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Wayne Rooney


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Alternatively you have a system which FIFA have proposed which could be interpreted as being made to maintain the current status quo. 


Can't say I've read the plans in detail, but if the amount you can spend on wages is linked to 50% of turnover, that pretty much ends (however unlikely it is anyway) anyone without 50k+ stadium the chance of EVER winning the league.  At least, as it currently stands, a billionaire could buy Blackpool and buy his way to the title by spending huge sums.


But I agree - there isn't exactly an easy answer.


Minimum salary cap and maximum salary cap.


Those teams which want to max the cap out can, those who choose not to, then fair enough.


But it will have to be agreed with The clubs and players union. 


and I hate to say it but TV money would probs have an influance on it.

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Alternatively you have a system which FIFA have proposed which could be interpreted as being made to maintain the current status quo. 


Can't say I've read the plans in detail, but if the amount you can spend on wages is linked to 50% of turnover, that pretty much ends (however unlikely it is anyway) anyone without 50k+ stadium the chance of EVER winning the league.  At least, as it currently stands, a billionaire could buy Blackpool and buy his way to the title by spending huge sums.


But I agree - there isn't exactly an easy answer.


Minimum salary cap and maximum salary cap.


Those teams which want to max the cap out can, those who choose not to, then fair enough.


But it will have to be agreed with The clubs and players union. 


and I hate to say it but TV money would probs have an influance on it.


How does the minimum salary cap work?

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Maybe I was taken in by their constant announcements about how they planned to break even in x number of years...!!  I still think their finances aren't as bad as they were though.


They had plans to break even but then realised it was never going to happen, they aint got the fans to back up the massive wages that Terry, Lampard, Drogba and that german fella were on.


It was unsustainable, especially for Roman after the crunch.

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Guest Stephen927

Needs to forget a lot of what Fergie has told him and go back to the player we saw for England in 2004. Otherwise...





yeah... fergie did kinda fuck him up as a player. It was actually capello that told him to play rooney through the middle last year, which got the best out of him.


Ferguson reigned him in, which helps with his disciplinary record that was what made him effective.


People always used to say he loves football, would just kick a ball against a wall for hours, I don't get that feeling from him anymore. He really needs to look abroad, new start.

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I'll never quite understand how or why people criticise players for leaving for money.  If I was Rooney and was acknowledged as being one of the top 10 players in the world and saw other such players being paid double what I was, I would want parity with them (see Messi, Ronaldo, Ibrahimovic's wage for example).  It's the same in any job - if you are not paid the market rate for your skills, you are bound to be unhappy.  I would be pretty annoyed if someone as good as me was being paid double my salary.


People just seem to apply a different set of rules to footballers and I can't work out why.  Football is a job to most footballers.  End of.


Because its generally unrealistic.   He should have some f***ing common sense and realise that Ya Ya Toure is on over the top wages because they are backed by lunatic arabs.


No f***ing player is worth 200k plus a weel.  No one.


Very few clubs can pay the overinflated prices for players, no matter how good they are.


I bet Man U offered him a fair wedge.


THis is exactly whats wrong with football, its all about earnings amongst the players rather then the sport itself.


I can just picture the England camp now after losng to Germany, all sittign about smoking cigars bemoaning their wages.


f*** off you greedy c***s, you have a repsosibility towards the game yourselves.




Rooney has won every trophy there is to win in the domestic game apart from the League Cup, which he's probably not arsed about anyway.

A move to Man City will probably guarantee him more trophies than he's likely to win at Man Utd over the next 7-8 years, as well as a shitload of cash.

Add to that the prospect of playing in front of proper football fans instead of plastic cockney wankers and it seems like a no-brainer to me.



think he won theleague cup... it's the fa cup that he hasn't won, isn't it?

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Alternatively you have a system which FIFA have proposed which could be interpreted as being made to maintain the current status quo. 


Can't say I've read the plans in detail, but if the amount you can spend on wages is linked to 50% of turnover, that pretty much ends (however unlikely it is anyway) anyone without 50k+ stadium the chance of EVER winning the league.  At least, as it currently stands, a billionaire could buy Blackpool and buy his way to the title by spending huge sums.


But I agree - there isn't exactly an easy answer.


Minimum salary cap and maximum salary cap.


Those teams which want to max the cap out can, those who choose not to, then fair enough.


But it will have to be agreed with The clubs and players union. 


and I hate to say it but TV money would probs have an influance on it.


How does the minimum salary cap work?



A team would have to hit the minimum cap, simple.


Now i dont think for one miunte the exact model that works for the NHL will work for the prem etc but at leats its a starting model.


And it has the players best interests at heart as well.



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Maybe I was taken in by their constant announcements about how they planned to break even in x number of years...!!  I still think their finances aren't as bad as they were though.


Their finances do have improved, but they still lost 50m last year (I think) and their revenue is nowhere near the place needed to keep the team challenging for trophies when the likes of Drogba, Anelka, Lampard, Cole... are on the wrong side of 30.

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Guest neesy111

Maybe I was taken in by their constant announcements about how they planned to break even in x number of years...!!  I still think their finances aren't as bad as they were though.


Their finances do have improved, but they still lost 50m last year (I think) and their revenue is nowhere near the place needed to keep the team challenging for trophies when the likes of Drogba, Anelka, Lampard, Cole... are on the wrong side of 30.


They are cutting their wage bill rapidly, hence why the like's of Ballack were not retained.

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The clubs, the owners of the clubs, the players/ players union/TV all have a collective responsibility to keep the league competitive.


Since when has football been competitive and not unfair? Not for 30-40 years in this country, not forever in most European countries where there's a gulf beyond 2 or 3 teams. I don't care if that's created by a rich owner or marketing to Japs, Yanks and Scandinavians or just the amount of gloryhunters, the end result is the same. Ferguson built Manu with funds that make Dalglish at Blackburn look like a wheeler dealer, Real Madrid were built by Franco's dictatorship and only a few years ago were bailed out by the government to the tune of 300m. That's not fair either.


I'm sure Blackburn fans treasure their title more than Manu fans do theirs and I'm sure the Scots are dying for someone else to compete in their lifetime, there's only one way that's going to happen.

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I just don't get that.  We live in a free market, where people are paid what they are worth. 


Who are you to say no footballer is worth 200k a week?  Are film stars 'worth' £10 million a film?  Are pop stars worth £4 million an album (plucking these figures out of the air now...)?  Are F1 drivers worth £20 million a year?  Are basketball players worth £20 million a year?  Do you think the above are all sitting there doing it for the love of cinema/music/ sport?  No... and why should they?


Football is a global business.  This whole idea that footballers shouldn't be allowed to maximise their earnings is outdated and overly simplistic.


No footballer is worth 200k a week, f*** me man, the game will seriously suffer if this is the s*** thats happening with players an agents.


The clubs, the owners of the clubs, the players/ players union/TV all have a collective responsibility to keep the league competitive.


Paying greedy one track minded footballers 200k a week is not one of the ways to do this.


Whats going to happen when UEFA enforce the new rules?  How will Man City and other funded clubs like themselves resolve rediculous wage structures?



Dont just sit and think "this is great its man citys turn now".  It not great for the league as a whole, it will turn fans away.


Who is to say the next TV deal with Sky wont be less ??  We have massive cuts and peopel losing jobs coming up.


f***ing thinking about it for a second man.






I have 'f***ing' thought about it.  What I don't understand is your view that players shouldn't be paid what they are worth in the market.  Wages are, like it or not, affected by whatever clubs are willing to pay.  If clubs don't think Rooney is worth 200k a week - they won't pay him 200k a week and Rooney will have to be happy with whatever Man United are willing to offer him.


I also still don't understand why you think football should any different from certain other entertainment industries?  Football is an entertainment industry.  When people think football costs too much, people will stop going and then revenues will fall.  Then there will be a realignment of wages etc etc.  It is the nature of most, if not all, economic cycles.


And quite why players should have any sense of moral obligation not to be paid as much as they want is beyond me.    The players don't owe the fans any sense of moral obligation.  They are employees of the club and perfectly entitled to negotiate a contract in any fashion they wish.


For the sake of a competitive league a grip on wages is the best thing,  Rooney or any other footballer is not worth 200k a week.  Stop kidding yourself.


This stupid wage is down to crazy billionaires breaking the transfer market and pay over the odds for average players.


Milner, howay man.


Man City are paying way way above market value for these players in transfers and paying them in wages way way way above the market value.


This then has a masive knock on effect to other players then thinking its the norm to earn a massive wage.


Man City are paying for transfers and salaries way over the market value to take a short cut to the top.






I don't think you quite get the concept of "market value".

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Alternatively you have a system which FIFA have proposed which could be interpreted as being made to maintain the current status quo. 


Can't say I've read the plans in detail, but if the amount you can spend on wages is linked to 50% of turnover, that pretty much ends (however unlikely it is anyway) anyone without 50k+ stadium the chance of EVER winning the league.  At least, as it currently stands, a billionaire could buy Blackpool and buy his way to the title by spending huge sums.


But I agree - there isn't exactly an easy answer.


Minimum salary cap and maximum salary cap.


Those teams which want to max the cap out can, those who choose not to, then fair enough.


But it will have to be agreed with The clubs and players union. 


and I hate to say it but TV money would probs have an influance on it.


How does the minimum salary cap work?


A minimum isn't needed when there is the threat of relegation. If a team doesn't want to spend they will be punished for it.


A salary cap/floor is what a lot of people want to see in baseball. If they introduced a cap then a floor would be necessary to prevent teams from spending nothing and making a profit like a couple do now.

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  DTguardian  daniel taylor

Rooney: "I met with David Gill last week and he did not give me any of the assurances I was seeking about the future squad

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During the meetings in August I asked for assurances about the club's continued ability to attract the top players in the world


Like getting news in morse code this

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The clubs, the owners of the clubs, the players/ players union/TV all have a collective responsibility to keep the league competitive.


Since when has football been competitive and not unfair? Not for 30-40 years in this country, not forever in most European countries where there's a gulf beyond 2 or 3 teams. I don't care if that's created by a rich owner or marketing to Japs, Yanks and Scandinavians or just the amount of gloryhunters, the end result is the same. Ferguson built Manu with funds that make Dalglish at Blackburn look like a wheeler dealer, Real Madrid were built by Franco's dictatorship and only a few years ago were bailed out by the government to the tune of 300m. That's not fair either.


I'm sure Blackburn fans treasure their title more than Manu fans do theirs and I'm sure the Scots are dying for someone else to compete in their lifetime, there's only one way that's going to happen.


Fantastic post

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Guest palnese

Wayne Rooney :


"I met with David Gill last week and he did not give me any of the assurances I was seeking about the future squad.


"I then told him that I would not be signing a new contract.


"I was interested to hear what Sir Alex had to say yesterday and surprised by some of it.


"It is absolutely true, as he said, that my agent and I have had a number of meetings with the club about a new contract. During those meetings in August I asked for assurances about the continued ability of the club to attract the top players in the world.


"I have never had anything but complete respect for MUFC. How could I not have done given its fantastic history and especially the last six years in which I have been lucky to play a part?


"For me its all about winning trophies - as the club has always done under Sir Alex. Because of that I think the questions I was asking were justified.


"Despite recent difficulties, I know I will always owe Sir Alex Ferguson a huge debt. He is a great manager and mentor who has helped and supported me from the day he signed me from Everton when I was only 18.


"For Manchester United's sake I wish he could go on forever because he's a one off and a genius."

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