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Alan Pardew


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Jonas got an assist as our LB & our motm was Perch.


The two singular issues people had with the lineup before the game. Give Pardew credit.


Don't be daft man, we should have won 3-0 given our stupidly prolific striker missed 2 one on ones but Pardew fluked it again. Only 5 points ahead of Liverpool who spent ridiculous sums and have only finished below us twice in a stupid amount of years but nah, we're shit.


Hope he gets sacked soon :)


Did you even watch the game? We were fucking awful, if something doesn't change then we are not going to be finishing high again, if we do this year. If he can get back to the way we played in the first half of the season then fine, but otherwise he simply has to go.


Saw it, we weren't perfect. As I said at half time we started well, went abysmal and then saw glimpses of quality. We needed to step it up second half which we didn't really do but we still created enough chances to walk this game and Pardew isn't there to finish them. HBA sub was justified as he hadn't created a great deal and was getting risky, Cisse sub was justified as he hadn't done a great deal second half and we need someone who was able to hold the ball up there which Shola did.


No need at all for the  excessive negativity, hyperbole and talk of Pardew getting the boot.

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You're doing it again Jon.


Doing what? Defending the obvious? Wouldn't be the first time :pow:

Going against popular opinion by making childish posts to attempt to prove your point.


Popular opinion like Ba is shit and Milner shouldn't be released on a free? Yeah once again I am being pathetic.


The childishness is some of the stuff coming out during the match.

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You guys really think hes telling Williamson to boot it? The guy does it becuase hes crap on the ball and cant deal with periods where we sustain pressure. Its got nowt to do with Pardew, we did the same for a period after we scored the 1st goal before HT.


We just miss a few passes, start misscontrolling it, make a few fouls etc Krul gets the ball more so we boot it more, defence becomes more edgy in possession. Its a knock on effect.

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Guest ThievingMagpie

There is nothing odd about liking where we are in the table and questioning a manager's tactics you daft cows.

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Pardew will only take us so far, didnt believe it before but as each week passes the worse it gets..... we are here now because of the transfer policy not because of Pardew.


We will really go places if we can find a manager willing to have next to no input on the purchases but also a good coach and tactician. Hard to find i would imagine, but not impossible. 

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Pardew will only take us so far, didnt believe it before but as each week passes the worse it gets..... we are here now because of the transfer policy not because of Pardew.


We will really go places if we can find a manager willing to have next to no input on the purchases but also a good coach and tactician. Hard to find i would imagine, but not impossible.


Yh i would agree with that.

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Just been interviewed. Said we had 8 senior players with slight injuries yesterday, thats what lead to the formation. Players very tired. Not our best performance, understands why people were unhappy he took Ben Arfa off but he had to do enough to get the win.

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That is for TT, sorry both. Name a manager.


Well despite doing worse than us, having a significantly more expensive squad and then spending around £60m more on players AVB is apparently a better choice.


Sorry Tooj :okay:

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we looked good for the first 20 minutes then we scored and went back to same shitty self that we are, no urgency, no cohesion and no direction.


exactly the same as when we played wolves, played well for first 20mins and went to pot.


are these changes due to alan pardew? or are they they due to the weak mentality of the players i really don't know.


all i know is, we havent looked remotely like a football team for more 45mins in a game since when?


cant remember.  the win over man utd?

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Guest andrew

Timewasting from 50 minutes and shutting up shop at home to norwich for fucks sake. This guy is such a poor coach, he just relies on moments of brilliance for our goals and then is happy to sit back and defend.


hes been so lucky this year, just think of wolves away, blackburn away, qpr away.


the players look shot on confidence and lacking ideas. Did you see Cabaye's reaction to his instructions (presumably to sit and hoof)?

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The players looked clueless as usual on the ball. It's as if they've been sent out with no instructions other than to track back.


Fuck me if Norwich had our strikers we'd have got beat 4-0.

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