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Bolton 5 - 1 Newcastle United - 20/11/10 - post match reaction from page 32


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Just got in from the game. Worst game in many a year. This game has now made me realise we're in a relegation battle. And no this isn't a knee jerk. It's been coming for the last 3 games...


I wish it had come when we played you at your place.


The league this season is absolutely all over the place. Teams are both winning and losing matches they shouldn't. Look at some of the freak results - Arsenal losing at home to Spurs (not beaten a big four side away from home in 69 attempts), to Albion, to, errr, you lot, you lot beating us 6-0, Birmingham beating Chelsea, Sunderland going to Stamford Bridge and making Chelsea look shite. Last week there were about 19 teams in joint sixth.


There are far too many teams moving up and down the table five places in a go with one decent result at the moment, and whilst it isn't too early to identify deficiencies and weaknesses, it is way, way too early to talk about which teams are going to be in a relegation scrap.


To my untrained, neutral eye, you've done more than alright since coming up, and it is way too early to be punching panic buttons just yet.

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Been watching the full game over here, and Bolton look impressive. Nice mix of clever players like Lee and Holden with bruisers like Davies and Robinson, harrying all over the pitch when they don't have the ball and good movement with it. Coyle's done a great job. I can see them in Europe, and in this pile-up of a season, if they get luck with injuries they could even challenge for fourth.

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Been watching the full game over here, and Bolton look impressive. Nice mix of clever players like Lee and Holden with bruisers like Davies and Robinson, harrying all over the pitch when they don't have the ball and good movement with it. Coyle's done a great job. I can see them in Europe, and in this pile-up of a season, if they get luck with injuries they could even challenge for fourth.


Coyle's a fantastic manger

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Just got in from the game. Worst game in many a year. This game has now made me realise we're in a relegation battle. And no this isn't a knee jerk. It's been coming for the last 3 games...


I wish it had come when we played you at your place.


The league this season is absolutely all over the place. Teams are both winning and losing matches they shouldn't. Look at some of the freak results - Arsenal losing at home to Spurs (not beaten a big four side away from home in 69 attempts), to Albion, to, errr, you lot, you lot beating us 6-0, Birmingham beating Chelsea, Sunderland going to Stamford Bridge and making Chelsea look shite. Last week there were about 19 teams in joint sixth.


There are far too many teams moving up and down the table five places in a go with one decent result at the moment, and whilst it isn't too early to identify deficiencies and weaknesses, it is way, way too early to talk about which teams are going to be in a relegation scrap.


To my untrained, neutral eye, you've done more than alright since coming up, and it is way too early to be punching panic buttons just yet.

good post, way to early in this league to say whos certainly in a relegation battle other than wham who look just plain awful and wolves who cant turn decent enough performances into results. after those two anyone outside of city man u man city spurs arsenal and chelsea could end up in a relegation battle or pushing for europe

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Guest neesy111

We've forgotten how to defend as a team, today was a complete utter mess by everyone apart from Krul and Carroll.  I think we do miss a leader at the back.


Also someone should be telling enrique not to fucking play his way out of every situation, it cost us in the lead-up to the pelanty and on other countless situations today.


The lack of movement in midfield was staggering, the space between the midfield and carroll today was light years.  The amount of times carroll had no fucking support today was unreal.

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One of those days where everything went against us.


We've had games this season (Sunderland, Villa) where everythign went for us too, so you have to take teh good with the bad.


Not panic buttons just yet - there's going to be weeks when we're terrible but lets just hope that we bounce back sooner rather than later. Puts a lot of pressure on the Brom away game.

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Just shows how thin we are outside of the starting eleven. Guthrie has been horrible, and Smith has no business being on a Prem side. Lets just get this Chelsea game over with, get Barton back, and try and play like we did before. Pretty awful all around, fortunately I slept through most of it.

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Guest Ridzuan

What a bad day and a bad result. Apart from Carroll, everyone else was piss poor especially the back two, Williamson and Collocini. I know both of them have had some great games before this, but at Bolton they were just rubbish. When Campbell came on, I thought he brought some stability at the back. We should start with him and Taylor now, surely they both deserve their chance after this match. Our midfield was almost nowhere to be seen. Just show how important Barton and Tiote is. I didnt know if Smith was even playing, and Guthrie, to be fair to him is not a right winger. If Chris is still sticking to his stand of not buying any new players in January, I hope he will really reconsider after this match. I think we could do well with a new winger and an experienced striker to partner with Carroll.

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Bolton are similar to us in that they have two big forwards who are a real handful for defenders. Where they were far better than us is that they had midfielders with far more urgency and mobility to support those strikers.

Yeah, we sort of got a bit of our own medicine today, like us Bolton appear to be a fairly physical side who have learned to keep possesion well, even when we've lost this season we've usualy bossed the midfield with Tiote and Barton pretty much running the show, today though we we're completely outclassed in pretty much every way as soon as the first goal went in, with only Carrol (who was exelent in the 2nd half for me) the only player to come out of the game with any credibility.


The sooner we have both Tiote and Barton on the field together the better, Smith and Guthrie are fucking dire in comparison.

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Just got in from the game. Worst game in many a year. This game has now made me realise we're in a relegation battle. And no this isn't a knee jerk. It's been coming for the last 3 games...


Can only echo this. This was just as bad as when Liverpool thrashed us in 08/09. I just hope we can show better recovery this time.

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We've forgotten how to defend as a team, today was a complete utter mess by everyone apart from Krul and Carroll.  I think we do miss a leader at the back.


Also someone should be telling enrique not to fucking play his way out of every situation, it cost us in the lead-up to the pelanty and on other countless situations today.


The lack of movement in midfield was staggering, the space between the midfield and carroll today was light years.  The amount of times carroll had no fucking support today was unreal.


Did you actually watch the game?

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Guest neesy111

We've forgotten how to defend as a team, today was a complete utter mess by everyone apart from Krul and Carroll.  I think we do miss a leader at the back.


Also someone should be telling enrique not to fucking play his way out of every situation, it cost us in the lead-up to the pelanty and on other countless situations today.


The lack of movement in midfield was staggering, the space between the midfield and carroll today was light years.  The amount of times carroll had no fucking support today was unreal.


Did you actually watch the game?


yes i did.  don't like what my opinion is then?

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We've forgotten how to defend as a team, today was a complete utter mess by everyone apart from Krul and Carroll.  I think we do miss a leader at the back.


Also someone should be telling enrique not to fucking play his way out of every situation, it cost us in the lead-up to the pelanty and on other countless situations today.


The lack of movement in midfield was staggering, the space between the midfield and carroll today was light years.  The amount of times carroll had no fucking support today was unreal.


Did you actually watch the game?


yes i did.  don't like what my opinion is then?


Don't like or dislike you opinion either way, just curious if you'd watched this one as you have a habit of commenting on games irrespective of whether you've watched it  :p


FWIW, you're right about all three points, Carroll was horrendously isolated. What's the point in hoofing it long when there's no-one gambling on the flick-ons?

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Guest neesy111

We've forgotten how to defend as a team, today was a complete utter mess by everyone apart from Krul and Carroll.  I think we do miss a leader at the back.


Also someone should be telling enrique not to fucking play his way out of every situation, it cost us in the lead-up to the pelanty and on other countless situations today.


The lack of movement in midfield was staggering, the space between the midfield and carroll today was light years.  The amount of times carroll had no fucking support today was unreal.


Did you actually watch the game?


yes i did.  don't like what my opinion is then?


Don't like or dislike you opinion either way, just curious if you'd watched this one as you have a habit of commenting on games irrespective of whether you've watched it  :p


FWIW, you're right about all three points, Carroll was horrendously isolated. What's the point in hoofing it long when there's no-one gambling on the flick-ons?


I've seen every game apart from Blackpool and Blackburn this season, but I do gather my own opinions from what others say sometime.  If your going to hoof it, then maybe instead of putting smith in put another striker in (to play behind the two strikers) or play with two wingers further forward to offer more support, because it looked to me Shola was having to come further deep because of the gap between the midfield and strikers.

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We've forgotten how to defend as a team, today was a complete utter mess by everyone apart from Krul and Carroll.  I think we do miss a leader at the back.


Also someone should be telling enrique not to f***ing play his way out of every situation, it cost us in the lead-up to the pelanty and on other countless situations today.


The lack of movement in midfield was staggering, the space between the midfield and carroll today was light years.  The amount of times carroll had no f***ing support today was unreal.


Did you actually watch the game?


yes i did.  don't like what my opinion is then?

I think you were spot on to be fair.


To add to that, I thought Guthrie was awful. Not really his fault considering the position he was playing, but a totally wasted player. Smith and Nolan were terrible. As a centre midfield partnership, that just isnt good enough for the Prem as the man alongside Nolan really needs to do alot of the work he can't do, and Smith just can't do that.


Enrique had a poor game too and was giving the ball away too much. He's had a good season though so im not too worried.


Other than Smith though, I thought Williamson was probably our worst player. The second was offside, but he should have been out and back into line alot quicker than he was trying to do. He wasnt great on the 3rd goal either.


Obviously there were terrible mistakes for at least 3 of the goals, but it was our all round play most worrying. We desperatly missed Barton and Tiote. Without them we went from looking like a decent midtable team, to a team who look relegation fodder. I would be worried if these were injured long term. Its ashame we were without 3 players who would usually start in our midfield. (Barton, Tiote, Ben Arfa).

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Barton has shown this season, he's capable of playing out of position. Guthrie has shown he's completely incapable of playing out wide. It just shows that scratch below the surface of our first XI and the back up is completely woeful.

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Guest neesy111

Barton has shown this season, he's capable of playing out of position. Guthrie has shown he's completely incapable of playing out wide. It just shows that scratch below the surface of our first XI and the back up is completely woeful.


Agreed, like I've said the total imbalance in the squad is what frightens me.  Also we seem to lack 1-2 versatility players (i.e. who can play in a number of positions) to do a job.

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Barton has shown this season, he's capable of playing out of position. Guthrie has shown he's completely incapable of playing out wide. It just shows that scratch below the surface of our first XI and the back up is completely woeful.


Agreed, like I've said the total imbalance in the squad is what frightens me.  Also we seem to lack 1-2 versatility players (i.e. who can play in a number of positions) to do a job.



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Guest neesy111

Barton has shown this season, he's capable of playing out of position. Guthrie has shown he's completely incapable of playing out wide. It just shows that scratch below the surface of our first XI and the back up is completely woeful.


Agreed, like I've said the total imbalance in the squad is what frightens me.  Also we seem to lack 1-2 versatility players (i.e. who can play in a number of positions) to do a job.




I was thinking more along in midfield (which I should have said), defensively we seem fine for cover for me at the moment.

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Guest neesy111

The only good thing from this game was at half time when the cheerleaders were a bit clueless and did nothing, so as the dance music was blaring, the away end started dancing instead :)



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