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Aston Villa appoint Alex McLeish as new manager

Fenham Mag

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Shame but Hughton looks like he's finding it tricky to find a job. Can imagine Championship clubs are wary about whether it was just the sheer quality of the side that helped get him promoted while Premier League sides will always tend to go for the bigger name.

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Hughes is first choice for Lerner at #AVFC. Only other candidate is David Moyes but I dont think he will leave #EFC.


I knew (as in, from mouth of a very important horse) last summer that Lerner really rates Moyes and Hughes. This was before MON had left, even.


It will be Hughes. What's in it for Moyes? He'd come here, spend lots of money and finish 6th - 8th. He can stay at Everton, not spend much, finish 6th-8th.


It's not worth his hassle.

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Guest Roger Kint

Mark Hughes to Villa? The Mirror saying it's due to be confirmed today.


Seems the obvious choice given his contract ended yesterday. Some people mentioned Anchelotti but cant see that at all, would surely stay in London if anything.

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Is there any club that Mark Hughes won't leave any other club for btw? :lol:


His loyalty on FM must be 1 :laugh:


??? He left Blackburn for Man City but apart from that...


Seems like it was always agreed with Fulham that he'd be fucking off if a proper job came along, but he'd help them out in the mean time.

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Guest Chubby Jason

Hughes will ramp up the dickhead factor if he ends up at a bigger club like Villa. He was insufferable while he was at Man City.

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Wasn't he close to leaving Fulham for Villa like a month after he joined Fulham too? That's what I was getting at.


Must just love the West Midlands or something :D

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It'll be interesting to see what sort of job Hughes does there. He did excellent at Blackburn picking up the pieces that Souness left there, and established them as a decent mid table side. At Fulham he's had a good season, not an easy job taking over from Woy. However at ManShitty, I thought he was terrible, really with the resources available to him he should have done a lot better than he did. Got a feeling he may be one of those small club managers, one who thrieves in a low expectation/less pressure situation but struggles when he has to deal with bigger clubs who are less forgiving. Aston Villa will give him another chance to manage a big club, lets see how he does.

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Thought he was unlucky to get the sack from Man City at the time.


Would have probably missed out on 3rd place this season but would have played much more attractive football imo.

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