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Alan Pardew


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Of course he's spineless, so was the bloke before him. That's unfortunately the only type of boss we'll ever attract under this lot. You might as well start a thread complaining that the grass is green.




In fact alot talking about people on this forum (including me) falling for the "PR line" of the club, well I think most are falling for this great PR exercise. Appoint a spineless c*** and he'll get all the blame.


The finger is constantly being pointed at the manager, when in reality it should be being pointed as those above him. He's just a puppet, and it's working for Ashley perfectly.


Not constantly, just when he f***s up the starting XI and his subs. Square pegs in round holes don't work and he carries the can. :thup:

square pegs......like barton on the right wing ?


Barton on the right of midfield has worked tbf. The exception rather than the rule though.

how many other squre pegs has he played ?


yesterday seemed an all round poor performance rather than blaming those two, the left and centre (from the tv at leat) were equally as bad.


He started a RB at RW, and a CB at RB. When given the choice or bringing of Ferguson to replace Enrique like for like he decided to play the RB who was playing RW back to LB, and move a striker to RW.


None of the players who played out of position played well.

a CB whom many were saying was the best right back at the club till recently. with what we had at our disposal yesterday someone was going to be out of position. it's not like he has a fat sam type mania for it.


Which is part of the problem.  :thup:


Pardew also decided to break up the back 4 to accommodate Taylor by shifting Simpson which also backfired spectacularly. I realise we're thin on the ground and the injuries aren't Pardew's fault but playing having to play Simpson and Lovenkrands at RW when Routledge is at QPR takes the piss a little bit.

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a CB whom many were saying was the best right back at the club till recently. with what we had at our disposal yesterday someone was going to be out of position. it's not like he has a fat sam type mania for it.


Starting Ferguson on the left would have meant Jonas, a right footer playing on the right, hardly a square peg in a round hole.

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Of course he's spineless, so was the bloke before him. That's unfortunately the only type of boss we'll ever attract under this lot. You might as well start a thread complaining that the grass is green.




In fact alot talking about people on this forum (including me) falling for the "PR line" of the club, well I think most are falling for this great PR exercise. Appoint a spineless c*** and he'll get all the blame.


The finger is constantly being pointed at the manager, when in reality it should be being pointed as those above him. He's just a puppet, and it's working for Ashley perfectly.


Not constantly, just when he f***s up the starting XI and his subs. Square pegs in round holes don't work and he carries the can. :thup:

square pegs......like barton on the right wing ?


Barton on the right of midfield has worked tbf. The exception rather than the rule though.

how many other squre pegs has he played ?


yesterday seemed an all round poor performance rather than blaming those two, the left and centre (from the tv at leat) were equally as bad.


He started a RB at RW, and a CB at RB. When given the choice or bringing of Ferguson to replace Enrique like for like he decided to play the RB who was playing RW back to LB, and move a striker to RW.


None of the players who played out of position played well.


To be fair i think had we been level at the time of the Enrique substitution then he'd have brought on Ferguson but with us trailing he went for the more positive attacking move and brought on a striker.  Obviously you've then got issue of square pegs/round holes as Simpson went to left back and Lovenkrands to the right wing.  At the time i agreed with that decision, we were losing and it was a positive move to try and get us back into the game,  just a pity that it didn't work, Loven was anononymous and Simpson while not terrible just left us unbalanced and we lost some attacking threat.

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a CB whom many were saying was the best right back at the club till recently. with what we had at our disposal yesterday someone was going to be out of position. it's not like he has a fat sam type mania for it.


Starting Ferguson on the left would have meant Jonas, a right footer playing on the right, hardly a square peg in a round hole.

so that would mean every manager we've had since jonas came has played him out of position ?
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so that would mean every manager we've had since jonas came has played him out of position ?


No, Jonas is a winger who can change positions anyway and often goes on the right side during games.

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Guest neesy111

Howay lads, it could be worse...




I just never know where to start with that photo.....

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To be fair i think had we been level at the time of the Enrique substitution then he'd have brought on Ferguson but with us trailing he went for the more positive attacking move and brought on a striker.  Obviously you've then got issue of square pegs/round holes as Simpson went to left back and Lovenkrands to the right wing.  At the time i agreed with that decision, we were losing and it was a positive move to try and get us back into the game,  just a pity that it didn't work, Loven was anononymous and Simpson while not terrible just left us unbalanced and we lost some attacking threat.


Keeping Lovenkrands on the pitch was stupid, he wasn't doing anything as a forward and isn't a winger.

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Guest neesy111

Howay lads, it could be worse...




It could be worse, it could also be better.


Worse than Kinnear?  Only past managers that come to mind are Souness & Gordon Lee who have been worse.

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Worse than Kinnear?  Only past managers that come to mind are Souness & Gordon Lee who have been worse.


I meant the same as Jonny, it could be worse than Pardew.

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Howay lads, it could be worse...




It could be worse, it could also be better.


Worse than Kinnear?  Only past managers that come to mind are Souness & Gordon Lee who have been worse.


The history books show Gordon Lee took us to a Cup Final and our highest finish in decades until KK & Hall came along.

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The history books show Gordon Lee took us to a Cup Final and our highest finish in decades until KK & Hall came along.


The history books will show that Richard Dinnis took us to that finish.

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Guest neesy111

Howay lads, it could be worse...




It could be worse, it could also be better.


Worse than Kinnear?  Only past managers that come to mind are Souness & Gordon Lee who have been worse.


The history books show Gordon Lee took us to a Cup Final and our highest finish in decades until KK & Hall came along.


Souness took us to semi-final of FA cup and quarters in league and uefa cup.


The history books will not show his decisions set the club back a decade by getting rid of star players and replacing them with grafters.

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Guest neesy111

Was it? My dad's always told me that was Lee?


He jumped ship to Everton 1/2 through the season and we ended up with possibly the worst bit of player power in the history of football.

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Guest neesy111

Was it? My dad's always told me that was Lee?

2 schools of thought. one is that it was his team and ethic (he left in january), the other is that we fluked to 5th.


We got relegated the season after didn't we ???

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Of course he's spineless, so was the bloke before him. That's unfortunately the only type of boss we'll ever attract under this lot. You might as well start a thread complaining that the grass is green.




In fact alot talking about people on this forum (including me) falling for the "PR line" of the club, well I think most are falling for this great PR exercise. Appoint a spineless c*** and he'll get all the blame.


The finger is constantly being pointed at the manager, when in reality it should be being pointed as those above him. He's just a puppet, and it's working for Ashley perfectly.


Not constantly, just when he f***s up the starting XI and his subs. Square pegs in round holes don't work and he carries the can. :thup:

square pegs......like barton on the right wing ?


he tried his best to destroy that one when he first came in, even though he'd 'watched all of our games'. that and inexplicably dropping williamson so he could bring in taylor, disrupting our settled defence. he didnt learn from it either because he did the same thing yesterday only it was simpson that got moved.


he wont get any sympathy from me just because he works for cunts, he's as bad if not worse for taking the job under those circumstances imo. not a shred of decency anywhere to be seen at management level in our club now.

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Guest BooBoo

Some are determined to hang Pardew with the Routledge loan.


His performances this year in the PL were mediocre at best and it's very likely that had he not gone on loan that we would still be seeing equally tepid performances that contribute next to nothing. I had high hopes for him, but there's nothing in Routledge's cv to suggest he can cut it at this level.




We let our best back up to Barton go out on loan without replacing him, that's madness and Pardew played a part in it so he'll get stick for it.


He's the manager and it’s his job to make sure were capable of fielding a team who can compete to the best of his and their ability.  You seem to think that he’s virtually immune from criticism and that's up to you.



There's a flip side also which is "up to you" and that's deciding on the day of an appointment that you're not going to give the manager a chance as you dont like him because of the manner he took over/ average cv/ he's a cockney/ whatever.


I really want the guy to do well, I cant get my head around lambasting the guy at the slightest opportunity. A lot of it is, I suspect, that he's simply not Chris Hughton. Like every manager at NUFC (and we've had more than our fair share), I want him to succeed and I'm not going to get on his back from day one. That's not anything to do with Alan Pardew, I've been like that with every manager that's taken the job.


He over complicated things on Saturday which had the team all over the place and he deserves criticism for that. However the Routledge thing I find a bit ridiculous. The fact is the kid played a good number of games prior to Christmas and contributed absolutely nothing. Hell, I cant stand seeing Lovenkrands out wide and I think he's hopelessly lightweight yet he's still contributed more this season than Routledge. Loaning him out has not altered our fortunes one bit. If he was still here, we'd still be seeing the unconfident and listless performances that he consistently turned in, in the first third of the season.


So far, considering the decisions that have been made over his head, he's made an encouraging start. As mentioned he cocked things up on Saturday and it was very disappointing to take only 1 point from two decent looking home fixtures. However, on Saturday we had no Barton (our player of the season IMO), Ireland, Ameobi only half fit and Enrique who went off crocked. As much to blame as Pardew's tactical shuffles was the fact that we simply lost too many of our key men.

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There's a flip side also which is "up to you" and that's deciding on the day of an appointment that you're not going to give the manager a chance as you dont like him because of the manner he took over/ average cv/ he's a cockney/ whatever.


I really want the guy to do well, I cant get my head around lambasting the guy at the slightest opportunity. A lot of it is, I suspect, that he's simply not Chris Hughton. Like every manager at NUFC (and we've had more than our fair share), I want him to succeed and I'm not going to get on his back from day one. That's not anything to do with Alan Pardew, I've been like that with every manager that's taken the job.


He over complicated things on Saturday which had the team all over the place and he deserves criticism for that. However the Routledge thing I find a bit ridiculous. The fact is the kid played a good number of games prior to Christmas and contributed absolutely nothing. Hell, I cant stand seeing Lovenkrands out wide and I think he's hopelessly lightweight yet he's still contributed more this season than Routledge. Loaning him out has not altered our fortunes one bit. If he was still here, we'd still be seeing the unconfident and listless performances that he consistently turned in, in the first third of the season.


So far, considering the decisions that have been made over his head, he's made an encouraging start. As mentioned he cocked things up on Saturday and it was very disappointing to take only 1 point from two decent looking home fixtures. However, on Saturday we had no Barton (our player of the season IMO), Ireland, Ameobi only half fit and Enrique who went off crocked. As much to blame as Pardew's tactical shuffles was the fact that we simply lost too many of our key men.



I haven't liked Pardew long before he came to Newcastle because he's not a good manager, as far as not giving him a chance goes, me giving him a chance or not has nothing to do with the decisions he makes.  The bit about him being a cockney is pathetic when you also mention that I don't like him because he isn't Hughton, where is Hughton from?  I couldn’t care if any of our players or managers were mackems as long as they were doing a good job.  Pardew has been sacked at every club he’s been at apart from Reading and that’s for a reason, he’s not a good manager.  


His CV is average and he was sold to us as an upgrade on Hughton when in reality nothing he has done suggests that he is.  Our results are no better than under the previous manager and he's weakened our squad at the same time, he's being excused for that because people blame that on Ashley while forgetting that when Pardew was talking to Carroll, he didn't tell him he was staying, he told him to put a transfer request in writing, that's hardly doing everything to keep the player.


The knock on effect of that is that we have two of our most influential players refusing to sign new contracts, all a result of selling Carroll.  This happened after weeks of bullshit about how we were not selling Carroll and that Pardew had been assured that Carroll was not for sale.  The £35million fee is a good fee but not when you take into consideration that that money will go on fees and wages.  We now have to gamble that we might be able to bring two players in for around £20 million between them who will come here and fill the gap that Carroll leaving has left.


You don't think Routledge would have made any difference to us, others think that he would have made a difference and I'm with them.  He did get games before Christmas and he played well in some less well in others.  You should know better than anyone that players need time to settle into the Premiership after you had written off one of the best left backs I’ve ever seen at this club.  Christ, Barton has taken years to become a decent player for us and he was a proven Premiership player.  Why let Routledge go before the end of the transfer window?  Why not wait until we’d replaced him?


You make it sound as if Saturday was his first cock-up, it wasn’t.  Apart from Pardew bull shitting about who wasn’t leaving and how many players were coming in during January.  He’s managed this club through a period when we’ve actually become weaker through letting players leave and he’s only brought in two players.  One is a player who has psychological issues and isn’t fit to play, the other is a player who wasn’t wanted by 2nd division Swansea.  If we’re down to the bare bones then he’s partially responsible for us being in that position, he’s partially responsible for us being weakened by injuries because he didn’t do enough to make us less vulnerable to injuries, he’s full of excuses yet he’s part of the cause.  


The FA Cup game was an abomination and it’s something that he’s done in the past at other clubs.  Like it or not, our first team were always going to go in against Stevenage expecting to win.  He played a player who had just come off during a game with an injury and that player ended up missing three league games when he shouldn’t have been on the pitch anyway.  It wasn’t Pardew’s fault that Tiote was sent off; it was his fault that he was in a position to get sent off in the first place.  


Why should a manager get less stick than the players?  Taylor has been slaughtered because of the way he played on Saturday.  Why should the players be fair game but the manager not?  


The manager is supposed to train the players or at least ensure that they are given the best training possible.  Pardew has said that he trains the defence, if that is the case should he not understand better than most that bringing Taylor in for Williamson earlier in the season was going to be a balls up?  Most of us knew it was going to weaken us so why did the person training them not know this?  Why did Taylor come in for Simpson if he trains the defence, surely he would know what most of us knew, and that was that the changes were not going to work?


I was listening to the radio on the way to the match on Saturday and Pardew was going on about how our home form was poor before he came, that's no excuse for it being poor under him, that's his responsibility.  Why highlight our home form before he arrived?  Simple, he’s trying to deflect any criticism from him for something which he is now responsible for.


Pardew has Souness Mk11 written all over him as were hearing rumours of player unrest, he looks as if he’s even started one of them during the last week when he denied something nobody had even heard about.  I’m still trying to work out what he was talking about regarding Barton and I wonder if something did actually happen and he’s trying to put something to bed before it’s even got out.


I could go on picking holes in what he’s done but I don’t have time.  I’m dreading what this clown is going to do to us over the summer, his first transfer window has been appalling.


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