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Portsmouth FC in yet more trouble - administration again?


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Guest malandro

Why should the fans suffer when it wasn't their fault? Horrible mismanagement. I agree that the blame has to be pinned on someone though, especially in the 'current climate'.


Loads of people suffer whenever this happens, football isn't a special case.  All the staff at Garlands and Freedom Direct in this region who lost their jobs weren't to blame either.

Yes it is. Neither of the above have the social or cultural significance of a football club.


It’s hard to say if HMRC have decided to make an example out of Pompy, or if Portsmouth have been taking the piss. I’d guess it’s the later but the supporters aren’t to blame and the community needs its football club. If it ceases to exist the people who have fucked up won’t be the ones who pay the price.


Even if the ruling goes against Portsmouth I doubt they’ll be liquidated, it just sounds like a threat intended to put pressure on the court. The best result for football would be for the HMRC to win their case and a criminal investigation by the police.


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If Pompey was liquidated they'd end up reforming (like the Dons) and have to start over again as FC Pompey or something. It would still suck for their supporters; being down in the lower leagues for ages, all the uncertainty, Soton gloating, etc.

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Portsmouth can still have a football club. They'll just have one that reforms somewhere in the non-league pyramid. There is no reason why they should be let off just because they are a football club. At least they'll get to see a few seasons of consecutive winning as with the fanbase they have they'll be able to afford the best players at that level just like AFC Norbiton's ground stealers have done.


Chester, Gretna, Scarborough, Clydebank. They have all been wound up. It also happened to many clubs years ago. Aldershot being the last for a while in 1992. Why should Pompey be let off.

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Guest malandro

How many clubs have actually gone out of business (ie ceased to exist) because of debts etc? Newcastle Bluestar IIRC, but who else?


Always seems to come to nothing.

Not many. Imagine the fall out in Newcastle if NUFC were liquidated. There would be absolute hell on. The power brokers wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of the wrath that would ensue – nobody wants to be the person who killed a football club.


In many ways this is why the clubs have lost all sense of reality and I think the HMRC’s action against Portsmouth is the first significant step in getting them back in check.


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Guest malandro

Portsmouth can still have a football club. They'll just have one that reforms somewhere in the non-league pyramid. There is no reason why they should be let off just because they are a football club. At least they'll get to see a few seasons of consecutive winning as with the fanbase they have they'll be able to afford the best players at that level just like AFC Norbiton's ground stealers have done.


Chester, Gretna, Scarborough, Clydebank. They have all been wound up. It also happened to many clubs years ago. Aldershot being the last for a while in 1992. Why should Pompey be let off.

Be careful what you wish for, it could be your club next.

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Pompey is different than all of those clubs.


Pompey is actually relevant.


Not to sound like Crumpy but, South of London there are only two real teams: Soton and Pompey. The rest are just WC England fans and watchers of the egg chaser game.

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I love the argument.....it's not fair on the fans....blah blah blah


What's not fair is that the rest of the country has to make up the tax shortfall because these twunts decided to try and cheat the tax man and not pay what they owe.


Sure it's only about 75p per person in the UK.....but imagine if there was some guy in the street collecting money to pay Pompeys tax bill.  Would you give a quid?  Or 5 quid if you've wife/kids etc. Now see if you care about their fans.


Let them go bankrupt.....they wouldn't help me if the tax man came after me.


We all have to exercise fiscal responsibility in our personal lives....when not them.

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Pompey is different than all of those clubs.


Pompey is actually relevant.


Not to sound like Crumpy but, South of London there are only two real teams: Soton and Pompey. The rest are just WC England fans and watchers of the egg chaser game.


How are they different?? Because they have some fans. So what, the other clubs that went out of business were just as important to their own fans as portsmouth are to theirs. I am from the south and to say that there are only WC fans or Rugger Buggers south of London is just utterly ridiculous.


What makes one club more important than another. If NUFC were in this position then we would all moan and cry and shout to the rafters that it is unfair and we deserve special treatment but the fact would remain we wouldn't.


When my business went under did anyone make a case for me. Like fuck did they. I owed money so people got paid with what little I had and I ended up bankrupt. Maybe the Pompey fans should look at themselves and consider why they did nothing about the state their club was getting in. Oh, that's right they were all too happy to turn a blind eye to the obvious while they were winning the FA Cup. Once they start losing they ask where did all the money go? Err, on signing those players you couldn't afford on your income, dumbass!

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I love the argument.....it's not fair on the fans....blah blah blah


What's not fair is that the rest of the country has to make up the tax shortfall because these twunts decided to try and cheat the tax man and not pay what they owe.


Sure it's only about 75p per person in the UK.....but imagine if there was some guy in the street collecting money to pay Pompeys tax bill.  Would you give a quid?  Or 5 quid if you've wife/kids etc. Now see if you care about their fans.


Let them go bankrupt.....they wouldn't help me if the tax man came after me.


We all have to exercise fiscal responsibility in our personal lives....when not them.


Long term prison sentences for the guilty directors/chairmen would be a more appropriate and fair course of action.

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If PFC have taken the piss and now owe the taxman £37m and are not in a position to pay then they deserve to be liquidised.


I know it's harsh but that's the way of the world, HMRC need to make an example out of someone to ensure the 91 other clubs don't take the piss and if it's Portsmouth that bite the bullet then tough shit. They should have paid what they owed while they were clawing in millions on the back of their FA Cup win. Like I said, rough with the smooth.

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Pompey is different than all of those clubs.


Pompey is actually relevant.


Not to sound like Crumpy but, South of London there are only two real teams: Soton and Pompey. The rest are just WC England fans and watchers of the egg chaser game.


Lovely comments there about a club like Plymouth, who showed us a massive amount of decency and respect in April.

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Pompey is different than all of those clubs.


Pompey is actually relevant.


Not to sound like Crumpy but, South of London there are only two real teams: Soton and Pompey. The rest are just WC England fans and watchers of the egg chaser game.


Lovely comments there about a club like Plymouth, who showed us a massive amount of decency and respect in April.


Or Exeter City, highest placed fan owned club in the English football pyramid.

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Pompey is different than all of those clubs.


Pompey is actually relevant.


Not to sound like Crumpy but, South of London there are only two real teams: Soton and Pompey. The rest are just WC England fans and watchers of the egg chaser game.


Lovely comments there about a club like Plymouth, who showed us a massive amount of decency and respect in April.


Plymouth is more west of London than south.

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Guest Heneage

How many clubs have actually gone out of business (ie ceased to exist) because of debts etc? Newcastle Bluestar IIRC, but who else?


Always seems to come to nothing.


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Pompey is different than all of those clubs.


Pompey is actually relevant.


Not to sound like Crumpy but, South of London there are only two real teams: Soton and Pompey. The rest are just WC England fans and watchers of the egg chaser game.


Lovely comments there about a club like Plymouth, who showed us a massive amount of decency and respect in April.


Plymouth is more west of London than south.


It's south of London.


Considerably further south than Portsmouth.

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If PFC have taken the piss and now owe the taxman £37m and are not in a position to pay then they deserve to be liquidised.


I know it's harsh but that's the way of the world, HMRC need to make an example out of someone to ensure the 91 other clubs don't take the piss and if it's Portsmouth that bite the bullet then tough shit. They should have paid what they owed while they were clawing in millions on the back of their FA Cup win. Like I said, rough with the smooth.


The people who took the piss should go to jail. Those that are left deserve their football club.


Truth is that Portsmouth are a private company who can generate future tax payments to be pumped into the economy. Liquidate the club and you lose £37m plus all future tax revenues. Dont liquidate the club and get a bit back from the CVA, and get future tax revenues from a stable football club.

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I love the argument.....it's not fair on the fans....blah blah blah


What's not fair is that the rest of the country has to make up the tax shortfall because these twunts decided to try and cheat the tax man and not pay what they owe.


Sure it's only about 75p per person in the UK.....but imagine if there was some guy in the street collecting money to pay Pompeys tax bill.  Would you give a quid?  Or 5 quid if you've wife/kids etc. Now see if you care about their fans.


Let them go bankrupt.....they wouldn't help me if the tax man came after me.


We all have to exercise fiscal responsibility in our personal lives....when not them.


Long term prison sentences for the guilty directors/chairmen would be a more appropriate and fair course of action.


I would prefer both.


Portsmouth will rise again in some form or other. Like any other company who goes bankrupt they can form a new company (slight name change/slight ownership change) and then try to re-establish their business.


In the end the Portsmouth FC fans will get behind AFC Portsmouth (or whatever they get called). Might be a few places down the league but they'll be back in some guise.

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If PFC have taken the piss and now owe the taxman £37m and are not in a position to pay then they deserve to be liquidised.


I know it's harsh but that's the way of the world, HMRC need to make an example out of someone to ensure the 91 other clubs don't take the piss and if it's Portsmouth that bite the bullet then tough shit. They should have paid what they owed while they were clawing in millions on the back of their FA Cup win. Like I said, rough with the smooth.


The people who took the piss should go to jail. Those that are left deserve their football club.


Truth is that Portsmouth are a private company who can generate future tax payments to be pumped into the economy. Liquidate the club and you lose £37m plus all future tax revenues. Dont liquidate the club and get a bit back from the CVA, and get future tax revenues from a stable football club.


Liquidate the club and every single club in the country pays every penny it owes on the dot, year in year out.


Don't liquidate them and others will take the piss and HMRC might lose a hell of a lot more than that over the next 20 years or so. There will always be a club in Portsmouth so they can always tax the new club too.


Make them start from scratch.

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They should be liquidated for using the "poor us, think of the consequences" emotional blackmail when they've been cheating and breaking the law for the last 5 years! Pure bollocks to get the club in the hands of Chanrai, if they fail all that will happen is they won't get a CVA and will have a 15 point deduction.


Even if they do go tough shit, other clubs like Wimbledon and Chester have had to start at the bottom through asset stripping not Star players they couldnt afford and FA Cup wins, yet most people ignored what was happening to them. And I've never actually seen any Portsmouth fans admit they were cheating and it was wrong, everyone connected with the club is still trying to get away with it all and saying how hard done to they are.

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Liquidate the club and you lose £37m plus all future tax revenues. Dont liquidate the club and get a bit back from the CVA, and get future tax revenues from a stable football club.


On the other hand....


you could look at is as loose £37m plus all future tax revenues from PFC, but safeguard £600m {made up figure} plus all future tax revenues from the rest of the league.  Or take the smaller hit financially but look at the bigger picture longer term.


[T27 - not picking on you directly - we just seem to the ones in the thread at the moment]


I'm just not a big fan of protecting PFC because they are a football club or because they are "too big to fail" to quote a term from the recent banking turmoil.

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If PFC have taken the piss and now owe the taxman £37m and are not in a position to pay then they deserve to be liquidised.


I know it's harsh but that's the way of the world, HMRC need to make an example out of someone to ensure the 91 other clubs don't take the piss and if it's Portsmouth that bite the bullet then tough shit. They should have paid what they owed while they were clawing in millions on the back of their FA Cup win. Like I said, rough with the smooth.


The people who took the piss should go to jail. Those that are left deserve their football club.


Truth is that Portsmouth are a private company who can generate future tax payments to be pumped into the economy. Liquidate the club and you lose £37m plus all future tax revenues. Dont liquidate the club and get a bit back from the CVA, and get future tax revenues from a stable football club.


Liquidate the club and every single club in the country pays every penny it owes on the dot, year in year out.


Don't liquidate them and others will take the piss and HMRC might lose a hell of a lot more than that over the next 20 years or so. There will always be a club in Portsmouth so they can always tax the new club too.


Make them start from scratch.


I think the fear of prison for football club directors that don't pay the taxman is most likely to stop clubs offending. Obviously this requires new government legislation, but should be brought into place.


Not liquidating Portsmouth will generate significantly more tax revenue than a non-league Portsmouth.

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If PFC have taken the piss and now owe the taxman £37m and are not in a position to pay then they deserve to be liquidised.


I know it's harsh but that's the way of the world, HMRC need to make an example out of someone to ensure the 91 other clubs don't take the piss and if it's Portsmouth that bite the bullet then tough shit. They should have paid what they owed while they were clawing in millions on the back of their FA Cup win. Like I said, rough with the smooth.


The people who took the piss should go to jail. Those that are left deserve their football club.


Truth is that Portsmouth are a private company who can generate future tax payments to be pumped into the economy. Liquidate the club and you lose £37m plus all future tax revenues. Dont liquidate the club and get a bit back from the CVA, and get future tax revenues from a stable football club.


Liquidate the club and every single club in the country pays every penny it owes on the dot, year in year out.


Don't liquidate them and others will take the piss and HMRC might lose a hell of a lot more than that over the next 20 years or so. There will always be a club in Portsmouth so they can always tax the new club too.


Make them start from scratch.


I think the fear of prison for football club directors that don't pay the taxman is most likely to stop clubs offending. Obviously this requires new government legislation, but should be brought into place.


Not liquidating Portsmouth will generate significantly more tax revenue than a non-league Portsmouth.


Tough shit.


Each month the taxman takes a chunk out of my wages without me having a choice. As does my National Insurance and my pension. Once they've gone my bills get paid and I've got a certain amount to live on.


Portsmouth decided that they'd not pay their bills and invest the saved money in the squad and their wage bill. They achieved a fair amount of success with this enhanced squad and made quite a bit of extra money on the back of their FA Cup win and the European place it brought. They've lived beyond their means and have done so whilst deciding not to pay the essential bills that most other people and companies manage to. They deserve no sympathy and should be wiped out and made to start again.


It's not the fans' fault but tough shit. Get behind the new club created in Portsmoth or go and support Southampton.

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