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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest neesy111

David Craig being a cunt on SSN.


What's the twat saying?


Wasn't actually being a cuntish twat, so I'm a bit taken back. Basically said the North-East had swallowed its bitter pill and was rebuilding. That Newcastle fans had started to 'forgive' Mike Ashley, and could see he was looking after the club. That we didn't understand how close we were to becoming Portsmouth.


we were close? hmm, don't believe that, as if the club was bad financially someone would of picked it up on the cheap, and probably ran it a far site better than ashley

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Guest neesy111

  Everyday the chnace of us signing him are getting slim.....




1 less day of the transfer window available.....

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So basically, Marseille asked his agents to find a club, they got him on to Newcastle, we offered everything that Marseille had asked for, and now they're backtracking.


Don't think we've done a single thing wrong here, they've just got a bigger knob of an owner than us by the sound of it.

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The qoutes from his lawyer:


His lawyer , Mr Jean - Jacques Bertrand, confirmed on RTL for the former Lyonnais "never return to the Commandery."


"It is like a woman who finds her husband in bed with someoneHas he explained . There is more confidence. In this case , Hatem has never said anything against anyone , against his club coach cons ... He made it clear already last season , he left it would be better elsewhere. And early in the season, coach, athletic director and the president asked him to find another club and it was not within the choice of the coach. It has been said explicitly and repeatedly." This situation, OM has "totally due" he accused . "This is not Hatem Ben Arfa who has found Newcastle . OM It has commissioned a number of officers who found Newcastle."


While Jean -Claude Dassier said Thursday that there was "offers no solid and serious from the Magpies" Mr. Bertrand provides that "Newcastle has accepted all the conditions that wanted the OM has always said to respect the club and towards Hatem he agreed to a loan with an option to purchase ". " Newcastle has agreed to our knowledge the conditions that have wished OM . Truly even that side there is something that is not observed in respect of the player"



You the best Hindu

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I think it's always been clear we had not done anything wrong. People just want to imagine this is the case in order to continuously have a go at the owner. At the end of the day Ben Arfa looks like he is a bit of a tricky character, and so a loan with a view to a permanent deal is ideal. I imagine most clubs after him would be looking for this sort of deal. We met the conditions for this which they wanted, and now they're being silly. He would be a good addition, but ultimately I hope we move on to ther targets if this isn't cleared up soon.

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Sorted.. what a  fkn fkn right on it was.. cable is so slow today and no good messing with little images.


massive background was so laggy.


Christ lad, just let Marley do the graphic work whilst you concentrate on drinking.

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