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It has to be said...

Guest Brazilianbob

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Guest Brazilianbob

NUFC fans are in danger of earning a reputation of fans who throw the baby out with the bathwater by refusing to accept Pardew!  I mean come on, Hughton has gone and he won't be coming back period.


Everyone of us has their own conspiracy theory of how and why Hughton was sacked and Pardew employed, but at the end of the day none of us has a shred of evidence to support those sometimes wild and bordering on libellous theories, other than circumstances that could at best be described as coincidences, such as the rumours that Pardew was negotiating with NUFC a month ago.  Where is the evidence of this?


OK so Pardew and Llambias and Ashley have met before, but the evidence is that at best they are acquainted with each other through mutual pastimes and nothing more.  Hardly a basis for giving someone a lucrative job.


The Keegan debacle led Ashley to put the club on the market because of the hatred directed at him by the fans, but no one was interested, most said it was because Ashley was asking too high a price, but the truth is most potential buyers took one look at the vitriol generated by the fans and decided they could do without that hassle.


Lets not go down that road again, because if we all know where it leads, lets prove we have learned from our past mistakes even if Ashley hasn't.

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So we shoudl fully support a poor manager that was unable to keep a job at a team 2 tiers below us, and respect the actions of an owner and MD that have no feelings or understanding for the club, and little o rno football knowledge or intelligence?


Why don't we all go and buy extra stuff from Sprts Direct, too, to show what great fans we are?

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More like a reputation for putting up with shit that would cause a riot at any other club.  Liverpool fans were having a million man march and a celebrity campaign about how it felt like having your whole family raped because they finished 7th in the Premier League.

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Guest barnabox

...none of us has a shred of evidence to support those sometimes wild and bordering on libellous theories...


...but the truth is most potential buyers took one look at the vitriol generated by the fans and decided they could do without that hassle.


How can you possibly know this?

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Guest WashyGeordie

NUFC fans are in danger of earning a reputation of fans who throw the baby out with the bathwater by refusing to accept Pardew!  I mean come on, Hughton has gone and he won't be coming back period.


Everyone of us has their own conspiracy theory of how and why Hughton was sacked and Pardew employed, but at the end of the day none of us has a shred of evidence to support those sometimes wild and bordering on libellous theories, other than circumstances that could at best be described as coincidences, such as the rumours that Pardew was negotiating with NUFC a month ago.  Where is the evidence of this?


OK so Pardew and Llambias and Ashley have met before, but the evidence is that at best they are acquainted with each other through mutual pastimes and nothing more.  Hardly a basis for giving someone a lucrative job.


The Keegan debacle led Ashley to put the club on the market because of the hatred directed at him by the fans, but no one was interested, most said it was because Ashley was asking too high a price, but the truth is most potential buyers took one look at the vitriol generated by the fans and decided they could do without that hassle.


Lets not go down that road again, because if we all know where it leads, lets prove we have learned from our past mistakes even if Ashley hasn't.


Where's the evidence for this? for a start.


And the bit in red pretty much answers why the fans are pissed off. Why should he of been given such a lucrative contract for being employed to do exactly Hughton was, or could of done.


We're entitled to voice our opinions, be it via protests/marches etc, and for good, or for worse.


We're no Mr. Hindsight.

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Alan Brazil said on his show this morning that he knew weeks ago about Pardew getting the job. He saw/overheard/spoke to Pardew and NUFC officials in a Soho Restaurant. He even backed it at 20's and 16's with the bookies. They were just waiting for the right moment to bin Chris off. As far as I know Brazil has no agenda on this, and has infact been an Ashley apologist for much of his time at the club so I see no reason to disbelieve this.


I will agree though that their is a perception, mainly generated by the media, that we are a very difficult group of fans to please with a superiority complex. But it wouldn't be the first time the press made a rumour up that snowballed into undisputed fact.

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Pardew is just a function of Mike Ashley's incompetence and bizarre view on how to run a football club.


The best we can hope for is that he defies the odds and the circumstances to help NUFC finish in a safe position in the league, for as many seasons as it takes for Ashley to find a buyer.


I don't hate Pardew, but I hate the fact he's been appointed.

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Guest ovesbar

I think Mr. Pardews history shows us that he is no angel. But it is stupid to blame his appointment on him. He did not appoint himself. Ashley & Co did. I think most unemployed managers would take the opportunity. And the fact that its a 5,5 year contract seems to just be to show an intent for stability. I think Ashley has got his ass covered for any eventuality after all the managers we have had. It would surprise me if he earns a lot more than Hughton did.

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NUFC fans are in danger of earning a reputation of fans who throw the baby out with the bathwater by refusing to accept Pardew!  I mean come on, Hughton has gone and he won't be coming back period.


Everyone of us has their own conspiracy theory of how and why Hughton was sacked and Pardew employed, but at the end of the day none of us has a shred of evidence to support those sometimes wild and bordering on libellous theories, other than circumstances that could at best be described as coincidences, such as the rumours that Pardew was negotiating with NUFC a month ago.  Where is the evidence of this?


OK so Pardew and Llambias and Ashley have met before, but the evidence is that at best they are acquainted with each other through mutual pastimes and nothing more.  Hardly a basis for giving someone a lucrative job.


The Keegan debacle led Ashley to put the club on the market because of the hatred directed at him by the fans, but no one was interested, most said it was because Ashley was asking too high a price, but the truth is most potential buyers took one look at the vitriol generated by the fans and decided they could do without that hassle.


Lets not go down that road again, because if we all know where it leads, lets prove we have learned from our past mistakes even if Ashley hasn't.


Derek, is that you?

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It was posted on here over a month ago that Pardew was arranging his contract behind Hughton's back by a poster who has been totally correct about the whole sorry saga. You are free to bury your head in the sand again and tell us all what a brilliant job the owner is doing but don't expect anyone to buy it.

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Hughton never stood a chance in succeeding here from reports of what has happened. Maybe Pardew stands a better chance long term, in fact I'm sure he does as Ashley now has someone he wants long term, Ashley may even back him financially especially after a series of certain defeats this month leading up to the window. With Ashley having his man in place maybe we do get some stability from that and can finally see some real progress on the transfer front. Or it all comes falling down, Pardew doesn't settle and we get relegated again. Only time will tell.







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All I would say is that it pointless to worry about whether or not Ashley and Llambias are 'friends' with Alan Pardew.


If they are, then at least he might have half a chance of working with them. Despite the fact we hate their very beings, if Ashley and Llambias are going to be here for a while then we will benefit in a small way from having a manager who can bear the sight of them.



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Well, I've criticised owners in the past for sacking managers with no fucking idea of who they're going to appoint in their place, so it seems daft to criticise this lot for actually having a plan worked out in advance.


And giving stick to the manager who took the job is, frankly, moronic.

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More like a reputation for putting up with s*** that would cause a riot at any other club.  Liverpool fans were having a million man march and a celebrity campaign about how it felt like having your whole family raped because they finished 7th in the Premier League.

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It was posted on here over a month ago that Pardew was arranging his contract behind Hughton's back by a poster who has been totally correct about the whole sorry saga. You are free to bury your head in the sand again and tell us all what a brilliant job the owner is doing but don't expect anyone to buy it.


Well done mate coz that's exactly what he said!  :lol:

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It seems daft to criticize for hiring a bloke they met in a casino? When will some people take their tongue out of Ashley's hoop?




I didn't say that, though.


When will some people get their brains out of neutral?


Your idea that you are now "vindicated" in believing Ashley is acting out of pure spite is particularly laughable. :lol:

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