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The other games today - 2009/10


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I want Villa to win the Carling cup. The way they work over there seems very nice for any club who wants stable growth..


What, spending shitloads of money a wealthy investor has given you?


Not quite on the same level as the Chelsea and Man City spending and spent a lot better than us post SBR.


Looks a tidy set up, would LOVE something like that here :(


It's basically unlimited money though and they haven't earnt it. They're spending well and look a good team but being completely bankrolled by a billionaire doesn't look like stable growth to me.


I think quite the opposite, they have bought a number of young English lads, a few decent foreigners and a few unfashionable players who have come in and settled really well.


Maybe Mon should have gone a bit more spending crazy however I very much doubt their wage bill is anywhere near the top of the league and they are progressing well despite losing such and important player last year.


It's all very disheartening, what could have been huh? :(

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I'd like to temper this post with the news that I am exceptionally drunk, but for all this talk of spending beyond our means etc etc, worth remembering that our transfer record is still only 12m pounds.


We've benefitted from a supportive owner, but it isn't as if we've done anything outrageous.


He's put the money into transfers, but more importantly he has also put it into the infrastructure of the club, and is starting to unravel some of the torpor which set in in the final Ellis years.


I went to my first match over 30 years ago, and it has been a roller coaster ride the whole time until the early part of this decade, but Lerner has changed the club from top to bottom in the space of three years, and he's only just begun.


I don't care if Man City are the richest club in the universe, I'm just happy to have an owner with a few bob who quite clearly, despite being an American - and thereby fucking up the slightly xenophobic bias of the press of late - has clearly "got" the history and culture of the club far more effectively than Doug, a local businessman who was the major player for the best part of 30 years, ever did.

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I'd like to temper this post with the news that I am exceptionally drunk, but for all this talk of spending beyond our means etc etc, worth remembering that our transfer record is still only 12m pounds.


We've benefitted from a supportive owner, but it isn't as if we've done anything outrageous.


He's put the money into transfers, but more importantly he has also put it into the infrastructure of the club, and is starting to unravel some of the torpor which set in in the final Ellis years.


I went to my first match over 30 years ago, and it has been a roller coaster ride the whole time until the early part of this decade, but Lerner has changed the club from top to bottom in the space of three years, and he's only just begun.


I don't care if Man City are the richest club in the universe, I'm just happy to have an owner with a few bob who quite clearly, despite being an American - and thereby fucking up the slightly xenophobic bias of the press of late - has clearly "got" the history and culture of the club far more effectively than Doug, a local businessman who was the major player for the best part of 30 years, ever did.


I've got no problem at all with what you're doing and I wish we had Lerner and his money. I respect the way Villa have gone about it more than Chelsea or City by some distance. The point I was making was more that you wouldn't have been able to spend like this without his backing, which doesn't tally up with stable growth imo.

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What a utter disgrace of a game, these are two PL teams ffs


Rather watch a ladies division 3 game in Finland than this shit.




We know you're just being silly dj, if you'll watch Serie A you'll watch anything.

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Did my ears decieve me a few minutes ago?


Gray: "I think Liverpool are playing alright, they've had the better of the play"


Not watching it but I doubt it. This is the same Gray who said they'd had the better of the first half at Portsmouth despite Pompey being the better team, and Liverpool registering a total of 0 shots on target.

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10.49  Steve Bruce has revealed that he came close to signing John Terry during his time in charge of Huddersfield.


god i hate these "i almost signed Ronaldo/Terry/Drogba before no one even knew who he was"


Did you hate it when SBR said we almost signed Terry when as well?

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