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Those who left early on Saturday ?

Benwell Lad

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I'm more annoyed at the people who leave 10mins before the end tbh, especially when there's something to play for. During the Spurs game we were 1-0 up and all these people started to leave blocking my view in the corner between Gallowgate and East Stand. Something happened and this old guy leaving stopped to look at the game. This guy behind me just shouted 'if you're going, fuck off!' Rightfully so in my opinion. Unfortunatly this old guy didn't get the hint and took the huff, demanding season ticket numbers from anyone who dared to tell him to move or to fuck off out the way. It went on for about the last 5mins of the game. This old bastard, disturbing everyone whilst on the pitch it was basically end to end. People were getting more and more annoyed, but despite the action on the pitch, all he could care about was season ticket numbers and trying to get a steward over.


As for Saturday, there was a young guy they showed on all the highlights with a blue top on. He wasn't leaving or anything, he just couldn't find his seat and was pretty pished. He did stay until the end. Don't know him personally but saw him on Sat night in Berwick.


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I will admit i left before the end of the Villa 3-0. I was 11 though. I left with my brother in disgust and my dad went apes*** on us.


Biggest regret ever. He sold our Cardiff semi final tickets as punishment :(

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I will admit i left before the end of the Villa 3-0. I was 11 though. I left with my brother in disgust and my dad went apes*** on us.


Biggest regret ever. He sold our Cardiff semi final tickets as punishment :(


You'd have only walked out of that at 3-0 too ;)

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If one person who departed early had stayed would events have unfolded as they did?


Things just happen and its pointless questioning them. Fate!


I've always believed in that. :snod:


One person can effect those around them and so on. The crowd would have been different and may have indeed caused a different reaction from the team.


Not saying we owe it to those who left though :lol:


Never left a match early in my life. I've left a millisecond after the whistle but never before.


Turning up late...well that's a different matter :D


First half no jacket on.


Second half jacket on.


We score 4.


Coincidence??? I think not!




I was at the Bolton game (5-1) this season and i just couldn't bring myself to leave. All though half of the away contingent seemed to go down to the concourse to get p***ed.

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I will admit i left before the end of the Villa 3-0. I was 11 though. I left with my brother in disgust and my dad went apes*** on us.


Biggest regret ever. He sold our Cardiff semi final tickets as punishment :(


You'd have only walked out of that at 3-0 too ;)


I know :lol:


I cannot understand people who were leaving early in the 5-1 derby game this season? Fair enough if you live down south or somewehere. But still :undecided:

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I will admit i left before the end of the Villa 3-0. I was 11 though. I left with my brother in disgust and my dad went apes*** on us.


Biggest regret ever. He sold our Cardiff semi final tickets as punishment :(


You've been brought up very well by the sounds of it  ;D

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the people next to me left at 3-0, then magically reappeared at 4-3. got to admit, they really annoy me, seem more interested in having a chat, their phone or checking their bets than the match. never understood why you'd spend so much time and money going to the match, then not seem bothered.


got to admit though, for the first time i can remember i missed some football out of choice, went to the toilet about 35 mins in... i felt bad enough about doing that at the time, could never imagine leaving early without a good reason.

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When the cameras show people "walking out early" and the commentators comment on it, I always wonder if the people are truly leaving the game, or just going out to get a beverage/food, or take a leak. They only showed a few people walking out after the game went 0-4. In the US, during baseball, football, basketball games people are always leaving their seats throughout the game. Is that not done in the UK? Do people only get food/drink, or hit the bathroom at halftime?

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I will admit i left before the end of the Villa 3-0. I was 11 though. I left with my brother in disgust and my dad went apes*** on us.


Biggest regret ever. He sold our Cardiff semi final tickets as punishment :(


You'd have only walked out of that at 3-0 too ;)


I know :lol:


I cannot understand people who were leaving early in the 5-1 derby game this season? Fair enough if you live down south or somewehere. But still :undecided:


Beat the traffic is my only thought. But still, you'll not get out much quicker :lol:

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When the cameras show people "walking out early" and the commentators comment on it, I always wonder if the people are truly leaving the game, or just going out to get a beverage/food, or take a leak. They only showed a few people walking out after the game went 0-4. In the US, during baseball, football, basketball games people are always leaving their seats throughout the game. Is that not done in the UK? Do people only get food/drink, or hit the bathroom at halftime?


I'm adamant they were off for a pie as well :lol:

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In MLS games, people always leave early to beat traffic.  Mainly because half of the fuckers there only went because their kids soccer team were having a half-time kick about to amuse the crowd. 


In the 2003 season, the Earthquakes lost the away leg of the playoffs 2-0 to the Galaxy.  Within 15 minutes of the home leg, it was 4-0 aggregate to the Galaxy.  Then ensued the most amazing comeback I have ever witnessed.  The Earthquakes tied it late, and then scored the winner in stoppage time.  The atmosphere was the most electric I have ever seen for a domestic match in the U.S.  But still a few fuckers left in the 80th minute. 


The Earthquakes did it again the following week against Kansas City, coming from behind and scoring an overtime winner, and continued their march toward the MLS Cup.  But people still left late in the game just to beat a little San Jose traffic.  Fuck 'em.  They missed out.

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I was watching the game on TV, and it was as close as I've been to turning it off at half time, but couldn't even bring myself to do that. When you've got more money invested in it having brought a ticket I don't know, but I do know that's as mental as I've gone as a Toon fan since the Feyenoord game.


Their money, they can do what they like - but people really piss me off when they leave five/ten minutes before HT/FT as they have to stand up in front of people to get out. That does grind my gears.

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I was watching the game on TV, and it was as close as I've been to turning it off at half time, but couldn't even bring myself to do that. When you've got more money invested in it having brought a ticket I don't know, but I do know that's as mental as I've gone as a Toon fan since the Feyenoord game.


Their money, they can do what they like - but people really piss me off when they leave five/ten minutes before HT/FT as they have to stand up in front of people to get out. That does grind my gears.




Like JH says, people turn up 10 minutes late, go for drinks 10 minutes before half time, come back 10 minutes after the second half has started and then leave the ground 10 minutes before the end to beat the traffic! :lol:


Bloody pointless.

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there was 2 lots of people left when the 4th went in sat near me, and they all came back after about 10mins, id imagine a fair few people got as far as the door and cooled off a bit.  What shocked me more was there were people leaving as the added on time board went up in the 2nd half, how the fuck could you not want to see that match to the end.


only ever left early once and that was at old trafford when they beat us 6-0, left as ferdinand scored the 4th in 85th min, but to be fair i had just proposed to my misses at the hotel then took off to the match!

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I think 'dependant on the scoreline' is selling the magnitude of those first 26 minutes a bit short.


Like I said above, what's the difference if we lose 3-0 or 8-0? Maybe even 10-0...a record-breaking thrashing...why would you walk out early? :dontknow:


Well i reply with what i've already said. You're selling short what happened in those first few minutes. It wasn't just a defeat at that point. Imo there is a difference in losing by a couple of goals, compared with conceding four before we've even got through a third of the game, at home.


But anyway. I'm not gonna go on cos i'm sounding like i'm defending their actions, which i'm not!

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I see where Stu is coming from here like.


I felt awful after those first 24 minutes, but 4-0, 6-0, 8-0 - I wasn't going to feel any worse than I already did, that's why I could never understand why anyone would walk out at half time.

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I would never do it myself, but of course it doesn't make them worse fans in any way.


They were there to begin with and how patient they are or how much of a beating they can bare to witness, is not for anybody else to say.

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Theres 4 of us with season tickets and another 5 came along to the match saturday. 6 of them left after about 60 minutes as they wanted to get back into the pub as they were going to that Rob Lee thing in the evening, haven't spoken to any of them yet but I can imagine there all gutted. One of the lads only stayed because he was too hungover and so didn't want to contemplate moving having only got up there just before 3, he seemed to have shaken off the effects of the alcohol excess when he was doing some sort of haka/dance when we got the equaliser! There was another lad who was offered a free ticket in the goose pre game but said he would prefer to stay in there and meet his mates  :nope:

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