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Alan Pardew


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I think that you could equally explain it by saying some of our defenders simply make the wrong choices on the ball after sustaining strong periods of pressure. It takes a calmness & level of belief to get battered for a period and come out of that wanting to keep the ball at your feet as a defender and pass it around slowly. Especially to think you can do that against Arsenal.

Player mentality could also simply be the reason we resort to this stuff, its not an obvious thing either way atall.


People blame Pardew for Wolves. But we instantly sat back after our second goal as a team, we stopped pushing fowards as much & started accepting the pressure long before half time. Just as Milan did against Arsenal recently, its a common thing that happens often.


We weren't battered in the first half and changed our game the minute they kicked the 2nd half off.


Except that we didnt atall, we continued playing as we did in the first half.

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The system has almost certainly affected Cabaye (and others). I realise it often comes across as defending them because they're foreign and technical, but it is so true. He's playing an unfamiliar role in a team playing direct football to strikers incapable of playing to the direct system. He's just left buzzing around deep and waiting to anticipate balls. Obviously doesn't help with our lack of defensive technique and confidence to play it out, though.


What are you talking about man? That is just based on what you think. Jayson has probably explained how this has nothing to do with our manager 20 pages ago.


Lets try to comprehend what the word conviction means and how that could differ from person to person. I am probably more pro Pardew than many still, i am open to his flaws though. Some of you are completely blind to any strengths he holds atall, it becomes tedious.


Jayson I can't help remembering your slaughtering of Coloccini in the early days and my difference of opinion with you then during a match thread. I don't think you see the bigger picture, you didn't back then and I don't see any sign that much has changed really.

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Except that we didnt atall, we continued playing as we did in the first half.


We didn't play anything like the way we had during the first half, in the 2nd half, we were actually trying to play football in the first, we didn't in the 2nd as we just hoofed it. 


By hoofing it, I mean aimless kicking away from our goal in an attempt to get the ball away from our box, hoofing it isn't always long ball but it can be.

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I agree with some of that Jayson,some players just don't respond to coaching,obertan being one but when we have played this style of football most of the season against all types of opposition,Brighton included,it makes me conclude that Pardew is setting them up that way,with Keegan we'd be playing dominant,possession based football and pushing the other team about not lumping it and hoping Ba would save our asses because that's what happened a lot early season.watch back some of those early performances and we played like this a lot of the time.the difference was,we could say the team was gelling,we're getting points.thugs have changed andog term success is bred on good football,simple as that


TBH. we have been playing Hoofing and crossing as the primary tactic all season, its just whether you see it or you don't. Recently when the percentage football isnt working as much, more has came to see the type of football we play and can clearly see its demerits. I am sure many will hop back on the Pardew's Wagon when we start winning and finish high up the table irregardless of how we play. Well in reality the world has too many Muppets, so its not surprising.


Just for the sake of analyzing Pardews Tactics and why its not working as well as earlier in the season. He is missing Leon best, his formation and tactics works better with two strong,aggressive,robust and hardworking outlets looking for a cross or a hoof to shield the ball to play it back to midfield so it could push up. I dont rate Best as a long term striker in this team, but the honest answer is he suits this play much better than most of the players we have. Forcefully fitting the players into this set up probably would not work too well.

some see what isn't there though. 'primary tactic all season', what crap!


What is our primary tactic as you see it then Madras? If in fact there is one.

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I agree with some of that Jayson,some players just don't respond to coaching,obertan being one but when we have played this style of football most of the season against all types of opposition,Brighton included,it makes me conclude that Pardew is setting them up that way,with Keegan we'd be playing dominant,possession based football and pushing the other team about not lumping it and hoping Ba would save our asses because that's what happened a lot early season.watch back some of those early performances and we played like this a lot of the time.the difference was,we could say the team was gelling,we're getting points.thugs have changed andog term success is bred on good football,simple as that


TBH. we have been playing Hoofing and crossing as the primary tactic all season, its just whether you see it or you don't. Recently when the percentage football isnt working as much, more has came to see the type of football we play and can clearly see its demerits. I am sure many will hop back on the Pardew's Wagon when we start winning and finish high up the table irregardless of how we play. Well in reality the world has too many Muppets, so its not surprising.


Just for the sake of analyzing Pardews Tactics and why its not working as well as earlier in the season. He is missing Leon best, his formation and tactics works better with two strong,aggressive,robust and hardworking outlets looking for a cross or a hoof to shield the ball to play it back to midfield so it could push up. I dont rate Best as a long term striker in this team, but the honest answer is he suits this play much better than most of the players we have. Forcefully fitting the players into this set up probably would not work too well.

some see what isn't there though. 'primary tactic all season', what crap!


What is our primary tactic as you see it then Madras? If in fact there is one.

there hasn't been one. we've mixed it up. we have gone long more than i'd like but it's been no way the primary tactic. work your way back game by game and ask if hoofing it was our main tactic, you'll be surprised
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Guest Dontooner

I agree with some of that Jayson,some players just don't respond to coaching,obertan being one but when we have played this style of football most of the season against all types of opposition,Brighton included,it makes me conclude that Pardew is setting them up that way,with Keegan we'd be playing dominant,possession based football and pushing the other team about not lumping it and hoping Ba would save our asses because that's what happened a lot early season.watch back some of those early performances and we played like this a lot of the time.the difference was,we could say the team was gelling,we're getting points.thugs have changed andog term success is bred on good football,simple as that


TBH. we have been playing Hoofing and crossing as the primary tactic all season, its just whether you see it or you don't. Recently when the percentage football isnt working as much, more has came to see the type of football we play and can clearly see its demerits. I am sure many will hop back on the Pardew's Wagon when we start winning and finish high up the table irregardless of how we play. Well in reality the world has too many Muppets, so its not surprising.


Just for the sake of analyzing Pardews Tactics and why its not working as well as earlier in the season. He is missing Leon best, his formation and tactics works better with two strong,aggressive,robust and hardworking outlets looking for a cross or a hoof to shield the ball to play it back to midfield so it could push up. I dont rate Best as a long term striker in this team, but the honest answer is he suits this play much better than most of the players we have. Forcefully fitting the players into this set up probably would not work too well.

some see what isn't there though. 'primary tactic all season', what crap!


What is our primary tactic as you see it then Madras? If in fact there is one.

there hasn't been one. we've mixed it up. we have gone long more than i'd like but it's been no way the primary tactic. work your way back game by game and ask if hoofing it was our main tactic, you'll be surprised

Posted "Hoof and Cross Pardew" Many times, but somehow only the hoof is registered. Crossing is also a primary tactic of ours which yield the most goals for us this season. However we have very little goals coming from the middle or through balls hence we either got goals hoofing to the strikers for knock downs or cross and tried to put one on them. Why the displeasure in stating the truth astonishes me.

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The system has almost certainly affected Cabaye (and others). I realise it often comes across as defending them because they're foreign and technical, but it is so true. He's playing an unfamiliar role in a team playing direct football to strikers incapable of playing to the direct system. He's just left buzzing around deep and waiting to anticipate balls. Obviously doesn't help with our lack of defensive technique and confidence to play it out, though.


What are you talking about man? That is just based on what you think. Jayson has probably explained how this has nothing to do with our manager 20 pages ago.


Lets try to comprehend what the word conviction means and how that could differ from person to person. I am probably more pro Pardew than many still, i am open to his flaws though. Some of you are completely blind to any strengths he holds atall, it becomes tedious.


Jayson I can't help remembering your slaughtering of Coloccini in the early days and my difference of opinion with you then during a match thread. I don't think you see the bigger picture, you didn't back then and I don't see any sign that much has changed really.


I didnt rate him much really yeah, thought most people were going over the top due to a few good performances that had been outweighed by that point with poor ones. Our midfield was garbage, but he had individual moments where he was just beaten to easily. But yeah hes adjusted brilliantly since. Thats one of many situations isnt it, everyone has been wrong. You included.

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I agree with some of that Jayson,some players just don't respond to coaching,obertan being one but when we have played this style of football most of the season against all types of opposition,Brighton included,it makes me conclude that Pardew is setting them up that way,with Keegan we'd be playing dominant,possession based football and pushing the other team about not lumping it and hoping Ba would save our asses because that's what happened a lot early season.watch back some of those early performances and we played like this a lot of the time.the difference was,we could say the team was gelling,we're getting points.thugs have changed andog term success is bred on good football,simple as that


TBH. we have been playing Hoofing and crossing as the primary tactic all season, its just whether you see it or you don't. Recently when the percentage football isnt working as much, more has came to see the type of football we play and can clearly see its demerits. I am sure many will hop back on the Pardew's Wagon when we start winning and finish high up the table irregardless of how we play. Well in reality the world has too many Muppets, so its not surprising.


Just for the sake of analyzing Pardews Tactics and why its not working as well as earlier in the season. He is missing Leon best, his formation and tactics works better with two strong,aggressive,robust and hardworking outlets looking for a cross or a hoof to shield the ball to play it back to midfield so it could push up. I dont rate Best as a long term striker in this team, but the honest answer is he suits this play much better than most of the players we have. Forcefully fitting the players into this set up probably would not work too well.

some see what isn't there though. 'primary tactic all season', what crap!


What is our primary tactic as you see it then Madras? If in fact there is one.

there hasn't been one. we've mixed it up. we have gone long more than i'd like but it's been no way the primary tactic. work your way back game by game and ask if hoofing it was our main tactic, you'll be surprised



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I agree with some of that Jayson,some players just don't respond to coaching,obertan being one but when we have played this style of football most of the season against all types of opposition,Brighton included,it makes me conclude that Pardew is setting them up that way,with Keegan we'd be playing dominant,possession based football and pushing the other team about not lumping it and hoping Ba would save our asses because that's what happened a lot early season.watch back some of those early performances and we played like this a lot of the time.the difference was,we could say the team was gelling,we're getting points.thugs have changed andog term success is bred on good football,simple as that


TBH. we have been playing Hoofing and crossing as the primary tactic all season, its just whether you see it or you don't. Recently when the percentage football isnt working as much, more has came to see the type of football we play and can clearly see its demerits. I am sure many will hop back on the Pardew's Wagon when we start winning and finish high up the table irregardless of how we play. Well in reality the world has too many Muppets, so its not surprising.


Just for the sake of analyzing Pardews Tactics and why its not working as well as earlier in the season. He is missing Leon best, his formation and tactics works better with two strong,aggressive,robust and hardworking outlets looking for a cross or a hoof to shield the ball to play it back to midfield so it could push up. I dont rate Best as a long term striker in this team, but the honest answer is he suits this play much better than most of the players we have. Forcefully fitting the players into this set up probably would not work too well.

some see what isn't there though. 'primary tactic all season', what crap!


What is our primary tactic as you see it then Madras? If in fact there is one.

there hasn't been one. we've mixed it up. we have gone long more than i'd like but it's been no way the primary tactic. work your way back game by game and ask if hoofing it was our main tactic, you'll be surprised

Posted "Hoof and Cross Pardew" Many times, but somehow only the hoof is registered. Crossing is also a primary tactic of ours which yield the most goals for us this season. However we have very little goals coming from the middle or through balls hence we either got goals hoofing to the strikers for knock downs or cross and tried to put one on them. Why the displeasure in stating the truth astonishes me.

cross meaning aimless high ball into the middle, or pass from wide ? either way getting wide, using that space is a primary tactic of just about everyone.


have a look through a fixture list and remember the goals, see how many actually came from the way you describe.

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Isn't the fact that there hasn't been a noticable primary tactic concerning enough in its own right? It's not like we started off playing functional percentages football and have gradually progressed to a more flowing style of passing, it's going the other way despite Pardew's regular insistence that we're playing good stuff. The addition of Cisse aside (a player he's apparently wanted for yonks and yet is still to show he knows what to do with other than stick up front and hope he clicks with Ba), he's had this squad all season and most of them since he joined the club. Where is the progress? Since Christmas the performances have been going backwards.

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This "long ball 2nd half" is an absolute load of bs :lol:

Im rewatching the 2nd half right now.


60 mins and our defence has kicked it long once. Krul plays a FK short to Colo, who passes to Perch, who takes to long & is pressured, leaves a short pass to Colo who is also pressured & he then boots it long.


The only person booting it is Krul on goalkicks. We were literally just dominated by Arsenal from the start. No longball gameplan whatsoever.

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Isn't the fact that there hasn't been a noticable primary tactic concerning enough in its own right? It's not like we started off playing functional percentages football and have gradually progressed to a more flowing style of passing, it's going the other way despite Pardew's regular insistence that we're playing good stuff. The addition of Cisse aside, he's had this squad all season and most of them since he joined the club. Where is the progress? Since Christmas we've been going backwards.

we don't have a primary tactic, is that a bad thing ?, we go short and long, in the air and on the deck, but recently we have went long too much. the way some are trying to make out we only play percentage balls and are the new wimbledon and have done so all season.
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I honestly think our primary (attacking) tactic, at least in theory, is to exert pressure on the opponenet's penalty area as quickly as possible, whether it be by a long ball, wing play or other means. This was deployed very well against Man United, arguably our best performance of the season.

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I honestly think our primary tactic, at least in theory, is to exert pressure on the opponenet's penalty area as quickly as possible, whether it be by a long ball, wing play or other means. This was deployed very well against Man United, arguably our best performance of the season.

i remember people saying earlier on in the season people saying  we sat back too much and didn;t get it forward early enough.
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Isn't the fact that there hasn't been a noticable primary tactic concerning enough in its own right? It's not like we started off playing functional percentages football and have gradually progressed to a more flowing style of passing, it's going the other way despite Pardew's regular insistence that we're playing good stuff. The addition of Cisse aside, he's had this squad all season and most of them since he joined the club. Where is the progress? Since Christmas we've been going backwards.

we don't have a primary tactic, is that a bad thing ?, we go short and long, in the air and on the deck, but recently we have went long too much. the way some are trying to make out we only play percentage balls and are the new wimbledon and have done so all season.


Some have been concerned by the performances for months and months and basically been told that it's irrelevant, kneejerk, not supporting the club and various other stuff. WE'RE SIXTH after all.

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Guest Dontooner

I agree with some of that Jayson,some players just don't respond to coaching,obertan being one but when we have played this style of football most of the season against all types of opposition,Brighton included,it makes me conclude that Pardew is setting them up that way,with Keegan we'd be playing dominant,possession based football and pushing the other team about not lumping it and hoping Ba would save our asses because that's what happened a lot early season.watch back some of those early performances and we played like this a lot of the time.the difference was,we could say the team was gelling,we're getting points.thugs have changed andog term success is bred on good football,simple as that


TBH. we have been playing Hoofing and crossing as the primary tactic all season, its just whether you see it or you don't. Recently when the percentage football isnt working as much, more has came to see the type of football we play and can clearly see its demerits. I am sure many will hop back on the Pardew's Wagon when we start winning and finish high up the table irregardless of how we play. Well in reality the world has too many Muppets, so its not surprising.


Just for the sake of analyzing Pardews Tactics and why its not working as well as earlier in the season. He is missing Leon best, his formation and tactics works better with two strong,aggressive,robust and hardworking outlets looking for a cross or a hoof to shield the ball to play it back to midfield so it could push up. I dont rate Best as a long term striker in this team, but the honest answer is he suits this play much better than most of the players we have. Forcefully fitting the players into this set up probably would not work too well.

some see what isn't there though. 'primary tactic all season', what crap!


What is our primary tactic as you see it then Madras? If in fact there is one.

there hasn't been one. we've mixed it up. we have gone long more than i'd like but it's been no way the primary tactic. work your way back game by game and ask if hoofing it was our main tactic, you'll be surprised

Posted "Hoof and Cross Pardew" Many times, but somehow only the hoof is registered. Crossing is also a primary tactic of ours which yield the most goals for us this season. However we have very little goals coming from the middle or through balls hence we either got goals hoofing to the strikers for knock downs or cross and tried to put one on them. Why the displeasure in stating the truth astonishes me.

cross meaning aimless high ball into the middle, or pass from wide ?


have a look through a fixture list and remember the goals, see how many actually came from the way you describe.

Crossing come from the wide areas, Simpson,Obertan,jonas,Ba,Best rings bell, crossing means from one end of a intersection to another therefore it must come from wide areas. Hoof is long ball to strikers or medium high balls that bypass midfield. My complain is we have very very little short passes that led to goals or innovation to create more space. We often go long or put in crosses rather than try short passes to create, very one sided mix passing imo. We only go short in our own half most of the time.

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Isn't the fact that there hasn't been a noticable primary tactic concerning enough in its own right? It's not like we started off playing functional percentages football and have gradually progressed to a more flowing style of passing, it's going the other way despite Pardew's regular insistence that we're playing good stuff. The addition of Cisse aside, he's had this squad all season and most of them since he joined the club. Where is the progress? Since Christmas we've been going backwards.

we don't have a primary tactic, is that a bad thing ?, we go short and long, in the air and on the deck, but recently we have went long too much. the way some are trying to make out we only play percentage balls and are the new wimbledon and have done so all season.


Some have been concerned by the performances for months and months and basically been told that it's irrelevant, kneejerk, not supporting the club and various other stuff. WE'RE SIXTH after all.

who by ? not me.
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Isn't the fact that there hasn't been a noticable primary tactic concerning enough in its own right? It's not like we started off playing functional percentages football and have gradually progressed to a more flowing style of passing, it's going the other way despite Pardew's regular insistence that we're playing good stuff. The addition of Cisse aside, he's had this squad all season and most of them since he joined the club. Where is the progress? Since Christmas we've been going backwards.

we don't have a primary tactic, is that a bad thing ?, we go short and long, in the air and on the deck, but recently we have went long too much. the way some are trying to make out we only play percentage balls and are the new wimbledon and have done so all season.


It's about knowing how to make the best of your players available at the end of the day. The problem as I see it is that Pardew doesn't seem to know any better than the casual fan so he ends up chopping and changing according to what happened in the previous game rather than play to the players strengths according to the opposition.

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The system has almost certainly affected Cabaye (and others). I realise it often comes across as defending them because they're foreign and technical, but it is so true. He's playing an unfamiliar role in a team playing direct football to strikers incapable of playing to the direct system. He's just left buzzing around deep and waiting to anticipate balls. Obviously doesn't help with our lack of defensive technique and confidence to play it out, though.


What are you talking about man? That is just based on what you think. Jayson has probably explained how this has nothing to do with our manager 20 pages ago.


Lets try to comprehend what the word conviction means and how that could differ from person to person. I am probably more pro Pardew than many still, i am open to his flaws though. Some of you are completely blind to any strengths he holds atall, it becomes tedious.


Jayson I can't help remembering your slaughtering of Coloccini in the early days and my difference of opinion with you then during a match thread. I don't think you see the bigger picture, you didn't back then and I don't see any sign that much has changed really.


I didnt rate him much really yeah, thought most people were going over the top due to a few good performances that had been outweighed by that point with poor ones. Our midfield was garbage, but he had individual moments where he was just beaten to easily. But yeah hes adjusted brilliantly since. Thats one of many situations isnt it, everyone has been wrong. You included.


Form is temporary. Class is permanent. When you look beyond the stats and use your eyes to judge a player all will prove true in the end. Unless you don't have a clue to start with.

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Its obvious from whats been said Pardews strengths are more towards the defensive side of things. Defensively we've been brilliant this season.


It sounds like Carver is in charge of our attacking player & that generally lacks of kind of flowing movement. Comparing the strengths of our side though, its potentially better we have a manager very capable at sorting our weakest area. Bar a Deflected goal, missed penalty & last minute failure we'd have taken 7 points from our last 3.

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I agree with some of that Jayson,some players just don't respond to coaching,obertan being one but when we have played this style of football most of the season against all types of opposition,Brighton included,it makes me conclude that Pardew is setting them up that way,with Keegan we'd be playing dominant,possession based football and pushing the other team about not lumping it and hoping Ba would save our asses because that's what happened a lot early season.watch back some of those early performances and we played like this a lot of the time.the difference was,we could say the team was gelling,we're getting points.thugs have changed andog term success is bred on good football,simple as that


TBH. we have been playing Hoofing and crossing as the primary tactic all season, its just whether you see it or you don't. Recently when the percentage football isnt working as much, more has came to see the type of football we play and can clearly see its demerits. I am sure many will hop back on the Pardew's Wagon when we start winning and finish high up the table irregardless of how we play. Well in reality the world has too many Muppets, so its not surprising.


Just for the sake of analyzing Pardews Tactics and why its not working as well as earlier in the season. He is missing Leon best, his formation and tactics works better with two strong,aggressive,robust and hardworking outlets looking for a cross or a hoof to shield the ball to play it back to midfield so it could push up. I dont rate Best as a long term striker in this team, but the honest answer is he suits this play much better than most of the players we have. Forcefully fitting the players into this set up probably would not work too well.

some see what isn't there though. 'primary tactic all season', what crap!


What is our primary tactic as you see it then Madras? If in fact there is one.

there hasn't been one. we've mixed it up. we have gone long more than i'd like but it's been no way the primary tactic. work your way back game by game and ask if hoofing it was our main tactic, you'll be surprised

Posted "Hoof and Cross Pardew" Many times, but somehow only the hoof is registered. Crossing is also a primary tactic of ours which yield the most goals for us this season. However we have very little goals coming from the middle or through balls hence we either got goals hoofing to the strikers for knock downs or cross and tried to put one on them. Why the displeasure in stating the truth astonishes me.

cross meaning aimless high ball into the middle, or pass from wide ?


have a look through a fixture list and remember the goals, see how many actually came from the way you describe.

Crossing come from the wide areas, Simpson,Obertan,jonas,Ba,Best rings bell, crossing means from one end of a intersection to another therefore it must come from wide areas. Hoof is long ball to strikers or medium high balls that bypass midfield. My complain is we have very very little short passes that led to goals or innovation to create more space. We often go long or put in crosses rather than try short passes to create, very once side mix passing imo. We only go short in our own half most pf the time.

all clubs cross it in (anyone got stats to hand on who crosses the most ?) and we do short pass it quite a bit possibly too much in their half where it often gets aimless and the buck gets passed.. what has lead recently to going long more than i'd like is getting to 30yds out and then tiote to cabaye to jonas to cabaye to tiote. no movement from the middle allowing the forwards to get wrapped up and limiting the options rather than a game plan of lumping it.
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The system has almost certainly affected Cabaye (and others). I realise it often comes across as defending them because they're foreign and technical, but it is so true. He's playing an unfamiliar role in a team playing direct football to strikers incapable of playing to the direct system. He's just left buzzing around deep and waiting to anticipate balls. Obviously doesn't help with our lack of defensive technique and confidence to play it out, though.


What are you talking about man? That is just based on what you think. Jayson has probably explained how this has nothing to do with our manager 20 pages ago.


Lets try to comprehend what the word conviction means and how that could differ from person to person. I am probably more pro Pardew than many still, i am open to his flaws though. Some of you are completely blind to any strengths he holds atall, it becomes tedious.


Jayson I can't help remembering your slaughtering of Coloccini in the early days and my difference of opinion with you then during a match thread. I don't think you see the bigger picture, you didn't back then and I don't see any sign that much has changed really.


I didnt rate him much really yeah, thought most people were going over the top due to a few good performances that had been outweighed by that point with poor ones. Our midfield was garbage, but he had individual moments where he was just beaten to easily. But yeah hes adjusted brilliantly since. Thats one of many situations isnt it, everyone has been wrong. You included.


Form is temporary. Class is permanent. When you look beyond the stats and use your eyes to judge a player all will prove true in the end. Unless you don't have a clue to start with.


Irrelevant generic statements with little meaning finishing with a pointess dig yeah, class welldone

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Guest Dontooner

I agree with some of that Jayson,some players just don't respond to coaching,obertan being one but when we have played this style of football most of the season against all types of opposition,Brighton included,it makes me conclude that Pardew is setting them up that way,with Keegan we'd be playing dominant,possession based football and pushing the other team about not lumping it and hoping Ba would save our asses because that's what happened a lot early season.watch back some of those early performances and we played like this a lot of the time.the difference was,we could say the team was gelling,we're getting points.thugs have changed andog term success is bred on good football,simple as that


TBH. we have been playing Hoofing and crossing as the primary tactic all season, its just whether you see it or you don't. Recently when the percentage football isnt working as much, more has came to see the type of football we play and can clearly see its demerits. I am sure many will hop back on the Pardew's Wagon when we start winning and finish high up the table irregardless of how we play. Well in reality the world has too many Muppets, so its not surprising.


Just for the sake of analyzing Pardews Tactics and why its not working as well as earlier in the season. He is missing Leon best, his formation and tactics works better with two strong,aggressive,robust and hardworking outlets looking for a cross or a hoof to shield the ball to play it back to midfield so it could push up. I dont rate Best as a long term striker in this team, but the honest answer is he suits this play much better than most of the players we have. Forcefully fitting the players into this set up probably would not work too well.

some see what isn't there though. 'primary tactic all season', what crap!


What is our primary tactic as you see it then Madras? If in fact there is one.

there hasn't been one. we've mixed it up. we have gone long more than i'd like but it's been no way the primary tactic. work your way back game by game and ask if hoofing it was our main tactic, you'll be surprised

Posted "Hoof and Cross Pardew" Many times, but somehow only the hoof is registered. Crossing is also a primary tactic of ours which yield the most goals for us this season. However we have very little goals coming from the middle or through balls hence we either got goals hoofing to the strikers for knock downs or cross and tried to put one on them. Why the displeasure in stating the truth astonishes me.

cross meaning aimless high ball into the middle, or pass from wide ?


have a look through a fixture list and remember the goals, see how many actually came from the way you describe.

Crossing come from the wide areas, Simpson,Obertan,jonas,Ba,Best rings bell, crossing means from one end of a intersection to another therefore it must come from wide areas. Hoof is long ball to strikers or medium high balls that bypass midfield. My complain is we have very very little short passes that led to goals or innovation to create more space. We often go long or put in crosses rather than try short passes to create, very once side mix passing imo. We only go short in our own half most pf the time.

all clubs cross it in (anyone got stats to hand on who crosses the most ?) and we do short pass it quite a bit possibly too much in their half where it often gets aimless and the buck gets passed.. what has lead recently to going long more than i'd like is getting to 30yds out and then tiote to cabaye to jonas to cabaye to tiote. no movement from the middle allowing the forwards to get wrapped up and limiting the options rather than a game plan of lumping it.

Well, i stated short passes to create or score, i believe we are terribly weak in that particular department. If you have a further look at it, you realize we play very little one two's as well , it being a decreasing basic tactic in our game....therefore the only type of forwarding play that are getting us dangerous or putting us on the score sheets are either long or crosses.


We concur our short passes gets us no where ..

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Its obvious from whats been said Pardews strengths are more towards the defensive side of things. Defensively we've been brilliant this season.


It sounds like Carver is in charge of our attacking player & that generally lacks of kind of flowing movement. Comparing the strengths of our side though, its potentially better we have a manager very capable at sorting our weakest area. Bar a Deflected goal, missed penalty & last minute failure we'd have taken 7 points from our last 3.

Last season we let in 1.5 goals per game, this season we've let in 1.464 goals per game. Not bad considering we work on defence 80% of the time.
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