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Kevin Nolan

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Not sure on what planet it could be a bad thing when the Captain/Leader of the team agrees to a new deal




Very happy with this news. Far better players have brought far less than he has. Could easily see him continue to get 8-10 goals a season for the next few years.

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Probably our most effective player, as much as it hurts to admit that.


Never in a million years. Certainly not without Carroll - and when we had Carroll, he himself was probably our most effective.


Tiote, Coloccini and Barton are more effective for me, but each to their own.

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Not sure on what planet it could be a bad thing when the Captain/Leader of the team agrees to a new deal




Very happy with this news. Far better players have brought far less than he has. Could easily see him continue to get 8-10 goals a season for the next few years.


Lets not be silly, Butt was never a leader without Woy Keane to hold his hand

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Can see him being our manager one day.



Why would someone say something like this? People really think that highly of Nolan? Wow.


Anyway ... Can't help but feel we're all set for a huge let down from him next season. He struggles physically, and every year is going to be like five for him compared to the better conditioned premier league athletes around him. Hopefully as some have said already, he will be more of a squad player.

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I'll wait to see who we sign in the summer before deciding if this is good news or not. Hopefully we will use the Carroll money to sign quality and Nolan has been given a new contract because he's an influential squad member.


Eh? Surely keeping hold of our club captain is good news regardless of how much we spend? :lol:


It's about standards. Ambitious clubs don't want players like Nolan no matter how well he's done in our eyes. If he's been given a new contract as a player who has earned it I've no problem with that. If he's been given a new contract to cement his place in the first team for the next three years then it means we are happy with being a top 10 club IMO.


why is it always one thing or another? can you think of any other newly prompted club that would be talking about not being happy as a top 10 club in their first season back up? yes we have a good fan base, and have a good recent history in the PL, but if we want to be in the top 10 and higher we need a solid foundation to build on, not to start demanding europe after one season back in the PL. The club should always be ambitious and look to get better, but right now we should be looking at cementing our premier league status. This season isn't over yet, and by the end of it we may not be sitting in the top 10. many clubs have done well in their first PL season, only to get relegated the season after.


Being a top 10 club mean competing with the likes of Bolton, Aston Villa and Everton, clubs that are better than us now squad wise (had we not sold our only decent striker, i'd say we were level with them, but we have no attack at the moment). If in the next couple of years we can get to a position when we are consistently challenging the likes of Villa and Everton then we will have done very well. if we can push on after that then great, but right now we need to be focussing on challenging them, and its players like Nolan which will help us do that.


Having a player like Nolan in the midfield limits the type of football you can play IMO. He's more of a Sam Allardyce player than a Keegan or Robson type. With £35m available I'd like to think we could aim to progress rather than just survive over the next three years. So it's fine to give Nolan a new contract as long as he's part of the rebuilding phase, not the final solution, that's all I'm saying.

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Guest Loven11

KEVIN NOLAN reckons that Newcastle are better off without Andy Carroll - and so are his kids!


Some of the Toon army will not agree when they see Carroll taking on his hometown club wearing the red of Liverpool.


But Nolan is adamant the astonishing £35million banked by owner Mike Ashley will fire his club onto the next level - even if his wife has lost a babysitter.


Providing Carroll passes a fitness test, tomorrow promises to be an emotional afternoon for the Liverpool-born Toon skipper.


The two are the best of pals and Carroll, 22, lived at Nolan's house last year as part of bail conditions on an assault charge that was later dropped.


Hitman Carroll also had his Range Rover torched while it was parked on Nolan's drive.


Three months later, though, Carroll was off to Merseyside and the Nolan family lost their long-haired, live-in nanny.


Was Carroll's caring side hard to replace? Nolan laughed: "You're joking, aren't you? I wouldn't leave him with my kids. He'd probably have the house burned down, or the car!


"People blame Andy for going but you can't really blame anyone - the money was absolutely unbelievable for the club.


"If a club pays £35m for you, anyone in any business would say you've got to go. If you can get four or five players in for that, it works the best way.


"It's worked out better for us that Andy has gone although we'd love to have him still.


"If he was here we'd probably have a few more points and would be able to build a great team around him."


The idea of hellraiser Carroll stopping with Nolan, 28, and his missus was a strange one and he added: "When you look back on it now, it was very bizarre but it worked.


"In our family that's what we do for our friends, I've been brought up like that.


"Even now down in Liverpool my family are there for him. Even though he feels detached from his family, he knows if he needs it he's got someone to go and lean on."


It could have gone wrong for Alan Pardew's men after flogging Carroll.


But Toon have continued to battle and can now sit back knowing their Premier League survival is all but secured.


Nolan added: "We're not just a one-man band, everyone's seen that. We've done well."



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I hope he's not going to be on a big money contract. Someone was saying before the game that Liverpool looked weak in midfield before the game with Spearing in there. Well he doesn't look that great but he's pissed all over Nolan all game. Absolutely pissed on him.

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Guest BooBoo

For the second match in a row, the game has completely passed him by. Pathetic pair of performances.

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Guest BooBoo

I'm not a Nolan hater but his performances in the last two games have been shameful.

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Absolutely pathetic today. If he had a pay as you play deal, he could start 30 games a season and be lucky if he's paid for half of them. If he doesn't score I can't remember the last time he's played above a six out of ten.

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Needs to lose his position in the first team next season. Alongside Ameobi, Lovenkrands, Best, etc etc.


Best actually was the best of that bunch in his time that season. We really miss him imo. Far a better striker than Loven and Shola.

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Guest BooBoo

Needs to lose his position in the first team next season. Alongside Ameobi, Lovenkrands, Best, etc etc.


Best actually was the best of that bunch in his time that season. We really miss him imo. Far a better striker than Loven and Shola.


Agreed, at least with Best he has a bit of threat about him. Lovenkrands and Ameobi are dismally powder puff.

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Why? Best is in the same boat as Nolan for me. Mediocre player who has done OK in a few games and so has decent stats, but is still...mediocre.


We can't build a team around players of that calibre because the truth is they just suck when they aren't putting the ball in the back of the net. Because they're in the team, we're overly reliant on a handful of good players (Colo, Jonas, Barton, Tiote, Enrique) to carry everyone else as they're the only ones remotely comfortable on the ball. As soon as a couple of them aren't performing, the entire team turns to s*** because the others (including Nolan and Best) are gash in their general play. It's especially telling when Barton has an off game (which is pretty often tbh) because we have sod all creativity coming from anyone else.


Our aim this summer should be to reduce the ratio of mediocre players we have and increase the number of good ones so that we have a team which is actually comfortable on the ball on top of being able to score goals/stretch teams/etc, without being completely reliant on a few players to carry others. Nolan would be the first on my list to go beause we'd probably be able to rob someone blind given the amount of goals he's picked up this year, on top of which I have absolutely no faith in him maintaining his current (shocking) levels of fitness into his early 30's. The guy can barely run at times, I don't remember Lampard or Scholes looking like this when they were in their late 20's. Who knows what state he'll be in for next season after a whole summer of more chainsmoking and McD's. Let someone else worry about it for £8m.

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How does Nolan come out with these two lines?


"It's worked out better for us that Andy has gone although we'd love to have him still.


"If he was here we'd probably have a few more points and would be able to build a great team around him."


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Guest Roger Kint

Finishing has been s*** today which makes him useless


Been a lot of shit perfeormances on that pitch, at least he is getting into the right areas. More than to be said of others today.

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