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Going to do a banner 8' x 3' and want some ideas. It's to take to Villa on Sunday and unfurl at full time when unfortunately I think we'll be relegated. The nations cameras will almost certainly be on us so a good chance to get OUR message across to those who created the mess we are in


So, anyone got any decent wording I might use? Keep it clean, I know what the vast majority would like to say. But something short, sharp and to the point. (not 'cockney mafia out' but not fussed if it attacks Ashley/players etc.)

Creative types. Anyone fancies designing something then PM me. A pic of Ashley with 'GUILTY' across it (maybe?)



Cheers fellas.



I assume this is done now, what did you go for ?




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Going to do a banner 8' x 3' and want some ideas. It's to take to Villa on Sunday and unfurl at full time when unfortunately I think we'll be relegated. The nations cameras will almost certainly be on us so a good chance to get OUR message across to those who created the mess we are in


So, anyone got any decent wording I might use? Keep it clean, I know what the vast majority would like to say. But something short, sharp and to the point. (not 'cockney mafia out' but not fussed if it attacks Ashley/players etc.)

Creative types. Anyone fancies designing something then PM me. A pic of Ashley with 'GUILTY' across it (maybe?)



Cheers fellas.



I assume this is done now, what did you go for ?


Crumpy got the final say, and it must be in production by now - my guess is 'No more papering over the cracks, Ashley! Get to F***' ;)

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Looked at this thread since 12 this afternoon, and I reckon the winner has to be




It's a bit stating the obvious innit. What do you expect the reaction from other fans to be, especially from the thousands of clubs who don't have any hope of getting to the Premier League.


The point being, fans singing where were you were you were shit etc etc..


perfect reply? were shit & were still here..


Not wanting to blow my own horn but I think it's perfect  :pow:

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Guest Roger Kint

"This relegation is sponsored by SportsDirect.com"


This  :thup:


Yes +1




'This relegation was brought to you by SportsDirect.com'

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Aye, probably the best mix of humour and blame that you can get that.


Picture of Ashley somewhere on the banner as well.


Make it happen Crumpy!

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Guest dover

"And Im still glad Im not a Mackem"


"Theres a JOeKinnEar somewhere"


"Vacancy - best supported premiership club"


"What price a top 6 finish? - M.Ashley January 2009"


"Double or quits?"

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Guest WashyGeordie

"Alreet Ant & Dec?"


"Where's our 40pts Llambias?"


"Keano wanks his dog y'know"

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"And Im still glad Im not a Mackem"


"Theres a JOeKinnEar somewhere"


"Vacancy - best supported premiership club"


"What price a top 6 finish? - M.Ashley January 2009"


"Double or quits?"


Quite like that.

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"And Im still glad Im not a Mackem"


"Theres a JOeKinnEar somewhere"


"Vacancy - best supported premiership club"


"What price a top 6 finish? - M.Ashley January 2009"


"Double or quits?"


Quite like that.


Yeah, that's clever.

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Guest firetotheworks

"And Im still glad Im not a Mackem"


"Theres a JOeKinnEar somewhere"


"Vacancy - best supported premiership club"


"What price a top 6 finish? - M.Ashley January 2009"


"Double or quits?"


Quite like that.


Yeah, that's clever.


I concur, I think we have a winner.

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"And Im still glad Im not a Mackem"


"Theres a JOeKinnEar somewhere"


"Vacancy - best supported premiership club"


"What price a top 6 finish? - M.Ashley January 2009"


"Double or quits?"


Quite like that.


Yeah, that's clever.


I concur, I think we have a winner.



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"And Im still glad Im not a Mackem"


"Theres a JOeKinnEar somewhere"


"Vacancy - best supported premiership club"


"What price a top 6 finish? - M.Ashley January 2009"


"Double or quits?"


Quite like that.


Yeah, that's clever.


I concur, I think we have a winner.



Definitely a good one but its not taking the piss out of the correct target

Still voting for "This Relegation is sponsored by SportsDirect.com"

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The SportsDirect.com one is the best one by far. It's sarcastic, pithy and directs the anger at exactly the right place but is comical too.


It'd be nice if if had something on the other side for if we stay up like, something a little more positive. NOW FIX THIS MESS would get my vote.

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Guest Stephen927

Something similar to:







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Guest firetotheworks

Dont like the sportsdirect one tbh, I fail to see how its either clever, or funny. Just my 2 cents.

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