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Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST)


Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST)   

186 members have voted

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Is it true that the "board" of the trust are given complimentary match tickets? and other club access


Also, they advertise for "anyone" to run for election to the board, but then they say you need to have two current trust members to nominate you? That just sounds like a sneaky way for the current members to keep themselves in position


1) 100 percent false. Complete lies if you have been told this.


2) It's got nothing to do with the board and this is very normal in any similar organisation - you need to be nominaed by two members - there's nearly 10,000 out there  - not by members of the board.


Considering we are reducing the board down from 12 to 7 (for good reason) no it's not a sneaky way of keeping people in the board, there's no need for us to even have this many of the board up for re-election but given where we are we felt it was right that the majority of the board were up for election.


Have you read the Election Policy? https://nufctrust.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/NUST-Election-Policy.pdf


Greg can I ask you, without any malice, how many board members, like yourself, don't attend matches currently?


50% of the board don't attend anymore.

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The issue with the trust is that they basically jumped on the unrest of the fans in order to gain a huge number of members and have literally done nothing since except a send a few (incorrectly adressed) emails and do a few polls. There was a huge amount of momentum behind it, which in my opinion should have been used to seriously attack the club/Ashley, but because of the PC element behind it the opportunity was missed.


That’s it for me.


While putting the membership down to £1 and never once promoting ourselves as a protest group. As an organisation we will do more and achieve more with a bigger member base. What we're working on in the background is really exciting and is why we made a big drive for members (event at a quid). We've done a hell of a lot since the summer, but you won't see most of it yet. In most of what we do we can't do it with a running commentary in the public eye or else things will fail - this is how the world works - half baked ideas, plans, programmes - they fail.


I can agree with this, as I remember asking a few questions in the summer which you took the time to answer really thoroughly. I was concerned the group wouldn't be 'militant' enough for my liking (for want of a better word). I didn't join at that point, instead I've waited to see what develops and if it's something I feel I can get behind. Currently I'm still at the waiting and watching stage, but it's hard to watch and see what develops if it's all behind closed doors. But again, I've learnt from yourself now that things are going on behind the scenes.

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Having just caught up with some of the discussion in here, I thought I'd give my two penneth...


Like Greg, as someone who has been involved (and often at or near the forefront) with Toon Ultras (the original one), SackPardew, AshleyOut, The Magpie Group and now who is being asked to help Toon for Change I feel i'm somewhat well placed to discuss protest groups in recent years - and with my involvement in Wor Flags and previous articles for The Mag probably well placed to also discuss the varying fan groups as a whole.


Understandably, that will come over somewhat arrogant and before anyone says it "Superfan"-ish but in all honesty that is not my intention. I just have a bit of insight how various things work and have worked.


Toon Ultras pushed for a singing section and got it, it grew, was moved, continued to grow and soon was around 3k strong unofficially (the singing section). Following Ashley's twattery, they unfurled a banner saying "Fat Cockney Rapist". The next summer, the section was disbanded. This obviously didn't work.


SackPardew - Largely unpopular because people felt we were either a) going after the wrong person (myself included), b) being too harsh on someone who was trying his best and/or c) were anonymous and so could not be held accountable for our actions. Yet, the anonymity meant that individuals' egos could not be questioned and people could see it was about the betterment of NUFC and not those protesting. It somewhat worked, turning up the heat on Pardew and with that, and more organic reasons, he left.


AshleyOut - Tried to continue in a similar vein, still does. However, has reduced down from around 50 members to about 5 or 6 with an almost 50/50 split of local to non-local members. It simply doesn't have the people or resource it once did. Has anything they have done really influenced Ashley's position? I'd say not, and that's coming from someone who still actively gets involved, but it's because of the afore-mentioned issues and general apathy.


Subsequently, The Magpie Group (TMG) was formed, and despite previous altercations with certain members of True Faith, differences were put aside as we all realised we needed to count on one anothers' skills, contacts and resources to build. This was building, with the help of people like If Rafa Goes We Go, True Faith, Wor Flags and even board members from NUST on board. The understanding was that this was going to be the more physically active part of representing fans views and at this particular time, unrest. Simply because NUST had to ensure it remained in contact with the club. TMG made some mistakes (as any group of normal people do) and then members from outside the group struck lightning bolts of dispute through how we should protest with some people opting to come away from it. Yet, it reinvigorated itself and continues to protest.


Toon For Change - Another group who've this summer burst on the scene. Thankfully so in my opinion. They are helping do what IRGWG did last year and reinvigorating protest action. They may come across pushy, or diving in, but haven't most of us when we first got involved, hell I still do sometimes. It jut needs a bit of steering.


Nonetheless, now that I've bored you with that, I'll get to the more relevant issue of NUST and how the above relates to it.


People seem to bang on in here, in pubs, in the media, on Twitter and on Facebook about protest. Myself included. However, how many are actively contributing to protest?

I'll give the short but brutal answer - around 50-100 people - max. I cancelled my season ticket in the summer, as I'd mentioned on all my social media accounts throughout the course of last season. It's the last stand for me because I don't believe in any custodians of the club outlasting me - hence why I still actively try to engage with actual protest.


Now people can say that the NUST are in cahoots with the club, there are certain people involved who I think are too. However, protest isn't working because people won't put their money where there mouth is. So the other option is for people to put their money and mouth into the only organisation that the club will, and has to, take seriously (I use that term loosely).


Do I personally think the club listens to them? Not on the issues that are key to our fan base at present - i.e Ashley and his negligent ownership. However, matters such as those identified by Greg are important matters for the match going fan. You cannot ignore these as board members of the trust for two main reasons:


1) It's fundamentally wrong for anyone in society to be treat with such disdain, let alone at somewhere that is supposed to be a hub for unity in the local community

2) It's beneficial for the trust to keep match going fans on board as the NUST requires these people to gain in strength both economically and in terms of having a stronger voice / position with the club


Now, I can agree that in the summer the NUST pushed for membership and somewhat capitalised on fan unrest by reducing membership fees and becoming more appealing to the less-involved-fan. I agree. it could have been far more open and honest in its direction and subsequently many may not have joined as a result. Was it a smart move - yes. Was it somewhat deceitful - yes. However, does it make them appear stronger to the club - yes.


This is where the new elections are key. It's an opportunity to readdress the current position of the NUST and the direction it takes. My understanding of the NUST is that a lot goes on behind the scenes that people don't see and often doesn't get well publicised. I've complained about this myself in the past. That needs to change. My view, and one I would be aiming to push, if I was to become a member and push to be on the board is that it needs far better communication with it's members and the fanbase, before it does with the club. The people will give it strength, not the club. However, that's not to say it should essentially become, just another protest group.


Above all else I don't understand why all issues these days seem to be binary, with one or the other just polarising debate. Exactly what's happening in the above posts and with protest and with Brexit. It's ridiculous.


Surely, NUST can see why people will have lost faith and would be arrogant not to acknowledge that. Likewise though, surely the fanbase can see what they're trying to achieve. The only way anything will be resolved is through compromise and unity, not bickering.

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Is it true that the "board" of the trust are given complimentary match tickets? and other club access


Also, they advertise for "anyone" to run for election to the board, but then they say you need to have two current trust members to nominate you? That just sounds like a sneaky way for the current members to keep themselves in position


1) 100 percent false. Complete lies if you have been told this.


2) It's got nothing to do with the board and this is very normal in any similar organisation - you need to be nominaed by two members - there's nearly 10,000 out there  - not by members of the board.


Considering we are reducing the board down from 12 to 7 (for good reason) no it's not a sneaky way of keeping people in the board, there's no need for us to even have this many of the board up for re-election but given where we are we felt it was right that the majority of the board were up for election.


Have you read the Election Policy? https://nufctrust.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/NUST-Election-Policy.pdf


Greg can I ask you, without any malice, how many board members, like yourself, don't attend matches currently?


50% of the board don't attend anymore.




What would happen if that crept up to, say, 100% though? It would be a strange situation to say the least (even only 50% attending is strange really).

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I cancelled my season ticket and then joined the trust, if the ultimate aim is to take control one day then protesting with militant groups is not a professional way to act, perhaps if a potential buyer can be found and asks the trust for help in removing Ashley then it might happen one day. IMO this will happen when we build the club back from the boots up after Ashley has torn it down within his crumbling empire.


Unfortunately, this is more than likely true.

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While I think toonarmy1892 is being a prick about it, I think there’s some value in what he’s saying tbh. During the summer the likes of Wraith were using the whole Ashley is a cunt angle to get people to pay their £1s, and there’s been nothing at all from the group to get at Ashley.


This is true. They used the rightful anger of fans in the summer to get money from nearly everyone. There is a case for putting all these great initiatives on hold and not communicating with the club at all, so as not to be seen to be giving the club legitimacy in the eyes of their members. We are not in normal times with a normal club.


Taking control of the club isn't even a pipe dream, it's not happening full stop. Even if we had all the money needed, as if Ashley would ever agree to sell to the fans.


Not under Ashley but when he does eventually sell, there is an opportunity to engage with the new owners to obtain a percentage of the club. We need to be financially ready for that. It's a pipe dream, but so is everything in the beginning.

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The issue with the trust is that they basically jumped on the unrest of the fans in order to gain a huge number of members and have literally done nothing since except a send a few (incorrectly adressed) emails and do a few polls. There was a huge amount of momentum behind it, which in my opinion should have been used to seriously attack the club/Ashley, but because of the PC element behind it the opportunity was missed.


That’s it for me.


While putting the membership down to £1 and never once promoting ourselves as a protest group. As an organisation we will do more and achieve more with a bigger member base. What we're working on in the background is really exciting and is why we made a big drive for members (event at a quid). We've done a hell of a lot since the summer, but you won't see most of it yet. In most of what we do we can't do it with a running commentary in the public eye or else things will fail - this is how the world works - half baked ideas, plans, programmes - they fail.


I can agree with this, as I remember asking a few questions in the summer which you took the time to answer really thoroughly. I was concerned the group wouldn't be 'militant' enough for my liking (for want of a better word). I didn't join at that point, instead I've waited to see what develops and if it's something I feel I can get behind. Currently I'm still at the waiting and watching stage, but it's hard to watch and see what develops if it's all behind closed doors. But again, I've learnt from yourself now that things are going on behind the scenes.


:thup: Good post.

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The issue with the trust is that they basically jumped on the unrest of the fans in order to gain a huge number of members and have literally done nothing since except a send a few (incorrectly adressed) emails and do a few polls. There was a huge amount of momentum behind it, which in my opinion should have been used to seriously attack the club/Ashley, but because of the PC element behind it the opportunity was missed.


That’s it for me.


While putting the membership down to £1 and never once promoting ourselves as a protest group. As an organisation we will do more and achieve more with a bigger member base. What we're working on in the background is really exciting and is why we made a big drive for members (event at a quid). We've done a hell of a lot since the summer, but you won't see most of it yet. In most of what we do we can't do it with a running commentary in the public eye or else things will fail - this is how the world works - half baked ideas, plans, programmes - they fail.


If you're not a protest group then how can you be planning anything exciting in the background? Obvs can't talk about it.


This is how the world works fellas. "Give us your money so we can do what we can't tell you, and keep believing it will only ever happen if you don't know what's going to happen.

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The issue with the trust is that they basically jumped on the unrest of the fans in order to gain a huge number of members and have literally done nothing since except a send a few (incorrectly adressed) emails and do a few polls. There was a huge amount of momentum behind it, which in my opinion should have been used to seriously attack the club/Ashley, but because of the PC element behind it the opportunity was missed.


That’s it for me.


While putting the membership down to £1 and never once promoting ourselves as a protest group. As an organisation we will do more and achieve more with a bigger member base. What we're working on in the background is really exciting and is why we made a big drive for members (event at a quid). We've done a hell of a lot since the summer, but you won't see most of it yet. In most of what we do we can't do it with a running commentary in the public eye or else things will fail - this is how the world works - half baked ideas, plans, programmes - they fail.


I can agree with this, as I remember asking a few questions in the summer which you took the time to answer really thoroughly. I was concerned the group wouldn't be 'militant' enough for my liking (for want of a better word). I didn't join at that point, instead I've waited to see what develops and if it's something I feel I can get behind. Currently I'm still at the waiting and watching stage, but it's hard to watch and see what develops if it's all behind closed doors. But again, I've learnt from yourself now that things are going on behind the scenes.




This all makes sense. Almost all of what I've talked about us doing really is the bread and butter of any trust but there's some exciting things we're working on as well but need a bit more time.


NUST isn't perfect - a lot of things need to improve and reducing the board down to 7 through these elections is just the start of that process.


Your position makes perfect sense, if people were expecting instant change from giving an organisation £1 I am not sure what planet they are living.


Some of the falsehoods and rhetoric we have to get around just to have a meaningful debate becomes tiresome, we're a group of people giving up a hell of a lot of spare time (and it's not just the board we have volunteers that have got in touch working on various  things as well) and more often than not are met with unfounded nonsense. Like the lies that we all get free tickets and hospitality from the club  - did you know all members of the so called NUFC fans forum get this mind? Free corporate hospitality - NUST representation on fans forum was one of only a few on it who turned this down. No wonder some of the fans forum are very cozy and don't ask any questions - we've been pushing for significant reform of the fans forum.

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The issue with the trust is that they basically jumped on the unrest of the fans in order to gain a huge number of members and have literally done nothing since except a send a few (incorrectly adressed) emails and do a few polls. There was a huge amount of momentum behind it, which in my opinion should have been used to seriously attack the club/Ashley, but because of the PC element behind it the opportunity was missed.


That’s it for me.


While putting the membership down to £1 and never once promoting ourselves as a protest group. As an organisation we will do more and achieve more with a bigger member base. What we're working on in the background is really exciting and is why we made a big drive for members (event at a quid). We've done a hell of a lot since the summer, but you won't see most of it yet. In most of what we do we can't do it with a running commentary in the public eye or else things will fail - this is how the world works - half baked ideas, plans, programmes - they fail.


If you're not a protest group then how can you be planning anything exciting in the background? Obvs can't talk about it.


This is how the world works fellas. "Give us your money so we can do what we can't tell you, and keep believing it will only ever happen if you don't know what's going to happen.


There can be exciting things in place, or things that will be positive for the club without it involving protest, to be fair. I hate those at the top as much as anyone. I've cancelled my season ticket. Not everything at the club is evil though.


I get your second comment though. They obviously have a need to keep certain things under wraps but the NUST and NUFC need to realise this is only exacerbating rising tensions at the club. Transparency required.

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The issue with the trust is that they basically jumped on the unrest of the fans in order to gain a huge number of members and have literally done nothing since except a send a few (incorrectly adressed) emails and do a few polls. There was a huge amount of momentum behind it, which in my opinion should have been used to seriously attack the club/Ashley, but because of the PC element behind it the opportunity was missed.


That’s it for me.


While putting the membership down to £1 and never once promoting ourselves as a protest group. As an organisation we will do more and achieve more with a bigger member base. What we're working on in the background is really exciting and is why we made a big drive for members (event at a quid). We've done a hell of a lot since the summer, but you won't see most of it yet. In most of what we do we can't do it with a running commentary in the public eye or else things will fail - this is how the world works - half baked ideas, plans, programmes - they fail.


I can agree with this, as I remember asking a few questions in the summer which you took the time to answer really thoroughly. I was concerned the group wouldn't be 'militant' enough for my liking (for want of a better word). I didn't join at that point, instead I've waited to see what develops and if it's something I feel I can get behind. Currently I'm still at the waiting and watching stage, but it's hard to watch and see what develops if it's all behind closed doors. But again, I've learnt from yourself now that things are going on behind the scenes.




This all makes sense. Almost all of what I've talked about us doing really is the bread and butter of any trust but there's some exciting things we're working on as well but need a bit more time.


NUST isn't perfect - a lot of things need to improve and reducing the board down to 7 through these elections is just the start of that process.


Your position makes perfect sense, if people were expecting instant change from giving an organisation £1 I am not sure what planet they are living.


Some of the falsehoods and rhetoric we have to get around just to have a meaningful debate becomes tiresome, we're a group of people giving up a hell of a lot of spare time (and it's not just the board we have volunteers that have got in touch working on various  things as well) and more often than not are met with unfounded nonsense. Like the lies that we all get free tickets and hospitality from the club  - did you know all members of the so called NUFC fans forum get this mind? Free corporate hospitality - NUST representation on fans forum was one of only a few on it who turned this down. No wonder some of the fans forum are very cozy and don't ask any questions - we've been pushing for significant reform of the fans forum.


Good post. Yeah I have heard that about the fans forum, I also believe (could be mistaken) it was the fans forum who were calling for no criticism of the clubs communication over the summer during the fakeover (having been asked by the club to do this). Things like this happening in the past within certain groups can make it easy to assume the same is happening elsewhere tbh.

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...we're a group of people giving up a hell of a lot of spare time (and it's not just the board we have volunteers that have got in touch working on various  things as well)


This is what goes unnoticed across many of the various voluntary groups both within our fan base and within society. With social media everyone now has an opinion and these opinions can fast gain traction. It's good to have such feedback where it's constructive but it also provides a platform for unnecessary mud-slinging, ignorance and sheer twattery. That's why it's key to engage and engage sensibly, and with reason, in my opinion.

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I propose heron for election as board member / chair ?


I would too if I was a member!  :lol:


:lol: Thanks!


I'm a member and would also propose heron, I really enjoyed your post about the protest groups, however ...............................I still to this day fucking hate Pardew and at the time we were right to go after him.

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Heron[/member] I’ve got to say mate, I think you are massively underplaying the effectiveness of SackPardew and AshleyOut. From my perspective they did a brilliant job of presenting the facts in an easily accessible format and put tangible pressure on Pardew and to a lesser extent Ashley. It also helped to be able to refute and rebuff any media/ pundit twattery about us getting above our station and expecting to win the Champions League.


You guys did a great job and I’m really sad to hear AshleyOut has been reduced to such a low number.

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Heron[/member] I’ve got to say mate, I think you are massively underplaying the effectiveness of SackPardew and AshleyOut. From my perspective they did a brilliant job of presenting the facts in an easily accessible format and put tangible pressure on Pardew and to a lesser extent Ashley. It also helped to be able to refute and rebuff any media/ pundit twattery about us getting above our station and expecting to win the Champions League.


You guys did a great job and I’m really sad to hear AshleyOut has been reduced to such a low number.


Thanks, I appreciate you saying so. I guess my expectancy personally is to overthrow and not just be a contributory factor and Ashley remains the fish I want to fry but seemingly don't have the bait to catch the fucker.


Ultimately, I guess the point I am making is that we need to be less Black and White on issues surrounding our club and more grey. Only then, with more unity will we be heard.

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Yeah I get that but you played a major major part in making Pardew walk and that made my life a lot happier because I hated the smarmy fraud. Think we need a new one for Bruce because I’m back to wanting us to lose again and I’m sick of it. I just want to support my team and enjoy football again with a team who actually tries to compete at the sport rather than advertise some shady bastard’s tat factory.

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The issue with the trust is that they basically jumped on the unrest of the fans in order to gain a huge number of members and have literally done nothing since except a send a few (incorrectly adressed) emails and do a few polls. There was a huge amount of momentum behind it, which in my opinion should have been used to seriously attack the club/Ashley, but because of the PC element behind it the opportunity was missed.


That’s it for me.


While putting the membership down to £1 and never once promoting ourselves as a protest group. As an organisation we will do more and achieve more with a bigger member base. What we're working on in the background is really exciting and is why we made a big drive for members (event at a quid). We've done a hell of a lot since the summer, but you won't see most of it yet. In most of what we do we can't do it with a running commentary in the public eye or else things will fail - this is how the world works - half baked ideas, plans, programmes - they fail.


If you're not a protest group then how can you be planning anything exciting in the background? Obvs can't talk about it.


This is how the world works fellas. "Give us your money so we can do what we can't tell you, and keep believing it will only ever happen if you don't know what's going to happen.


I've alluded to it already..


All member organisations do things behind the scenes and then announce things once they are formulated and ready. We can't give a running commentary on things like this as it would undermine the whole thing.


I guess this a system of modern society and wanting everything now...


I've no doubt NUST needs to improve and changes to current board needed. I really hope Heron[/member] does stand for election and I will support him if he does, we've spoken at length about this over the last two days. But some of the stuff you read on twitter and  from the minority on here is just hyperbolic nonsense based on hearsay and rumour.

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