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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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I was disappointed with some of his set pieces but otherwise another solid performance from a player who has made leaps and bounds to become once again a highly-rated midfielder. Absolute travesty that he picked up a yellow card today. Was a handball but unintentional and necessary for leverage. Webb was out of his mind.

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He is so impressive, not just his general play but the way he keeps his head these days. The amount of shit he gets is frustrating, but I believe it will start to go away, the longer he keeps his cool so well.

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there's an agenda against barton - players get away with borderline attacks on him whereas if they'd done it to anyone else they'd be off. the motd cunts laughed at henry's shocking display of thuggery earlier in the season for the sole reason that barton was the victim. and whenever he makes the slightest infringement he's screwed over by the refs.


considering that, it's incredible how composed he's stayed this season, bar the pederson "punch" which was blown out of proportion.

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Guest neesy111

Kicked to pieces, treated awfully be Referee.


Hope Barton beats the shit out of Webb when he retires as that piece of a shit referee deserves it.

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