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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Id call Jonas & Obertan wingers every day of the week, bizarre topic to argue  :lol:


Back to the whole Ben Arfa actually getting in the side topic


I dont see how people can look past Pardew stating that he doesnt believe Ben Arfa enjoys playing there, that opinion will have come from some form of discussion. Potentially a discussion that was involved in the lad signing for us, add in the lack of defensive work as others have stated and its not a clear situation atall. It likely is between him & best imo & that isnt an obvious choice by any means either.



On Ben Arfa’s return, Pardew said: “Yes, he did some great stuff up front for us but look at his work at the other end.


“He works really, really hard and I said to him, ‘Coming into this team, the one thing the other players are wanting to see from you is energy,’ because that is what we have had all year.


“Every player who has come in has given me energy and he did give me that, and extra quality.


“Hopefully he can take us forward. Actually coming out of this game when we get everyone back, we could be a stronger side.”


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his most important contribution was giving away a daft penalty.


What a load of garbage. Such a mackem anti-NUFC s***


Well, no, it's actually a fact. :lol:


Who would you be supporting right now if Hatem had signed for the mackems, eh? Such a whore.


The penalty is a fact yes but it's "his most important contribution" for RDT posters.

Hatem hadn't signed for the mackems, so you question is pointless as usual and he didn't choose Newcastle by accident.

The subject here isn't my person neither, but the load of s*** you're capable of when talking about this player.


It clearly was his most important contribution, you fairy. He played well but that's the only action that directly impacted the scoreline.


By all means attack my opinions, although it's becoming very tedious to say the least. Quite laughable that you (and countless other minions) come on here looking for an argument with those of us who pay your fantasy man's salary. That it offends you so deeply that I want him to play RW says everything that needs to be said about you as a person - if joining this forum simply because of one player didn't already.


Nothing offends me young boy and absolutely not the fact you want him to play RW.

Was just pointing out your big "expertise" about him ("a player who's played his best football out wide") and if you had a minimum of "savoir vivre" (and brain) you would have welcome people like me and the minions who are able to inform you about a player you know nothing about, instead of telling them everyday that they're strangers and therefor without valid arguments to oppose to yours, even if yours are absolutely s*** 

What a beautiful mentality.








You also seem unable to accept that the vast majority of us just want NUFC to win games and Ben Arfa's personal development must be achieved secondary to this. We're not a circus for him to perform tricks; we're a proud football club that will embrace a highly talented and enigmatic footballer such as Hatem should he contribute to our cause.




Good post  :thup:

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Id call Jonas & Obertan wingers every day of the week, bizarre topic to argue  :lol:


Back to the whole Ben Arfa actually getting in the side topic


I dont see how people can look past Pardew stating that he doesnt believe Ben Arfa enjoys playing there, that opinion will have come from some form of discussion. Potentially a discussion that was involved in the lad signing for us, add in the lack of defensive work as others have stated and its not a clear situation atall. It likely is between him & best imo & that isnt an obvious choice by any means either.


Pretty much spot on that.



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It's a good post because Ronaldo talks about facts.


What you, CT, tend to post is not facts, but whatever bullshit you've dreamt up to justify your ludicrous opinions.


They're opinions laddy.  :)


Surely the forum is open to the normal fan who just pays his money, takes his seat in the ground and watches the game as well as the skilled internet soopafan who has played half way around europe on football manager.


You might not agree with my opinion but feel free to show me anything Ive said which is made up.

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Your opinions are based on a lot of conjecture about Ben Arfa's character and his behavior. It's funny that you talk about the forum being open to people who watches the game as well as the internet soopafan. Well, from where I'm sitting, it seems that you've made up your mind about Ben Arfa without actually having seen him play. That's why people jump on your opinions. If you were, say, someone who has watched him before this, then maybe your opinion on him, his style of play and his character would be more valid and the reasonable people on here would respond to you more favorably.


People who have made their minds up about Ben Arfa being shit (I'm paraphrasing) have clearly a) ignored his entire career, and b) have decided that 300 minutes of football after returning from a year-long injury is enough to form a reliable opinion on his footballing ability and traits.


If you think that he hasn't looked good so far, then look at his career. That should be enough to convince you that he merits a real chance and a real run in the team, preferably many matches in a row over a period of many months. I've commented on Ramsey's improvement over the past 6 months, whose recovery timeframe is one that I would expect Ben Arfa's to parallel.

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I'm also quite certain that people's harsh opinions on Ben Arfa will soften over time. He's an incredible player. You will all become fanboys; it's just a matter of when.


He's capable of elevating us to a level that no one in our squad currently, and no one in the world that we can reasonably expect to buy, can.

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I'm also quite certain that people's harsh opinions on Ben Arfa will soften over time. He's an incredible player. You will all become fanboys; it's just a matter of when.


He's capable of elevating us to a level that no one in our squad currently, and no one in the world that we can reasonably expect to buy, can.


This is why the whole fanboy argument is pointless.


Yes, some people love Ben Arfa beyond what might be considered "reasonable" based on what he's done for us, and forgive him more errors than other players too. But that's because he plays football with freedom, without fear, and how it should be played. He takes risks in order to produce magic, and his potential is amazing if we give him a chance.


He plays football how it's supposed to be played, he's the sort of player football fans are supposed to go mental over, especially Newcastle ones.

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Christmas Tree's display pic is making me hate Shane Ferguson.  I keep assuming CT looks like a 13 year old with special needs (posting history would confirm he most probably does) and I now don't like little Fergie. 


You bastad, what have you done  :tickedoff:

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his most important contribution was giving away a daft penalty.


What a load of garbage. Such a mackem anti-NUFC s***


Well, no, it's actually a fact. :lol:


Who would you be supporting right now if Hatem had signed for the mackems, eh? Such a whore.


The penalty is a fact yes but it's "his most important contribution" for RDT posters.

Hatem hadn't signed for the mackems, so you question is pointless as usual and he didn't choose Newcastle by accident.

The subject here isn't my person neither, but the load of s*** you're capable of when talking about this player.


It clearly was his most important contribution, you fairy. He played well but that's the only action that directly impacted the scoreline.


By all means attack my opinions, although it's becoming very tedious to say the least. Quite laughable that you (and countless other minions) come on here looking for an argument with those of us who pay your fantasy man's salary. That it offends you so deeply that I want him to play RW says everything that needs to be said about you as a person - if joining this forum simply because of one player didn't already.

f*** me, this is like the offside rule. this means that his pass to ba is only important if ba scores, 99.9% of a game of football is unimportant, also there would have been no problem in his giving away the penalty if the penalty is subsequently missed. you don't hear many people saying that at the match do you "hey our full back has given the ball away every time he's had it but it's not important as the score line is still 0-0.
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Christmas Tree's display pic is making me hate Shane Ferguson.  I keep assuming CT looks like a 13 year old with special needs (posting history would confirm he most probably does) and I now don't like little Fergie. 


You bastad, what have you done  :tickedoff:



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I was merely pointing out that as encouraging as his display was, there's really nothing we can take from it that could defend destroying a partnership that has won us games. Look at the context next time, Madras.

yes there was, he set up one of the best chances in the game and very nearly scored. best/ba wouldn't have won against citeh so it's still very much open. it may even be that our best formation may come after it's been tried and lost a game, believe it or not, teams do lose games with their best formation available. you happen to think best/ba is the best available use of resources, i don't but even then any change may take time to work.


oh btw, i got the context spot on, you were just doing whatever it took, no matter how daft to paint your side of the argument a nicer colour.

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