conspiracy theory.  Just a fact that it's a common sense approach for both parties.


I'd have thought my agenda would be the same as yours.  We want Newcastle to do better in the league.


To wrap it up, Ashley has made many mistakes, and looks like he might make a few more, but transferring the debt to himself or slowly weeding out the big-earning shit performers on mega contracts are measures which will pay off in terms of the health of the club in the next couple of years. While it's true that some big earning shit players are still here (before you bring it up again) that's hardly his fault, he was backing Fat Sam against his better judgement and got stung. This is the guy you believe should still be here btw.



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If people are prepared to accept the shambles that has been NUFC over the course of this(and other)seasons, they deserve all they are, and will, get.


Face facts - Ashley, for all his good intentions(are they, I wonder?), has messed up jumbo style.


I cannot think of ONE thing he has done this season which has put the club on a better footing.


That sentence in bold is probably one of the biggest piles of dogshit I have ever read on this forum


This is the problem with anti-Ashley posters and the likes of the NUSC. Banging on about what's been done wrong without even attempting to acknowledge the point of the original post, which is about clubs going facing real financial difficulties if they spend beyond their means without any proportionate success. Does this sound like any club in particular?



This is the problem about those who have bought into Ashley's propaganda and have posted on this thread without correctly interpreting what others have said - there was absolutely NOTHING in my posting which mentioned Ashley's spend - if you look again , you will see that I said he has messed up Jumbo style ; this has nothing to do with the spend but EVERYTHING to do with his decision-making...and I stand by that 100 % , as would anyone unless they think that creating a situation where KK walks out, employing a third-rater like Kinnear after making an abortive effort to sell the club(and then offering him a 2 year contract) etc etc...is good management.


not arguing with any of that like, but i love the chelp that Happy Face has railed off into about spending on managers under ashley after a massive amount of the debt ashley paid off was built up by the previous owners in appointing s*** managers on big contracts, allowing them to spend a fortune on s*** players then sacking them and paying them off


you couldn't make it up


Ashley hasn't paid it off.  He's changed the lender....to himself...so we save on the interest.


Ashley has sacked managers at a rate 3 times more frequent than Shepherd did.  Why do you support this course of action while deriding it from the previous chairman?



But I don't see a problem in Ashley being repaid the loans he has made to the club.  After all, if it was a PLC the shareholder(s) would all be entitled to dividends from the club each year.  Is it really so dreadful to expect to be repaid for loans made to the club.


It makes sound business sense to me, and once the loans are repaid, and providing the club is on a stable financial footing, then the club will, if run sensibly along the lines now set out by Ashley, generate ample funds for player purchases for years to come.  Hopefully players will want to play for NUFC for the kudos of playing for a top well run and successful club, rather than that last big payday.


I have no problem whatsoever with him loaning the club money interest free rather than a bank.


It's just as beneficial for him as it is for the club.  We save on interest and loan repayments until he sells.  And just like the banks, he gets the full amount back, even if players he's signed decrease in value to zero and we're left with a shitty squad fighting relegation year after year.




Started off brightly but you still insisted on twisting a perfectly good and reasonable post to fit your agenda


How's that man?


It's just as good for Ashley being the clubs moneylender as it is for the club.


There's no negativity in that, no underhand, money laundering, assett stripping conspiracy theory.  Just a fact that it's a common sense approach for both parties.


I'd have thought my agenda would be the same as yours.  We want Newcastle to do better in the league.


To wrap it up, Ashley has made many mistakes, and looks like he might make a few more, but transferring the debt to himself or slowly weeding out the big-earning shit performers on mega contracts are measures which will pay off in terms of the health of the club in the next couple of years. While it's true that some big earning shit players are still here (before you bring it up again) that's hardly his fault, he was backing Fat Sam against his better judgement and got stung. This is the guy you believe should still be here btw.




Where have I said Allardyce should still be here?


You think the big contracts going to underperformers ended when Allardyce left?  Personally I'd say Kinnear, Wise and Ameobi have all gotten contracts they haven't earned since then.


Who've we managed to sell?  Parker, Dyer, Solano, Luque, Rozenhal, Faye, Emre, Milner, Nzogbia and Given.  I'd say only Dyer, Luque and Emre were being inordinately rewarded from that lot.

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If people are prepared to accept the shambles that has been NUFC over the course of this(and other)seasons, they deserve all they are, and will, get.


Face facts - Ashley, for all his good intentions(are they, I wonder?), has messed up jumbo style.


I cannot think of ONE thing he has done this season which has put the club on a better footing.


That sentence in bold is probably one of the biggest piles of dogshit I have ever read on this forum


This is the problem with anti-Ashley posters and the likes of the NUSC. Banging on about what's been done wrong without even attempting to acknowledge the point of the original post, which is about clubs going facing real financial difficulties if they spend beyond their means without any proportionate success. Does this sound like any club in particular?



This is the problem about those who have bought into Ashley's propaganda and have posted on this thread without correctly interpreting what others have said - there was absolutely NOTHING in my posting which mentioned Ashley's spend - if you look again , you will see that I said he has messed up Jumbo style ; this has nothing to do with the spend but EVERYTHING to do with his decision-making...and I stand by that 100 % , as would anyone unless they think that creating a situation where KK walks out, employing a third-rater like Kinnear after making an abortive effort to sell the club(and then offering him a 2 year contract) etc etc...is good management.


not arguing with any of that like, but i love the chelp that Happy Face has railed off into about spending on managers under ashley after a massive amount of the debt ashley paid off was built up by the previous owners in appointing s*** managers on big contracts, allowing them to spend a fortune on s*** players then sacking them and paying them off


you couldn't make it up


Ashley hasn't paid it off.  He's changed the lender....to himself...so we save on the interest.


Ashley has sacked managers at a rate 3 times more frequent than Shepherd did.  Why do you support this course of action while deriding it from the previous chairman?



But I don't see a problem in Ashley being repaid the loans he has made to the club.  After all, if it was a PLC the shareholder(s) would all be entitled to dividends from the club each year.  Is it really so dreadful to expect to be repaid for loans made to the club.


It makes sound business sense to me, and once the loans are repaid, and providing the club is on a stable financial footing, then the club will, if run sensibly along the lines now set out by Ashley, generate ample funds for player purchases for years to come.  Hopefully players will want to play for NUFC for the kudos of playing for a top well run and successful club, rather than that last big payday.


I have no problem whatsoever with him loaning the club money interest free rather than a bank.


It's just as beneficial for him as it is for the club.  We save on interest and loan repayments until he sells.  And just like the banks, he gets the full amount back, even if players he's signed decrease in value to zero and we're left with a shitty squad fighting relegation year after year.




Started off brightly but you still insisted on twisting a perfectly good and reasonable post to fit your agenda


How's that man?


It's just as good for Ashley being the clubs moneylender as it is for the club.


There's no negativity in that, no underhand, money laundering, assett stripping conspiracy theory.  Just a fact that it's a common sense approach for both parties.


I'd have thought my agenda would be the same as yours.  We want Newcastle to do better in the league.


But that's my point exactly. It does not matter to me if it's beneficial to Ashley as well. I couldn't care less what Ashley does or benefits from the club, so long as Newcastle United is better off as a result. He has made several serious errors in judgment, but one cannot ignore the massive job being done in terms of re-structuring the club's finances, and bringing on the youth policy, to ensure our survival as a football club once this whole crisis has blown over.

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If people are prepared to accept the shambles that has been NUFC over the course of this(and other)seasons, they deserve all they are, and will, get.


Face facts - Ashley, for all his good intentions(are they, I wonder?), has messed up jumbo style.


I cannot think of ONE thing he has done this season which has put the club on a better footing.


That sentence in bold is probably one of the biggest piles of dogshit I have ever read on this forum


This is the problem with anti-Ashley posters and the likes of the NUSC. Banging on about what's been done wrong without even attempting to acknowledge the point of the original post, which is about clubs going facing real financial difficulties if they spend beyond their means without any proportionate success. Does this sound like any club in particular?



This is the problem about those who have bought into Ashley's propaganda and have posted on this thread without correctly interpreting what others have said - there was absolutely NOTHING in my posting which mentioned Ashley's spend - if you look again , you will see that I said he has messed up Jumbo style ; this has nothing to do with the spend but EVERYTHING to do with his decision-making...and I stand by that 100 % , as would anyone unless they think that creating a situation where KK walks out, employing a third-rater like Kinnear after making an abortive effort to sell the club(and then offering him a 2 year contract) etc etc...is good management.


not arguing with any of that like, but i love the chelp that Happy Face has railed off into about spending on managers under ashley after a massive amount of the debt ashley paid off was built up by the previous owners in appointing s*** managers on big contracts, allowing them to spend a fortune on s*** players then sacking them and paying them off


you couldn't make it up


Ashley hasn't paid it off.  He's changed the lender....to himself...so we save on the interest.


Ashley has sacked managers at a rate 3 times more frequent than Shepherd did.  Why do you support this course of action while deriding it from the previous chairman?



But I don't see a problem in Ashley being repaid the loans he has made to the club.  After all, if it was a PLC the shareholder(s) would all be entitled to dividends from the club each year.  Is it really so dreadful to expect to be repaid for loans made to the club.


It makes sound business sense to me, and once the loans are repaid, and providing the club is on a stable financial footing, then the club will, if run sensibly along the lines now set out by Ashley, generate ample funds for player purchases for years to come.  Hopefully players will want to play for NUFC for the kudos of playing for a top well run and successful club, rather than that last big payday.


I have no problem whatsoever with him loaning the club money interest free rather than a bank.


It's just as beneficial for him as it is for the club.  We save on interest and loan repayments until he sells.  And just like the banks, he gets the full amount back, even if players he's signed decrease in value to zero and we're left with a shitty squad fighting relegation year after year.




Started off brightly but you still insisted on twisting a perfectly good and reasonable post to fit your agenda


How's that man?


It's just as good for Ashley being the clubs moneylender as it is for the club.


There's no negativity in that, no underhand, money laundering, assett stripping conspiracy theory.  Just a fact that it's a common sense approach for both parties.


I'd have thought my agenda would be the same as yours.  We want Newcastle to do better in the league.


But that's my point exactly. It does not matter to me if it's beneficial to Ashley as well. I couldn't care less what Ashley does or benefits from the club, so long as Newcastle United is better off as a result. He has made several serious errors in judgment, but one cannot ignore the massive job being done in terms of re-structuring the club's finances, and bringing on the youth policy, to ensure our survival as a football club once this whole crisis has blown over.


Nail on head.


Are we?


Do you truly believe the under 18's and a low rate of interest on our borrowing are the things stopping our inevitable implosion?

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The articles in the OP really bring reality rapping at your door. These are tough times for football, and really makes you wonder where all the people are now who made it work so well for all those years. The more money the game earned the more 'fleas' it attacted in bloodsucking, neanderthalean owners trying to find a quick road to success.


In any case, I think over the past few months it has led me to feel a strong communal responsibility towards the game, even more so than before. Let's hope things do start to get better.

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the titles a piss take obviously, but these two articles really made me think this morning - the Valencia one is especially terrifying, complete madness to be honest


still early so i'm not 100% sure where i'm going with this but when talking about owners NE5 once said something along the lines of "be careful what you wish for"...none of us are remotely happy with MA but things could be much, much worse imo


if we manage to stay up and progress gradually i just wonder how this period will be looked upon in years to come 'cause i think things are gonna get a lot worse financially for clubs before they get better


[dons tin hat]


so the only way we will qualify regularly for europe under Mike Ashley is if half the teams in the country go bust ?


Don't know whether to laugh or cry.


I think it is far more likely that in 10 years time or longer we will look back on the league positions and european qualifications since 1992 with great fondness.


Does anybody in fact know what we will owe Mike Ashley if or when he sells the club ?



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so the only way we will qualify regularly for europe under Mike Ashley is if half the teams in the country go bust ?


Don't know whether to laugh or cry.


I think it is far more likely that in 10 years time or longer we will look back on the league positions and european qualifications since 1992 with great fondness.


Does anybody in fact know what we will owe Mike Ashley if or when he sells the club ?





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the titles a piss take obviously, but these two articles really made me think this morning - the Valencia one is especially terrifying, complete madness to be honest


still early so i'm not 100% sure where i'm going with this but when talking about owners NE5 once said something along the lines of "be careful what you wish for"...none of us are remotely happy with MA but things could be much, much worse imo


if we manage to stay up and progress gradually i just wonder how this period will be looked upon in years to come 'cause i think things are gonna get a lot worse financially for clubs before they get better


[dons tin hat]


so the only way we will qualify regularly for europe under Mike Ashley is if half the teams in the country go bust ?


Don't know whether to laugh or cry.


I think it is far more likely that in 10 years time or longer we will look back on the league positions and european qualifications since 1992 with great fondness.

Does anybody in fact know what we will owe Mike Ashley if or when he sells the club ?



Nothing at all, the buyer will pay it all off.

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so the only way we will qualify regularly for europe under Mike Ashley is if half the teams in the country go bust ?


Don't know whether to laugh or cry.


I think it is far more likely that in 10 years time or longer we will look back on the league positions and european qualifications since 1992 with great fondness.


Does anybody in fact know what we will owe Mike Ashley if or when he sells the club ?






isn't this the theme of the thread  :kasper:

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the titles a piss take obviously, but these two articles really made me think this morning - the Valencia one is especially terrifying, complete madness to be honest


still early so i'm not 100% sure where i'm going with this but when talking about owners NE5 once said something along the lines of "be careful what you wish for"...none of us are remotely happy with MA but things could be much, much worse imo


if we manage to stay up and progress gradually i just wonder how this period will be looked upon in years to come 'cause i think things are gonna get a lot worse financially for clubs before they get better


[dons tin hat]


so the only way we will qualify regularly for europe under Mike Ashley is if half the teams in the country go bust ?


Don't know whether to laugh or cry.


I think it is far more likely that in 10 years time or longer we will look back on the league positions and european qualifications since 1992 with great fondness.

Does anybody in fact know what we will owe Mike Ashley if or when he sells the club ?




If the club were to go into administration, he's currently owed £120m.


As Chez says.  Any buyer would have to pay at least that...and then anything Ashley can get to make up his other £138m or gain a profit.

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