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they'll need to upgrade gerrard, lucas, allen, henderson and 2-3 of their CB's if they want to go places long-term


he's getting a lot out of them at the moment, but i honestly can't see them being consistent challengers with that lot


plus they'll need effective backup for sturridge's injuries and suarez's goofy eating habits


Sounds like you don't rate Liverpool at all :lol:

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they'll need to upgrade gerrard, lucas, allen, henderson and 2-3 of their CB's if they want to go places long-term


he's getting a lot out of them at the moment, but i honestly can't see them being consistent challengers with that lot


plus they'll need effective backup for sturridge's injuries and suarez's goofy eating habits


Sounds like you don't rate Liverpool at all :lol:


no not at all, i love watching them play and rodgers is doing a great job with them - i would just argue if you step back they're punching above their weight at the moment and chelsea/citeh really should push on after this season and start to dominate once they spend shitloads more money



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Another thing that makes Liverpool more tolerable is Brendan Rodgers. He's kind of chilled out for the most part. Not ranting and raving on the sidelines, or talking rubbish in his press conferences. Doesn't seem all that smug either, considering how well they're doing. Liverpool are in really good shape right now. We seem so far away in comparison. It's rather depressing.

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they'll need to upgrade gerrard, lucas, allen, henderson and 2-3 of their CB's if they want to go places long-term


he's getting a lot out of them at the moment, but i honestly can't see them being consistent challengers with that lot


plus they'll need effective backup for sturridge's injuries and suarez's goofy eating habits


Sounds like you don't rate Liverpool at all :lol:


no not at all, i love watching them play and rodgers is doing a great job with them - i would just argue if you step back they're punching above their weight at the moment and chelsea/citeh really should push on after this season and start to dominate once they spend shitloads more money


Player for player, i don't think there's much between them and Arsenal :dontknow: By spending over 200 million in recent years i think they've arguably bridged the gap fairly well. I wouldn't have agreed with this prior to the kick off to the season but the way some Liverpool players have really stepped up their game and improved has been incredible. When Rodgers was announced many didn't think it was a good appointment. The board have certainly justified their choice of him over Martinez imo.

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they'll need to upgrade gerrard, lucas, allen, henderson and 2-3 of their CB's if they want to go places long-term


he's getting a lot out of them at the moment, but i honestly can't see them being consistent challengers with that lot


plus they'll need effective backup for sturridge's injuries and suarez's goofy eating habits


Sounds like you don't rate Liverpool at all :lol:


no not at all, i love watching them play and rodgers is doing a great job with them - i would just argue if you step back they're punching above their weight at the moment and chelsea/citeh really should push on after this season and start to dominate once they spend shitloads more money


Player for player, i don't think there's much between them and Arsenal :dontknow: By spending over 200 million in recent years i think they've arguably bridged the gap fairly well. I wouldn't have agreed with this prior to the kick off to the season but the way some Liverpool players have really stepped up their game and improved has been incredible. When Rodgers was announced many didn't think it was a good appointment. The board have certainly justified their choice of him over Martinez imo.


well that's why i didn't mention arsenal :lol:


chelsea are close to winning the league without a real striker and john terry still playing at the back, citeh are still in there and will always blow wads of cash in the summer regardless...manyoo are likely to blow a fucking domestic budget in the summer and all


i like what they're doing and the way they're doing it, i'm envious, but i suspect they might be in for a drop off next season

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It's hard for a club to match the likes of City/Chelsea though. Their spending power blows all the ambition the other clubs have out the water. You've got to accept you can't compete with them off the pitch then do your utmost to beat them on it.


Your owner is always going to be the most powerful tool at your club and Chelsea/City have the best around. Teams can only try and keep plugging away, spending what they can afford and hopefully capitalize on any mistakes the other clubs make on the pitch.


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60M net spend over 2 seasons.


People just forget he's spent canny bit of money on shite that you hardly see play :lol:


There's no doubt they've been good this season and they've been excellent to watch. Saying that, they've been lucky with injuries and suspensions (Suarez hasn't tried to eat anybody either which helps), they haven't been playing in Europe and (iirc) they didn't go particularly far in either of the cups. If they want to continue this league form next year they'll have to keep everyone, hope they all carry on their current form and sign a few players who are better than what they have on the bench as it is.


Not saying it can't be done but if they don't win the league this year it'll be harder for them next year. If they win it this year or next, fair play to them. They got their act together when they needed and took advantage of a poorer league. I wish we had.


I still don't like them though and would still rather any of the other three.

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was suarez not serving his ban at the start of this season, or was that last season?  so many bans for racism and eating people i forget :lol:


He started this season suspended alright. I meant that they've been lucky that he hasn't gotten himself a major suspension since :lol:

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was suarez not serving his ban at the start of this season, or was that last season?  so many bans for racism and eating people i forget :lol:


He started this season suspended alright. I meant that they've been lucky that he hasn't gotten himself a major suspension since :lol:


:lol: well quite, what was it 5 or 8 games he missed or something right...could have been more points on the board there like

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He missed something like the first 5 games. Sturridge has missed a fair few too.


If it weren't for their cup exploits i'm certain Arsenal would have more points than they currently do. They've run a number of their side into the ground and they've picked up injuries.


They've given it a go in every cup, even when they lost in the league cup they started Ramsey, Wilshere, Cazorla and others came off the bench.

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was suarez not serving his ban at the start of this season, or was that last season?  so many bans for racism and eating people i forget :lol:


He started this season suspended alright. I meant that they've been lucky that he hasn't gotten himself a major suspension since :lol:


:lol: well quite, what was it 5 or 8 games he missed or something right...could have been more points on the board there like


Was it actually that many? Man, I can't keep track of his bans :lol:

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Anyone else thinks Money is a tad over-rated ?


I keep hearing City and Chelsea are set to dominate for years/decades, but despite both of them being rich for combined 15 years (10 chelsea + 5 city), they still have won less PL titles combined than Ferguson did in the last 7 years. Yes, Ferguson was an all time great, but he showed if you build a team who can be very formidable at home, and smash the bottom 10 away from home, you'll always be in the conversation for the title, and he won more often than not.


City and Chelsea having unlimited money doesn't stop Liverpools, Arsenals, and Newcastles of this world beating the dross in the league.


A manager who knows his beans, a proper team that plays with belief and confidence, and the right purchases goes a long way to compete with oil money IMO.


I mean, Chelsea have 25 players on loan, they could probably buy the entire bottom 10 of the league and send all their players on loan too, but does it matter to their challenge this season ? No. In the end, you need around 16 capable and trust-worthy players to challenge. That's the roster, and I think you wouldn't need oil to do it.

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Where would City and Chelsea be without money?


Man Utd, Arsenal and Liverpool are all cash rich clubs.


O yea. They wouldn't be in the conversation. Perhaps I worded it wrongly, should have been. "Being helpless against money teams is a tad over-rated".


It's amazing that had it not been for a miraculous last second Agueroooooooooo goal, all City would have had to show for their 1 billion + invested in the past 5 years were 1 FA Cup and 1 League Cup (the haul that Dalglish almost managed to win in one of Liverpool's worst seasons of the last decade). City are managing a lot better off the pitch though. They are creating their brand perfectly, are innovative in social media, and properly building grassroots of the club for long-term success. Can't say the same about Chelsea, but they are managed better on the pitch and win trophies at ridiculous rate unfortunately.


But just because those are mega-rich, I don't think the hope to the rest is dead.

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Well my point is the teams you have listed are money teams.


I get what you're saying and to a certain degree Liverpool this season are indicative of that. The investment in City has been made with a view to placing them firmly at the top for a prolonged period so I think it's too early to Judge. Obviously player acquisitions are an expensive and not necessarily certain way of bridging the gap.


But there are some very rich Champions League clubs and some clubs that are commercially very successful. They will be able to offer competitive wages to a lot of good players. The Manchester City's and Chelsea's of this world can only have finite number of players after all.


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Anyone else thinks Money is a tad over-rated ?


I keep hearing City and Chelsea are set to dominate for years/decades, but despite both of them being rich for combined 15 years (10 chelsea + 5 city), they still have won less PL titles combined than Ferguson did in the last 7 years. Yes, Ferguson was an all time great, but he showed if you build a team who can be very formidable at home, and smash the bottom 10 away from home, you'll always be in the conversation for the title, and he won more often than not.


City and Chelsea having unlimited money doesn't stop Liverpools, Arsenals, and Newcastles of this world beating the dross in the league.


A manager who knows his beans, a proper team that plays with belief and confidence, and the right purchases goes a long way to compete with oil money IMO.


I mean, Chelsea have 25 players on loan, they could probably buy the entire bottom 10 of the league and send all their players on loan too, but does it matter to their challenge this season ? No. In the end, you need around 16 capable and trust-worthy players to challenge. That's the roster, and I think you wouldn't need oil to do it.




Great post and refreshing to hear.


Makes for a nice change to the "football is doomed/over" "can't compete" " no oil money" stuff the "positive crowd" (Ian/Brett ect.) post on here.

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Liverpool have Suarez though. Yes they managed to buy him when others didn't, because of his extremely dubious personal record. It has worked out perfectly for them. Similar with Sturridge, ironically a player that Rodgers was rumoured not to really want. Like our strategy of underpaying for players from France, how often can this approach really work?


I'm not sure the example of Liverpool means that the money=success argument is proved wrong. It's just an example of a team who have achieved beyond their spending level, like we did when we finished fifth. Nobody ever argues that this is impossible.


I agree you need a roster of quality players to compete, but that roster of players needs to be able to gather more points over a season than its rivals, some of whom are assembled using oil money.


As an aside, Man Utd desperately needed Van Persie to win the league, if they'd failed to attract him then City would have won it easily IMO.

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Let's not forget Liverpool have spent some money on that side. They spent nearly 20m on Sakho for god's sake.


They were in the top 4 for net spend last summer, and spent on Coutinho and Sturridge in January, so they are hardly scraping by.


The football is impressive and the improvement in some players is also a real achievement mind you.

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Let's not forget Liverpool have spent some money on that side. They spent nearly 20m on Sakho for god's sake.


They were in the top 4 for net spend last summer, and spent on Coutinho and Sturridge in January, so they are hardly scraping by.


The football is impressive and the improvement in some players is also a real achievement mind you.


Good post.


Even 'Hendo from Wembo' cost them a fair few bob. I have to say (and this is inexcusably arrogant of me, I know) but the PL top clubs seems to spend its money really unwisely IMO. Especially the likes of Chelsea. The league should really be a no-contest, but fair play to Liverpool (and more so to Arsenal IMO) - while they're not exactly paupers, they're rubbing elbows with teams that should be clear sailing.

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So many of their players have developed under Rodgers, he's the main reason. Sturridge is a f***ing pisstake, he has something like 28 in 35 since he joined. And what's happend to Sterling and Henderson this year is just remarkable.


Tbf Sturridge has always scored goals when ever he started games.


At Bolton he couldn't stop scoring and at Chelsea when he got regular games even though it was on the right wing he still was their top scorer at the time :lol:


The bloke clearly has a knack for finding the back of the net.


As for Sterling i have always liked him right from the get go, sure he was raw as all kids are but he clearly had talent to do something great if he continue to improve.


I'll give you Henderson, but at the end of the day none of these players are scrubs they all had potential to be good players and in Sturrridge's case great.


While Rodgers deserves a boat load of credit, its not like he's taken Shola type players and made them quality.

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