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Is Mike Ashley the worst person ever to have been associated with NUFC?


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Fucking Stockholm Syndrome we have here.


He could literally set a yard on fire and rape the family dog with a small plow, and a small percentage would still prefer to not jump to any conclusions...just yet.  Bloody Neville Chamberlains among us.


Not anything like Stockholm Syndrome, we don't feel appreciative feelings for Ashley. We have battered wife syndrome, we let him beat us over and over but we always think there's some good in him so we can't bring up enough courage to go to the police and end it once and for all, because deep down we keep thinking that surely he doesn't actually want to beat us over and over? So we keep feeling we'll give him time to calm down, because then he'll surely stop beating, no? He won't. They never stop. Domestic abuse is not a joke.

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It does get silly like. Hes so generally crap, that people now defend him being blamed in anyway as he gets it so often. Because he cant always possibly be making crap decisions or lying to the fans can he. Thats only what he did all those other times.

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Simply put:


Stockholm Syndrome = Feelings of affection and pity towards your abuser.

Battered Wife Syndrome = Not acknowledging being in an abusive relationship out of fear and a lingering hope that the beatings are over and that everything will turn out okay and happiness can live forever after.


Which one do we suffer from? After each beating we keep returning to our abusive relationship convincinc ourselves that "this time we'll not get beaten, this time it will be fine."



(Obviously there's more to both conditions than that, mind. I just can't be arsed actually starting a proper discussion about it by expanding. :lol:)

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Regardless what 'syndrome' you think it is, we're stuck with the fat prick. We've got no choice but to just see what happens because we can't leave this club.


I wish I could to be honest, this morning I just can't get my head around why the fuck this happened. A lot of shit went down.

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how does the c*** always manage to do s*** like this and then have a large number of people saying to themselves: "let's give him to the summer to see how much of the 35m we spend"?


it's f***ing amazing


7-8 months is a long time and people will forget this quick enough (unless the wheels totally come off now and we go down, which i don't see), when we get to the end of august with some cheap additions and he flogs enrique for 10m to spurs people will be saying "let's see what he does with the money in january" :lol:


Wrong I (and suspect many others) will be watching closely how much of that 35M is reinvested back in the team. By the way, I'm curious where do you get the impression that he likes to sell players and that he keeps the money to himself. So far, under him we've had reasonably good transfer windows (summer and January). Players like Coloccini, HBA, Tiote, Enrique (?) were all bought under him and have been very good buys. This is the first time I would say we had a shit trasfer window and even then not so much because Carroll went off but coz we did not get any replacements in.

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how does the c*** always manage to do s*** like this and then have a large number of people saying to themselves: "let's give him to the summer to see how much of the 35m we spend"?


it's f***ing amazing


7-8 months is a long time and people will forget this quick enough (unless the wheels totally come off now and we go down, which i don't see), when we get to the end of august with some cheap additions and he flogs enrique for 10m to spurs people will be saying "let's see what he does with the money in january" :lol:


Wrong I (and suspect many others) will be watching closely how much of that 35M is reinvested back in the team. By the way, I'm curious where do you get the impression that he likes to sell players and that he keeps the money to himself. So far, under him we've had reasonably good transfer windows (summer and January). Players like Coloccini, HBA, Tiote, Enrique (?) were all bought under him and have been very good buys. This is the first time I would say we had a s*** trasfer window and even then not so much because Carroll went off but coz we did not get any replacements in.


The Carroll deal has been in place longer than just 2pm yesterday.


Also, they had a fucking month! It's pathetic the squad we now have. 4 senior strikers on the books, all of them turboshit.

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how does the c*** always manage to do s*** like this and then have a large number of people saying to themselves: "let's give him to the summer to see how much of the 35m we spend"?


it's f***ing amazing


7-8 months is a long time and people will forget this quick enough (unless the wheels totally come off now and we go down, which i don't see), when we get to the end of august with some cheap additions and he flogs enrique for 10m to spurs people will be saying "let's see what he does with the money in january" :lol:


Wrong I (and suspect many others) will be watching closely how much of that 35M is reinvested back in the team. By the way, I'm curious where do you get the impression that he likes to sell players and that he keeps the money to himself. So far, under him we've had reasonably good transfer windows (summer and January). Players like Coloccini, HBA, Tiote, Enrique (?) were all bought under him and have been very good buys. This is the first time I would say we had a shit trasfer window and even then not so much because Carroll went off but coz we did not get any replacements in.


our last january window in the PL was also awesome, i agree...followed closely by relegation

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He might well be.


Find it hard to really blame him for this though.


Given the fee, I guess that cashing in on Carroll is fine by many people. Better to sell him than say Barton where we'd only get something silly like 5M when he's better than Charlie Adam.


The blame one is that we could have bought a half decent striker last week as "cover" and then still sold Carroll. I guess that is what the half hearted approach to Boothroyd was.


Like FFS before him, it all smacks of everything being a reaction and having no plan as to what the club is or needs to do.

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trust me, we can argue for hours about this in some mental masturbatory sword fight, and ejaculate pedantry all over the forum.  Reminds me of that scene in O Brother Where Art Thou when they were arguing about how they were taking a kick in the backside over the election.


Syndromes aside, we are continually getting punked by this colossal douchebag, and even the small percentage should be seeing their arguments rapidly corrode.

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Fully expect Tiote, Enrique and Ben Arfa to be peddled in the summer, he has made a statement of intent letting Carroll go, and I will be amazed if Pardew gets any of the cash from the transfer to strengthen makes me sick. Its like the 80's all over again  :banghead:

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While it is easy to vent anger at Ashley, I think Carroll went for above and beyond his valuation and if the money is kept available for the summer that would be fine as he is the owner and controls the cash flow.


However failings this January if the money still remains ours to spend must be at an operational level.


I think Derek Llambias gets off lightly from fans. His criticism is generally that he's in bed with Ashley and all that goes on is Ashley's failings. However Llambias should have had a better hold on things but instead let things spiral out of control yet again. This man cannot run a football club.


We can only get rid of Ashley if he sells. But there is nothing keeping Llambias here. Let us put all our energies into forcing him out. Either we get a better football administrator, or by having no-one to run the club for him, Ashley becomes more willing to sell.

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My first thoughts were: You cann't turn down 35 mil! Get another good striker for 20 mil and we'll have another 5-10 to spend (all in summer).

After reading the posts I most definitely can say...I NEED A F***ING THERAPIST!

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and until 50,000 of us are willing to pay him £ 3,000 EACH he will continue to run the club


and then would WE be happy shelling out more every season..........................


get real - you either find a sugar daddy or you play canny and settle for mid table

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Pointless being obsessed with figures, trophy signings net spends or whatever just to be seen to balance the transfer comings and goings.

Whether they spend £5M, £35M or £350M  the real essential is the quality of the signing and how they fit in - not necessarily the price paid.


We'll have the usual clamour for instant big signings, but good, savvy scouting will be a better way forward and it may just be that what happened to the club's finances yesterday will preserve and strengthen us longer term.

I'm sure Tottenham fans were probably crying in the same way two years ago when Berbatov (probably bigger for them than Carroll was for us) deserted for Man U. They actually got a whole lot better after he left.

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Can't wait to hear Lambsarse's version of yeserday's events and the plan for the 35 milliion, should be right off the bullshit scale  :lol:

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