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Alan Shearer contract latest: long gone


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I would sign a new contract tomorrow if one was put in front of me and I would announce my retirement from international football.


Good man. Did I mention that I love you?

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I would sign a new contract tomorrow if one was put in front of me and I would announce my retirement from international football.


Good man. Did I mention that I love you?

Oi you love me and you know you do, however our love for Habib is biiger than you me or this forum.


:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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I would sign a new contract tomorrow if one was put in front of me and I would announce my retirement from international football.


Good man. Did I mention that I love you?


That makes 2 of us..restez-ici Habib.....nous t'aimons!!

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Could you quite honestly say that you had full confidence in the players to turn it around if say someone with expierience had taken over rather than Shearer?

Let's just say I would have had more confidence in appointing a proven manager rather than a gimmick like Shearer


Shearers judgement as a manager should only be made when he has selected his own team and not having to inspire the useless signings of previous managers/dof.

That sounds spookily like the quote I posted made within hours of the news breaking and before Shearer had taken a single training session.

In fact here it is agian, it was in the post you replied to.

If we go down it isnt a failure on Shearer's part, it is a failure on Newcastle's and it was just too late. Just hope some of the fans dont forget what he did for this club should we go down.



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Crikey, I didnt expect it to go down like this, it seems strange that the posters who are making the suggestion that Shearer wont make a great manager based on how he handled a situation are being castigated by posters who think he will make a good/great manager based on absolutely nothing. Blind faith - something which has been good,great and absolutely shit for the club, strikes again.


The way i see it is in that I got an insight into how Shearer thinks in how he handled the whole affair, he let his emotions get the better of him publically with the sour faced interview which gave no one much confidence, (like i say how do the great managers handle situatuions like these), then to compound the decision he publically announces the next day that Barton's been suspended drawing more attention to the club, I watched a program on Mourihno and he said that he acted like a prick publically so that the pressure and attention wasnt put onto players when they misbehaved - now that is brilliant psychology, and the type of psychology which is relatively basic and used 'coicidentally' by the top manager. Sheaer did the exact opposite. Like i say, its just an insight into his mindset, this all hapened within 5 weeks, which makes things even more harrowing, add into the mix what was allegdely said in the changing room and you have a little grip on some form of evidence, enough to justiy my beliefs anyway.


The timing of the suspension and everything surrounding it couldnt of come at a worse time, maybe another reason why i dont think he'll be great.


Like i say, can you envisage a manager of good quality who would do the same thing in the run up to the business end of a title challenge?



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Crikey, I didnt expect it to go down like this, it seems strange that the posters who are making the suggestion that Shearer wont make a great manager based on how he handled a situation are being castigated by posters who think he will make a good/great manager based on absolutely nothing. Blind faith - something which has been good,great and absolutely s*** for the club, strikes again.


The way i see it is in that I got an insight into how Shearer thinks in how he handled the whole affair, he let his emotions get the better of him publically with the sour faced interview which gave no one much confidence, (like i say how do the great managers handle situatuions like these), then to compound the decision he publically announces the next day that Barton's been suspended drawing more attention to the club, I watched a program on Mourihno and he said that he acted like a prick publically so that the pressure and attention wasnt put onto players when they misbehaved - now that is brilliant psychology, and the type of psychology which is relatively basic and used 'coicidentally' by the top manager. Sheaer did the exact opposite. Like i say, its just an insight into his mindset, this all hapened within 5 weeks, which makes things even more harrowing, add into the mix what was allegdely said in the changing room and you have a little grip on some form of evidence, enough to justiy my beliefs anyway.


The timing of the suspension and everything surrounding it couldnt of come at a worse time, maybe another reason why i dont think he'll be great.


Like i say, can you envisage a manager of good quality who would do the same thing in the run up to the business end of a title challenge?



the timing of the suspension was shearers fault ?


i've seen mourinho say his player deserved to be sent off before.

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Please point out where anyone claims Shearer will be a great manager.


I think you might struggle, but you might find a shitload of people saying the hope isn't based on much. You're the one making claims.

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Crikey, I didnt expect it to go down like this, it seems strange that the posters who are making the suggestion that Shearer wont make a great manager based on how he handled a situation are being castigated by posters who think he will make a good/great manager based on absolutely nothing. Blind faith - something which has been good,great and absolutely s*** for the club, strikes again.The way i see it is in that I got an insight into how Shearer thinks in how he handled the whole affair, he let his emotions get the better of him publically with the sour faced interview which gave no one much confidence, (like i say how do the great managers handle situatuions like these), then to compound the decision he publically announces the next day that Barton's been suspended drawing more attention to the club, I watched a program on Mourihno and he said that he acted like a prick publically so that the pressure and attention wasnt put onto players when they misbehaved - now that is brilliant psychology, and the type of psychology which is relatively basic and used 'coicidentally' by the top manager. Sheaer did the exact opposite. Like i say, its just an insight into his mindset, this all hapened within 5 weeks, which makes things even more harrowing, add into the mix what was allegdely said in the changing room and you have a little grip on some form of evidence, enough to justiy my beliefs anyway. The timing of the suspension and everything surrounding it couldnt of come at a worse time, maybe another reason why i dont think he'll be great.Like i say, can you envisage a manager of good quality who would do the same thing in the run up to the business end of a title challenge?

FFS what role had Barton got left to play at the club last season after the sending off - cheer leader? lucky mascot? He had succeeded in embarassing the club in the eyes of the whole world (again), letting down yet another manager who gave him a chance, letting down his team mates (again) and do you know what his team mates think of him anyway?

word habibbeye btw.    O0

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Could you quite honestly say that you had full confidence in the players to turn it around if say someone with expierience had taken over rather than Shearer?

Let's just say I would have had more confidence in appointing a proven manager rather than a gimmick like Shearer


Shearers judgement as a manager should only be made when he has selected his own team and not having to inspire the useless signings of previous managers/dof.

That sounds spookily like the quote I posted made within hours of the news breaking and before Shearer had taken a single training session.

In fact here it is agian, it was in the post you replied to.

If we go down it isnt a failure on Shearer's part, it is a failure on Newcastle's and it was just too late. Just hope some of the fans dont forget what he did for this club should we go down.




Ok Mr know it all! Who would you think would have come here for the last 8 games and saved us?


Remember this is the club that had ample time to replace Keegan once he left, but with no manager worth his salt wanting the job we had to make do with  :kinnear:


We should be thankful that he actually had the balls to attempt to save this club, the glaring fact is the players had no fight in them to start with and I believe no manager on the planet could have stirred them into action.


You calling him a gimmick proves what little respect you have for a great servant of the club and the sort of negativity the club could do without.

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Crikey, I didnt expect it to go down like this, it seems strange that the posters who are making the suggestion that Shearer wont make a great manager based on how he handled a situation are being castigated by posters who think he will make a good/great manager based on absolutely nothing. Blind faith - something which has been good,great and absolutely s*** for the club, strikes again.


The way i see it is in that I got an insight into how Shearer thinks in how he handled the whole affair, he let his emotions get the better of him publically with the sour faced interview which gave no one much confidence, (like i say how do the great managers handle situatuions like these), then to compound the decision he publically announces the next day that Barton's been suspended drawing more attention to the club, I watched a program on Mourihno and he said that he acted like a prick publically so that the pressure and attention wasnt put onto players when they misbehaved - now that is brilliant psychology, and the type of psychology which is relatively basic and used 'coicidentally' by the top manager. Sheaer did the exact opposite. Like i say, its just an insight into his mindset, this all hapened within 5 weeks, which makes things even more harrowing, add into the mix what was allegdely said in the changing room and you have a little grip on some form of evidence, enough to justiy my beliefs anyway.


The timing of the suspension and everything surrounding it couldnt of come at a worse time, maybe another reason why i dont think he'll be great.


Like i say, can you envisage a manager of good quality who would do the same thing in the run up to the business end of a title challenge?



the timing of the suspension was shearers fault ?


i've seen mourinho say his player deserved to be sent off before.


Yeh, i dont think he should of been 'publically' suspended, make him train with the reserves, hell you can effectively suspend him without suspending him - is it that difficult to get around without dragging the clubs name through the mud?


The clubs facing its biggest run up to the end of season in about 20 years, psychologically speaking is it healthy to have the public mutterings about the situation whiilst you are trying to concentrate on some of the biggest games of your life? In my mind no.


Ive seen Wenger say he saw something which was his players fault, not really the point i was making, Im very confident Mourihno would of said no such thing had he been in the Semi of the CL or the penultimate game to a titel challenign season....its all about context of incident.


In my mind Shearer went about it the wrong way. And it shows a degree of naivety and poor decision makingm he didnt look at the big picture.

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Please point out where anyone claims Shearer will be a great manager.


I think you might struggle, but you might find a shitload of people saying the hope isn't based on much. You're the one making claims.


Christ - im sure i said "good/great" not that that makes any difference to the post. If you neither agree or disagree with my post then why say anything? I dont think he will be a good manager - more in the mould of Souness, people who diasgree with me think he'll be nothing like Souness and will be a good manager, theres no grey area here, you either want him here becasue you think he'll be a good manager or you dont want him here becasue you dont.


Im struggling to see whats so difficult to comprehend, if you diasgree with me then what is it that you've physcially seen which makes you think he might become a good manager?

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Guest fading star

Crikey, I didnt expect it to go down like this, it seems strange that the posters who are making the suggestion that Shearer wont make a great manager based on how he handled a situation are being castigated by posters who think he will make a good/great manager based on absolutely nothing. Blind faith - something which has been good,great and absolutely s*** for the club, strikes again.


The way i see it is in that I got an insight into how Shearer thinks in how he handled the whole affair, he let his emotions get the better of him publically with the sour faced interview which gave no one much confidence, (like i say how do the great managers handle situatuions like these), then to compound the decision he publically announces the next day that Barton's been suspended drawing more attention to the club, I watched a program on Mourihno and he said that he acted like a prick publically so that the pressure and attention wasnt put onto players when they misbehaved - now that is brilliant psychology, and the type of psychology which is relatively basic and used 'coicidentally' by the top manager. Sheaer did the exact opposite. Like i say, its just an insight into his mindset, this all hapened within 5 weeks, which makes things even more harrowing, add into the mix what was allegdely said in the changing room and you have a little grip on some form of evidence, enough to justiy my beliefs anyway.


The timing of the suspension and everything surrounding it couldnt of come at a worse time, maybe another reason why i dont think he'll be great.


Like i say, can you envisage a manager of good quality who would do the same thing in the run up to the business end of a title challenge?



So you reckon Alex Ferguson and Brian Clough would have turned a blind eye to a player calling them a prick and shite manager do you?

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Anyone actually care to click the quote? :lol:


Nobody ever does that except me, they just assume the quote is right. :angry: :lol:


Christ, you sound like you're talking about the media :lol:

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Crikey, I didnt expect it to go down like this, it seems strange that the posters who are making the suggestion that Shearer wont make a great manager based on how he handled a situation are being castigated by posters who think he will make a good/great manager based on absolutely nothing. Blind faith - something which has been good,great and absolutely s*** for the club, strikes again.


The way i see it is in that I got an insight into how Shearer thinks in how he handled the whole affair, he let his emotions get the better of him publically with the sour faced interview which gave no one much confidence, (like i say how do the great managers handle situatuions like these), then to compound the decision he publically announces the next day that Barton's been suspended drawing more attention to the club, I watched a program on Mourihno and he said that he acted like a prick publically so that the pressure and attention wasnt put onto players when they misbehaved - now that is brilliant psychology, and the type of psychology which is relatively basic and used 'coicidentally' by the top manager. Sheaer did the exact opposite. Like i say, its just an insight into his mindset, this all hapened within 5 weeks, which makes things even more harrowing, add into the mix what was allegdely said in the changing room and you have a little grip on some form of evidence, enough to justiy my beliefs anyway.


The timing of the suspension and everything surrounding it couldnt of come at a worse time, maybe another reason why i dont think he'll be great.


Like i say, can you envisage a manager of good quality who would do the same thing in the run up to the business end of a title challenge?



So you reckon Alex Ferguson and Brian Clough would have turned a blind eye to a player calling them a prick and s**** manager do you?


to be fair, we have no evidence of that whatsoever

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Please point out where anyone claims Shearer will be a great manager.


I think you might struggle, but you might find a shitload of people saying the hope isn't based on much. You're the one making claims.


Christ - im sure i said "good/great" not that that makes any difference to the post. If you neither agree or disagree with my post then why say anything? I dont think he will be a good manager - more in the mould of Souness, people who diasgree with me think he'll be nothing like Souness and will be a good manager, theres no grey area here, you either want him here becasue you think he'll be a good manager or you dont want him here becasue you dont.


Im struggling to see whats so difficult to comprehend, if you diasgree with me then what is it that you've physcially seen which makes you think he might become a good manager?


Just because I've argued against you claiming he's going to be like Souness doesn't mean I automatically think he's going to be good or great. ???

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Crikey, I didnt expect it to go down like this, it seems strange that the posters who are making the suggestion that Shearer wont make a great manager based on how he handled a situation are being castigated by posters who think he will make a good/great manager based on absolutely nothing. Blind faith - something which has been good,great and absolutely s*** for the club, strikes again.


The way i see it is in that I got an insight into how Shearer thinks in how he handled the whole affair, he let his emotions get the better of him publically with the sour faced interview which gave no one much confidence, (like i say how do the great managers handle situatuions like these), then to compound the decision he publically announces the next day that Barton's been suspended drawing more attention to the club, I watched a program on Mourihno and he said that he acted like a prick publically so that the pressure and attention wasnt put onto players when they misbehaved - now that is brilliant psychology, and the type of psychology which is relatively basic and used 'coicidentally' by the top manager. Sheaer did the exact opposite. Like i say, its just an insight into his mindset, this all hapened within 5 weeks, which makes things even more harrowing, add into the mix what was allegdely said in the changing room and you have a little grip on some form of evidence, enough to justiy my beliefs anyway.


The timing of the suspension and everything surrounding it couldnt of come at a worse time, maybe another reason why i dont think he'll be great.


Like i say, can you envisage a manager of good quality who would do the same thing in the run up to the business end of a title challenge?



the timing of the suspension was shearers fault ?


i've seen mourinho say his player deserved to be sent off before.


Yeh, i dont think he should of been 'publically' suspended, make him train with the reserves, hell you can effectively suspend him without suspending him - is it that difficult to get around without dragging the clubs name through the mud?


The clubs facing its biggest run up to the end of season in about 20 years, psychologically speaking is it healthy to have the public mutterings about the situation whiilst you are trying to concentrate on some of the biggest games of your life? In my mind no.


Ive seen Wenger say he saw something which was his players fault, not really the point i was making, Im very confident Mourihno would of said no such thing had he been in the Semi of the CL or the penultimate game to a titel challenign season....its all about context of incident.


In my mind Shearer went about it the wrong way. And it shows a degree of naivety and poor decision makingm he didnt look at the big picture.

if i was a newcastle player i'd have wanted barton training with anyone other then the first team. it would be interesting to knoew if anyone of the playing staff , after the liverpool game, had the bottle to tell barton to fuck off.

if bartons had been a one off incident he may have got shearers backing but for fucks sake how many times is that now he;s dropped us in the shit. he is indefensible, it's pointless trying. sooner he's gone the better.

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