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David Bentley joins Birmingham City on loan

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Guest sicko2ndbest

If we were signing bentley 2 years ago people would be jizzing


The lad is 26 in his prime and needs another stage to work on.


He is the ideal player to take based on a number of reasons from nationality to premiership experience to god given talent


So the kid has a few personality flaws? Can you imagine if we were signing Barton now, the place would be in uproar and he is a terrace favourite


I would be delighted if this came off

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If we were signing bentley 2 years ago people would be jizzing


The lad is 26 in his prime and needs another stage to work on.


He is the ideal player to take based on a number of reasons from nationality to premiership experience to god given talent


So the kid has a few personality flaws? Can you imagine if we were signing Barton now, the place would be in uproar and he is a terrace favourite


I would be delighted if this came off


Personality and mentality are different things.


Personality is how you behave and can have an impact on mentality.


Mentality is less easy to define, but can affect things like confidence, how willing players are to keep going, keep trying to beat their marker, keep going into tackles well, stay composed in front of goal, run and concentrate until the 90th minute.


Barton for instance has personality flaws (but these days only occasionally) but has a strong mentality 95% of the time.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

I think Bentley has a strong personality, he is just in a situation where he has Lennon in front of him because of redknapps love of pace


He is a confident sometime cocky lad, who was Englands number 1 rm only 3 years ago.

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In many ways, Bentley is a typical Newcastle player - not consistent, will probably love the quayside etc, and has had a number of Prem clubs who basically think he is surplus to requirements. Capable of producing a great cross or free kick but lacks genuine pace(in my view, a must for a proper winger in the PL).


Probably more end product than Jonas and Routledge(whose career he has emulated to an eerie degree), but does not have the pace that SWP has. Phillips is better at beating full-backs on the outside, Bentley is a better crosser of the ball and better at dead balls.


Overall, I agree with kingdawson(and he has seen more of the player than any Newcastle fan) - given the choice I would take Phillips but that is unlikely for several reasons.Bentley is also younger.


Would be disappointed id the club paid more than 5m for him and I am surprised that they are prepared to match his wages - nevertheless, an improvement on what we have and may give Carroll some decent crosses - as long as Carroll is still there to aim for...!! If this boy is a makeweight in any deal for Carroll, I would not be at all happy ; we shouldn't be selling Carroll yet anyway, but if the club were determined to sell him to Spurs, the only player I would want as part of the deal would be Pavyluchenko...for obvious reasons and that is never going to happen.


This post is just... wrong on so many levels.


We'll see....IF he signs.

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In many ways, Bentley is a typical Newcastle player - not consistent, will probably love the quayside etc, and has had a number of Prem clubs who basically think he is surplus to requirements. Capable of producing a great cross or free kick but lacks genuine pace(in my view, a must for a proper winger in the PL).


Probably more end product than Jonas and Routledge(whose career he has emulated to an eerie degree), but does not have the pace that SWP has. Phillips is better at beating full-backs on the outside, Bentley is a better crosser of the ball and better at dead balls.


Overall, I agree with kingdawson(and he has seen more of the player than any Newcastle fan) - given the choice I would take Phillips but that is unlikely for several reasons.Bentley is also younger.


Would be disappointed id the club paid more than 5m for him and I am surprised that they are prepared to match his wages - nevertheless, an improvement on what we have and may give Carroll some decent crosses - as long as Carroll is still there to aim for...!! If this boy is a makeweight in any deal for Carroll, I would not be at all happy ; we shouldn't be selling Carroll yet anyway, but if the club were determined to sell him to Spurs, the only player I would want as part of the deal would be Pavyluchenko...for obvious reasons and that is never going to happen.


This post is just... wrong on so many levels.


Well the bit about Bentley emulating Routledge's career is bilge for a start, yeah.


Both around same age(Bentley actually older) ; both wingers who have been allowed to move on to other clubs after 3 spells with Prem sides ; both regarded as great talents when young ; both have been at Spurs ; both look like ending up at NUFC....enough there ?

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Undoubtedley a brilliant player but marred by being another with poor attitude so it would be a gamble.

Once again I will be amazed if Ashley allows any funds whatsoever to be spent.

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Bentley would be a risk but well worth taking imo. We only have two wingers at the club, and in terms of his final ball he has much more quality than Routledge or Jonas. He's proven in the Premier League and a good age. One or two question marks about his form and attitude but beggar's can't be choosers, our stock has fallen and we don't have stacks of cash.

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Guest BooBoo

So on one hand we're signing a player already and on the other Pards is saying he won't be speaking to the board about transfers until early this week.



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I'd be happy with the signing as Bentley seems to be a talented player.


But, I have to say that with Barton on the right wing we already have a very good player in that position.


I'd rather sign one or two strikers than Bentley.

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Bentley is basically what Barton is giving to the team at the moment, plus dribbling ability.


As well as Barton's done for us on the right, this would be an upgrade.

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Bentley is basically what Barton is giving to the team at the moment, plus dribbling ability.


As well as Barton's done for us on the right, this would be an upgrade.




But I just think that a striker is more important than a right wing player. And I honestly can't see Ashley giving Pardew the cash to buy a quality player on each position.

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I'd be happy with the signing as Bentley seems to be a talented player.


But, I have to say that with Barton on the right wing we already have a very good player in that position.


I'd rather sign one or two strikers than Bentley.


If it was a direct choice, yes.  But we need depth pretty much across the board, any player of Bentley's quality shouldn't be sniffed at if he's within our means to get.  We've got to take some of these gambles and hope he'd grasp to chance to prove himself at a team where he'd be getting regular games after the frustration of being on the sidelines and he's not just settled in to being happy to coast along picking up his wages. There's always going to be gambles though, we're not really in a position to pick up players which are first teamers for decent sides.  Players we bring in are always going to have an element of unproven/out of favour/getting on/not been tested in this league.

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I'd be happy with the signing as Bentley seems to be a talented player.


But, I have to say that with Barton on the right wing we already have a very good player in that position.


I'd rather sign one or two strikers than Bentley.


Maybe Pardew is rateing Barton as a central midfielder.  Wonder if Bentley or Barton would be any good at the left side of midfield? And Gutierrez might be better off playing AMC since he cant cross the ball.


I think Kranjcar would be a better signing than Bentley tbh. I have a feeling that Bentley will offer the same as Duff did for us, dont know why..

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Bentley is basically what Barton is giving to the team at the moment, plus dribbling ability.


As well as Barton's done for us on the right, this would be an upgrade.




But I just think that a striker is more important than a right wing player. And I honestly can't see Ashley giving Pardew the cash to buy a quality player on each position.


I doubt Pardew would want Bentley if he was only allowed a right-winger or a striker.

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Bentley is basically what Barton is giving to the team at the moment, plus dribbling ability.


As well as Barton's done for us on the right, this would be an upgrade.




But I just think that a striker is more important than a right wing player. And I honestly can't see Ashley giving Pardew the cash to buy a quality player on each position.


I doubt Pardew would want Bentley if he was only allowed a right-winger or a striker.


Good point, actually. Hopefully that's the case.

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The reason we are doing better this season than two years ago with players who have less prestigious careers than the playes we had is down to mentality.


Our team has the mentality both as individuals and as a team to do well this year, but we need to make sure that as we improve our squad, the players that come in believe they can do well and will not cause disharmony within the team.


I remember people laughed when I expressed concern about signing Ben Arfa on the basis that I felt we needed playes that wouldn't upset the team, as it would be the personalities of the Nolans the Carrolls and the Bartons that would keep us up. Turns out I was right on the latter point. However I now reckon our team spirit is so strong that we can absorb the occasional Ben Arfa type player, make them feel wanted and loved, and therefore make them part of the team.


I don't have worries that Bentley would cause disharmony within the team. However his mental weakness from what others describe is the opposite to Ben Arfa in that it seems to be about his own ability and is a confidence player. For that reason I don't think this is the right club for him. The strength of the team spirit couldn't give Perch the confidence to step up, and if the description of him is accurate playing well at st James Park after a blip in form may be beyond him. For that reason he'd be doing well for Blackburn or Bolton, but not for us, Spurs or West Ham.


What a load of insane rubbish.

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