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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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What position is Ben Arfa please.




Is that actually where he plays though, like, most frequently? Truth be told i've always thought he was a winger; know little about him though. I'm not denying that an upgrade anywhere on the pitch will help us - but if he's not a forward then i think we're putting all our eggs (as appears) in the wrong basket. :undecided: But if he is a forward then it's all gravy.

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What position is Ben Arfa please. AM/F/LC?


Left wing or in the hole.


It's been strongly implied that Hughton has promised him the latter.


Really... come on sign and I will put you in my hole.

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What position is Ben Arfa please. AM/F/LC?

He's versatile as he can play on either wing, CM or as a second striker. His best position imo is as a playmaking second striker, he's accomplished on the wing too though. Wouldn't be able to do a job in CM though, he just won't do the defensive side.

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What position is Ben Arfa please. AM/F/LC?


He's versatile as he can play on either wing, CM or as a second striker. His best position imo is as a playmaking second striker, he's accomplished on the wing too though. Wouldn't be able to do a job in CM though, he just won't do the defensive side.


Same as Nolan then, except he can't do the attacking side either.

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It would be completely pointless to sign a player like Ben Arfa then stick him out on the wing IMO. Unless there are injuries.


He needs to be given free reign, because that's what we need.

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What position is Ben Arfa please. AM/F/LC?


He's versatile as he can play on either wing, CM or as a second striker. His best position imo is as a playmaking second striker, he's accomplished on the wing too though. Wouldn't be able to do a job in CM though, he just won't do the defensive side.


Same as Nolan then, except he can't do the attacking side either.

:lol: he really is an abomination of a footballer.

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It would be completely pointless to sign a player like Ben Arfa then stick him out on the wing IMO. Unless there are injuries.



Even out wide though he'll produce more of a threat than either Jonas or Routledge.  With a striker like Andy Carrol we'd be better off with a winger like Etherington than Jonas,  we need an "old fashioned" type winger who will get to the bye line and swing the ball over.

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Guest taps01

So where are we up to with this?  Am i right in thinking they have released a statement saying that it will all be sorted within two days?

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So where are we up to with this?  Am i right in thinking they have released a statement saying that it will all be sorted within two days?


Pretty much, aye. Not a statement, but a comment from their president.

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What position is Ben Arfa please. AM/F/LC?


Thanks to Sewelly's abuse of Nolan in the match thread, I've learned a new word tonight - Trequartista!


If I've understood right, it's an intermediate position between midfield and striker eg Beardsley, Bellamy, Gavin Peacock. It does sound like that's the role Hughton has in mind.

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Would he work hard and drop back in?













so its either
















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Guest taps01

So where are we up to with this?  Am i right in thinking they have released a statement saying that it will all be sorted within two days?


Pretty much, aye. Not a statement, but a comment from their president.



What are the chances of this being sorted within 48 hours?! I have my doubts.

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Wonder where Sewelly got that lingo from... ;)


Tbh i can't say i fully understand the trequartista role - but it can be a bit of a nightmare imo. One thing's for sure, you need to be the most mobile and zippy person on the pitch. If they're an intermediate between attack and midfield, then they've got more jobs to do. To have a positive effect on the attacking nature of the side... they need to have the stamina and vision of a great CM, and the instincts of a great CF. Take any one of those cogs out, and it's simply a pointless detriment.


Owen played a similar role fucking brilliantly... he was decent infront of goal, and as it happened - he could pick out a peach of a pass. But Nolan man, fucking hell. It doesn't even bare thinking about.


If we're gonna shoehorn him into the side no matter what - just stick him upfront ffs.

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Guest zinaldo1982

The line up should be if the followings occur,bellamy and ben arfa sign.


...................................1 Harper...........................................

2 Perch.....................3 Coloccini......4 Williamson.....5 Henrique....

...................................6 Guthrie.....7.Smith..................................

8. Gutierrez............................................................9 Bellamy.....

.......................................10.Ben arfa........................................

.....................................11 Carroll...........................................


This team would have pace and creativity to get goals with ben arfa just needed to do his magic in the final third and him being so good at picking runs i could see craig being able to hit at least 10 to 12 goals this year,no more barton and nolan because they are rubbish and maybe try and bring in some other players.

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Guest Pedro_de_geordieo

The line up should be if the followings occur,bellamy and ben arfa sign.


...................................1 Harper...........................................

2 Perch.....................3 Coloccini......4 Williamson.....5 Henrique....

...................................6 Guthrie.....7.Smith..................................

8. Gutierrez............................................................9 Bellamy.....

.......................................10.Ben arfa........................................

.....................................11 Carroll...........................................


This team would have pace and creativity to get goals with ben arfa just needed to do his magic in the final third and him being so good at picking runs i could see craig being able to hit at least 10 to 12 goals this year,no more barton and nolan because they are rubbish and maybe try and bring in some other players.


I think Sol Campbell will have a place there

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