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The low Moment: where does this rank

Guest dazzanufc1892

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Guest dazzanufc1892

I dont know how to do polls, but i was thinking of the shit we have been through, and i truly think, this is the lowest ive felt. thought id see where this ranks in the following list, and what we feel is worse


Bobby Leaving

Souncess Appointment

Woodgate Sale


Keegan going in 90's

keegan going in 00's

Loss to Lisbon

Kinnear Appointment

Pardew News


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I was on the forum at the time of SBR's sacking and it was greeted pretty positively on here; I remember it was mostly me and Gemmill criticising the decision. Think relegation would have to be the worst for me, time will tell though.

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Guest Chubby Jason

This is the lowest because there is no logic to it apart from he's their mate and they want him in. It's despicable.

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The Allardyce appointment was pretty bad for me, that was when I first realised relegation was a real possibility for us.


This feels worse at the moment... mainly because of how positive everything was feeling under Hughton, and that fact it reveals finally that there is absolutely no hope for us under Mike Ashley.

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Guest dazzanufc1892

woodgate sale? are you mad?


this to me was huge. it showed a complete lack of ambition, lies from the board, and the complete embarressment and open policy to undermine bobby. i took that worse than the souness appointment, showed what our club was at its core

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This by far, we finally had some stability after 7 years of a downward spiral. We have promising talent who were enjoying their football and the potential of Carroll, Ben Arfa and Jose was unlimited, Jose now seems disillusioned, chances are its the end of HBA. So we are losing a lot more than Hughton, we maybe losing a team with desire not shown since Robsons time.

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Has the same feel as Kinnear to me, never going to work out, will not be given funds and id say he will drive the better players/players with even the smallest amount of ambition away.  At least the souness era had some signings and false hope!


Hope i am wrong, but we have all seen enough of this kind of shit to know that we are usually proven correct with our pre appointment doubts

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Has the same feel as Kinnear to me, never going to work out, will not be given funds and id say he will drive the better players/players with even the smallest amount of ambition away.  At least the souness era had some signings and false hope!


Hope i am wrong, but we have all seen enough of this kind of shit to know that we are usually proven correct with our pre appointment doubts



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