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The England Thread


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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

He really just sold him that dummy? Fucking hell :lol: Norway man :lol::lol:


Its the most effective skill on FIFA 12!

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Bollocks. That was too easy.


That fucking band, man.


Ddoodododod odod ododo

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Being brave makes you an excellent player. Doesn't matter if you can't dribble with the ball; run with the ball; pass the ball forward; shoot from any distance... nope as long as you can throw your bollocks in front of shots you're an excellent player.

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It's got shitter since you've started watching like


Guess it's a sign that my watching could potentially affect England's progress in the Euros. I shall stop watching then :okay: :p

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Parker can't pass more than 5 yards and Gerrard refuses to pass shorter than 50.


I read that, looked up and saw Parker lay off Gerrard with a 3 yard pass and Gerrard boot it about 60 yards  :lol:

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