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Is Mike Ashley steering Newcastle United in the right direction?


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We lasat won the FA Cup in 1955. Are you still celebrating that???????????????????????????


Is Mike Ashley steering Newcastle United in the right direction?


He never took over in 1956.

Happy.............you missed the point again. I will try again. What is past is past. You cant change that. History is history. You can moan, whinge, complain and protest until the cows come home but it will do no good. However, you could give the bloke the benefit of the doubt and see what he is trying to do and support him and the club. You can change the future. It doesnt mean you have to like him personally but you can appreciate the policies he is putting in place which quite clearly, is to try an avoid what happened under the shepherd regime. I thank him for that because if we continued down that path, we would oprobably have ended up another Portsmouth or Leeds. Thankfully, by putting in astute financial plans and re-building towards the future, Ashley and crew are steering us on the right path, whether you like it or not.

Astute financial plans  :laugh:


If he came out and told us what his plans were, where he sees the club being in five years time and how he intends to get us there - then we might have reason to give him the benefit of the doubt. That he won’t implies that there’s something he doesn’t want us to know, or that he doesn’t have a plan and is just making it up as he goes along, or he just can’t be arsed to let us know because it’s his club and none of our business.


In the three years since he bought the club I’ve only heard Mike Ashley utter two words, and they were f*** Off in Goal III.


no we wouldn't. we'd say talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words, just like we did in freds last years and we would have if mckeag,westwood et al had to have a public face.



edit.... no one would give a s*** about his public relations if we were doing well. fred/hall got away with loads when we were doung well.

If his intentions are good, let’s hear them. Why hide good news?

as i said earlier, doesn't matter what he says, people would just return with "actions speak louder than words" etc.

So if he came out and said ‘my plan is to spend just enough on the squad to avoid relegation for the next five years and use the extra PL income to claw back my losses’ everybody would just say it didn’t matter because actions speak louder than words would they?




Why would he do that like? 


Why would you want him to?

I’m just illustrating that words count, not as much as actions but count they do. When it comes to intentions words are the only option, and I think a lot of supporters would like to know what Ashley intentions are. All the contemptuous wall of silence achieves is uncertainty and confusion, and who does that benefit?

true in that we'd all like to know what his intentions are but no matter what he'd say peoples minds are already made up and only his actions could prove anything either way.

If you really believed that you wouldn’t be arguing the toss with me on this thread.

i would cos i'm a beligerent t***...anyway my question above is much more pertinent.

Some might say there’s one word too many in that sentence.

true. there is no need grammatically for the "much".
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No, your question is far too simplistic. I don't think anyone is asking that at all.


The question is does the owner have any ambition to take the club into a challenging position in the PL or not. Beyond that there are no guarantees, as I've always said.


Personally, I think this kind of comment is way off the mark. Newcastle were in a god almighty mess. We needed relegation to sort the club out. I don't think we have changed as much as I would like but as previously mentioned we have an upwards momentum at the moment. Our aim for next season should simply be 17th. Stay in the league. From then our target should be an increased number of points year on year. A gradual, slow building process that  keeps us financially stable, based on a good transfer model-something along the lines that Sir Bobby employed. Good young players in, and let them develop with a few senior heads around them.


That is a sustainable approach- We are not ready for European football and won't be for some time.


Where did I say anything about european football? The idiot has taken the club so far backward it'll take a few seasons to even get close to top 5 positions as achieved by the previous Board, if it ever happens again in my lifetime.


The ambition to reach that kind of position doesn't start AFTER a couple of seasons of survival in the PL and lower ambitions, it needs to start right now. It is essential to have ambition and having that level of ambition does not mean top 6 or so has to be achieved next season, obviously.


I would prefer for Ashley to have the ambition to take the club right to the top of the PL but it's enough of a stretch to want him to show enough ambition to simply keep the club in the PL at all.


Read the post properly before you reply, mate.

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No, your question is far too simplistic. I don't think anyone is asking that at all.


The question is does the owner have any ambition to take the club into a challenging position in the PL or not. Beyond that there are no guarantees, as I've always said.


Personally, I think this kind of comment is way off the mark. Newcastle were in a god almighty mess. We needed relegation to sort the club out. I don't think we have changed as much as I would like but as previously mentioned we have an upwards momentum at the moment. Our aim for next season should simply be 17th. Stay in the league. From then our target should be an increased number of points year on year. A gradual, slow building process that  keeps us financially stable, based on a good transfer model-something along the lines that Sir Bobby employed. Good young players in, and let them develop with a few senior heads around them.


That is a sustainable approach- We are not ready for European football and won't be for some time.

Perfectly put, in my opinion, and not even a mention of the name, ASHLEY. For those people on nhere, they shoul;d really underatand this post. It perfectly summarises the club at the present stage therefore implying Ashley IS steering the club in the right direction.


Well done


Patronising rubbish. 

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No, your question is far too simplistic. I don't think anyone is asking that at all.


The question is does the owner have any ambition to take the club into a challenging position in the PL or not. Beyond that there are no guarantees, as I've always said.


Personally, I think this kind of comment is way off the mark. Newcastle were in a god almighty mess. We needed relegation to sort the club out. I don't think we have changed as much as I would like but as previously mentioned we have an upwards momentum at the moment. Our aim for next season should simply be 17th. Stay in the league. From then our target should be an increased number of points year on year. A gradual, slow building process that  keeps us financially stable, based on a good transfer model-something along the lines that Sir Bobby employed. Good young players in, and let them develop with a few senior heads around them.


That is a sustainable approach- We are not ready for European football and won't be for some time.


What has relegation sorted out? Losing £500K a week? IIRC 200+ people lost there job because of it as well. If/when we go up I hope the CH & the players aim higher than 17th as missing out by 1 place & we are down, Ashley should tell them he wants them to get between 9th to 12th place. The old classic sign "Good young players" we really need to keep hush about this as other clubs who are looking for good players may start looking for good young players & them clubs who are looking for young players may start looking for good young players. I think your a bit misty eyed thinking SBR was kiddie collector he singed many players well into there careers as well go have a refresher @  http://www.nufc.com/2009-10html/transfers-robson.html . I think he signed players he thought would improve the team, the style of football he wanted us to play needed pace which you tend to find in younger players.

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No, your question is far too simplistic. I don't think anyone is asking that at all.


The question is does the owner have any ambition to take the club into a challenging position in the PL or not. Beyond that there are no guarantees, as I've always said.


Personally, I think this kind of comment is way off the mark. Newcastle were in a god almighty mess. We needed relegation to sort the club out. I don't think we have changed as much as I would like but as previously mentioned we have an upwards momentum at the moment. Our aim for next season should simply be 17th. Stay in the league. From then our target should be an increased number of points year on year. A gradual, slow building process that  keeps us financially stable, based on a good transfer model-something along the lines that Sir Bobby employed. Good young players in, and let them develop with a few senior heads around them.


That is a sustainable approach- We are not ready for European football and won't be for some time.

Perfectly put, in my opinion, and not even a mention of the name, ASHLEY. For those people on nhere, they shoul;d really underatand this post. It perfectly summarises the club at the present stage therefore implying Ashley IS steering the club in the right direction.


Well done


Patronising rubbish. 

In what way?
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Guest malandro

It could be the ‘well done, have a  gold star’ bit.


Could you explain why we needed to be relegated?


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No, your question is far too simplistic. I don't think anyone is asking that at all.


The question is does the owner have any ambition to take the club into a challenging position in the PL or not. Beyond that there are no guarantees, as I've always said.


Personally, I think this kind of comment is way off the mark. Newcastle were in a god almighty mess. We needed relegation to sort the club out. I don't think we have changed as much as I would like but as previously mentioned we have an upwards momentum at the moment. Our aim for next season should simply be 17th. Stay in the league. From then our target should be an increased number of points year on year. A gradual, slow building process that  keeps us financially stable, based on a good transfer model-something along the lines that Sir Bobby employed. Good young players in, and let them develop with a few senior heads around them.


That is a sustainable approach- We are not ready for European football and won't be for some time.

Perfectly put, in my opinion, and not even a mention of the name, ASHLEY. For those people on nhere, they shoul;d really underatand this post. It perfectly summarises the club at the present stage therefore implying Ashley IS steering the club in the right direction.


Well done




It's some of the worst claptrap I've read.


We needed relegation?  So it  was all a plan to go through 4 managers in a season.?  Income had to be halved.  You think without the capitulation to villa on the last day we might not have been able to sell those 9 overpaid wastes of space on top of the others that had already gone in January....or would it have been better to waited until May to sell Given and Nzogbia, maybe have brought in a Routledge at that time to ensure we got one more point and finishd 17th 2 years ahead of schedule on the 'slow building process'.


You want to replicate Sir Bobby's transfer "model" that saw us spend £26m on dross like Cort , Bassedas, Viana and Bramble?  Bobby never had a "model".  you can't try before you buy.  Some work out some don't.



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We needed relegation. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Fucking hell.

Dafter things have been said in this thread. Not sure I agree but there is some merit to the suggestion.

The real problem is that some have some fanciful idea that football hasn't changed since Bobby's time as manager. It has and those changes in football finance have been significant. Abramovich and Mansour have wealth that very few anywhere can compete with. We will never have  the organic growth and associated income of Man Utd either. Basically top level football is a game of how much money your owner has and it is worse than it has ever been.The days of John Hall and Jack Walker are well gone.  The biggest decision we made in the last decade was how and when we replaced Bobby. Freddie fucked that one up royally. That doesnt mean I appreciate Ashley by the way. I don't have much time for him or Freddie.

Pointless thread really as most won't listen and several seem incapable.


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The point I made earlier about it still stands;  even if we needed relegation, it was never Ashley's intent and he cannot be credited with it, nor any positive fallout from it.  At best he can be called an unwitting, if not unwilling, orchestrator.


In acting in the events leading up to it, he may have been saying/doing the right things in regards to cutting costs and wages and not paying ridiculous sums and whatever - and of course doing the wrong things in hiring/backing wise and lamby etc - but he would never have been about wanting relegation. 

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No, your question is far too simplistic. I don't think anyone is asking that at all.


The question is does the owner have any ambition to take the club into a challenging position in the PL or not. Beyond that there are no guarantees, as I've always said.


Personally, I think this kind of comment is way off the mark. Newcastle were in a god almighty mess. We needed relegation to sort the club out. I don't think we have changed as much as I would like but as previously mentioned we have an upwards momentum at the moment. Our aim for next season should simply be 17th. Stay in the league. From then our target should be an increased number of points year on year. A gradual, slow building process that  keeps us financially stable, based on a good transfer model-something along the lines that Sir Bobby employed. Good young players in, and let them develop with a few senior heads around them.


That is a sustainable approach- We are not ready for European football and won't be for some time.


What has relegation sorted out? Losing £500K a week? IIRC 200+ people lost there job because of it as well. If/when we go up I hope the CH & the players aim higher than 17th as missing out by 1 place & we are down, Ashley should tell them he wants them to get between 9th to 12th place. The old classic sign "Good young players" we really need to keep hush about this as other clubs who are looking for good players may start looking for good young players & them clubs who are looking for young players may start looking for good young players. I think your a bit misty eyed thinking SBR was kiddie collector he singed many players well into there careers as well go have a refresher @  http://www.nufc.com/2009-10html/transfers-robson.html . I think he signed players he thought would improve the team, the style of football he wanted us to play needed pace which you tend to find in younger players.


I know it's only a small part of your post, but nowhere near 200 people lost their jobs when we got relegated.

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Guest neesy111

sometimes relegation is needed to sort a club out, would shearer got rid of the like's of martins, viduka, owen, duff if we'd stayed up, i doubt it


we are a better club without those wankers

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Guest bobthemag

No, your question is far too simplistic. I don't think anyone is asking that at all.


The question is does the owner have any ambition to take the club into a challenging position in the PL or not. Beyond that there are no guarantees, as I've always said.


Personally, I think this kind of comment is way off the mark. Newcastle were in a god almighty mess. We needed relegation to sort the club out. I don't think we have changed as much as I would like but as previously mentioned we have an upwards momentum at the moment. Our aim for next season should simply be 17th. Stay in the league. From then our target should be an increased number of points year on year. A gradual, slow building process that  keeps us financially stable, based on a good transfer model-something along the lines that Sir Bobby employed. Good young players in, and let them develop with a few senior heads around them.


That is a sustainable approach- We are not ready for European football and won't be for some time.

Perfectly put, in my opinion, and not even a mention of the name, ASHLEY. For those people on nhere, they shoul;d really underatand this post. It perfectly summarises the club at the present stage therefore implying Ashley IS steering the club in the right direction.


Well done




It's some of the worst claptrap I've read.


We needed relegation?  So it  was all a plan to go through 4 managers in a season.?  Income had to be halved.  You think without the capitulation to villa on the last day we might not have been able to sell those 9 overpaid wastes of space on top of the others that had already gone in January....or would it have been better to waited until May to sell Given and Nzogbia, maybe have brought in a Routledge at that time to ensure we got one more point and finishd 17th 2 years ahead of schedule on the 'slow building process'.


You want to replicate Sir Bobby's transfer "model" that saw us spend £26m on dross like Cort , Bassedas, Viana and Bramble?  Bobby never had a "model".  you can't try before you buy.  Some work out some don't.




we needed relegation ? Is this a joke

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We needed relegation. :lol: :lol: :lol:


f***ing hell.

Dafter things have been said in this thread. Not sure I agree but there is some merit to the suggestion.

The real problem is that some have some fanciful idea that football hasn't changed since Bobby's time as manager. It has and those changes in football finance have been significant. Abramovich and Mansour have wealth that very few anywhere can compete with. We will never have  the organic growth and associated income of Man Utd either. Basically top level football is a game of how much money your owner has and it is worse than it has ever been.The days of John Hall and Jack Walker are well gone.  The biggest decision we made in the last decade was how and when we replaced Bobby. Freddie f***ed that one up royally. That doesnt mean I appreciate Ashley by the way. I don't have much time for him or Freddie.

Pointless thread really as most won't listen and several seem incapable.



I strongly believe that relegation was not necessary - but apart from that slight difference agree with what you say.

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No, your question is far too simplistic. I don't think anyone is asking that at all.


The question is does the owner have any ambition to take the club into a challenging position in the PL or not. Beyond that there are no guarantees, as I've always said.


Personally, I think this kind of comment is way off the mark. Newcastle were in a god almighty mess. We needed relegation to sort the club out. I don't think we have changed as much as I would like but as previously mentioned we have an upwards momentum at the moment. Our aim for next season should simply be 17th. Stay in the league. From then our target should be an increased number of points year on year. A gradual, slow building process that  keeps us financially stable, based on a good transfer model-something along the lines that Sir Bobby employed. Good young players in, and let them develop with a few senior heads around them.


That is a sustainable approach- We are not ready for European football and won't be for some time.


Fuck off :lol:

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No, your question is far too simplistic. I don't think anyone is asking that at all.


The question is does the owner have any ambition to take the club into a challenging position in the PL or not. Beyond that there are no guarantees, as I've always said.


Personally, I think this kind of comment is way off the mark. Newcastle were in a god almighty mess. We needed relegation to sort the club out. I don't think we have changed as much as I would like but as previously mentioned we have an upwards momentum at the moment. Our aim for next season should simply be 17th. Stay in the league. From then our target should be an increased number of points year on year. A gradual, slow building process that  keeps us financially stable, based on a good transfer model-something along the lines that Sir Bobby employed. Good young players in, and let them develop with a few senior heads around them.


That is a sustainable approach- We are not ready for European football and won't be for some time.


Fuck off :lol:


To be fair to him, people were saying that before last season. Relegation may be pushing it too far, but a drastic change was needed to let the club clear out the deadwood it had been accumulating since 2002.

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