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Season Tickets

Guest BooBoo

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Can someone give me a quick answer save me seaching all over, if Ive just renewed the same seat do I justice same card again? Hadn't even thought about it til tonight

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I've got my season ticket. First time ever. Really excited. All ready to drive up early doors tomorrow.


Mixed bag of a mood. 

My wife's nan died today so she's upset and I want to be there for her.


Pissed off though as I want to go to the game tomorrow.


Guilty, because I feel pissed off about football when my wife is so cut up about her nan.


Life sucks.


She said I can still go, but I can't really as that would make me a total and utter cunt.


Well I'm in a similar position (well, OK, not a family bereavement but...) the missus is feeling a bit rough and if I left her for the day, I'd get a whole heap of shit when I got back, not just from her but from her folks, my folks, etc. But I really want to be there, if only to have a word with the useless twats in the Box Office. Ah well, at least it's on the telly.

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Mine's just arrived today.




Hearty congratulations to Terry Fuckwitt, Head of Season Ticket Distribution at NUFC.

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Mine's just arrived today.




Hearty congratulations to Terry Fuckwitt, Head of Season Ticket Distribution at NUFC.

Aye me brother's doesnt appear to have turned up. He's gone from a juvenile ticket to an adult one, therefore needs a new ST. Luckily they let me mate in with the old one anyway. Not surprising when the majority of the box office walk around as if they've undergone a labotomy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everyone get their super cool badge/medal and patch kit today?

Aye, what a waste of money.


The bairn got a Baseball Cap and PE Bag and other stuff in the post last week and i get a medal and loads of advertsing gumf.


Spend the money on buying players FFS.

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Tempted to wear mine tomorrow, even though it is a particularly pathetic piece of tat.


You coming up? Pre match drinks?


Plan is to be up for every game. Wife's nan pegged it the day before the Arsenal game though so had to give it a miss.


Might sneak one in before the game but my train doesn't get in till 11.50 so it'll be a rush. Definitely have a couple after though.

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Guest Roger Kint

not season tickets, but didnt know where to put this


43 f***ing quid for villa away? whats that about.....my hate for Villa has just took another step up


This site needs a 'Ticket news & travel' section

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Just received my membership pack. Chuffed to bits with it. Also chuffed to bits with the fact I still dont have a Magpie Mover despite paying for one.

Our Magpie Movers came sometime in June.

Yeah they sent me brother's and me sister's around about that time. But since all three STs were processed individually for some fucked up reason that's no doubt caused this.

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Just rang Network one. They have no order from Newcastle United for my Magpie Mover. NUFC have billed me. Absolutely inept workforce in the box office. Monkeys. And how many people do they have manning the helpline? One?

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