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The Refereeing & Officiating Thread


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I've debated putting this thread on the forum for the last few weeks, but i feel that the standard of refereeing in the EPL and in the country has definitely gotten worse over the last couple of seasons, and i know i'm not the only one.


Today was very frustrating. Aside from the 'goal' which i am still to see a replay of. I found the general standard of officiating poor. This isn't just a problem in the top tier of football it snakes down all the way to grass roots football. As a previous referee myself i know the attempts of the FA to quickly try and move you through your Refereeing levels.


A prime example of this is the 25 year old referee (Michael Oliver) from Northumberland who has officiated in a few Premier League games this season.


In the pub afterwards a bloke was complaining about Webb's refereeing saying how 'poor' he was, and how he seems to have a vendetta against us. He promptly brought up the Fulham defeat in the 08/09 season which helped us on our way to relegation (Viduka's disallowed goal). Is it true that for some reasons that referees seem to have some sort of hate against Newcastle and other teams in the league for some game or incident that occurred decades ago. I don't know!  ???


This isn't just a thread for black and white tinted spectacles it is for general officiating 'controversial' decisions.


What's N-O's opinion?


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Webb was frustrating but didn't really change the game although I thought that Everton could have ended up having a player sent off, as for the goal, it looked like a push in the back.

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Thought Webb was ok for the most today, got all the major decisions correct (Nolan push on Anichebe, Tiote on Osman, disallowed goal, Hibbert) although his stopping of the game for the first Everton sub when he wasn't even stripped was shocking. We played into his and Evertons hands at the end with the series of silly fouls.

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Leon Best and Howard Webb were involved in a heated debate as they came onto the pitch after half time with Best demonstrating to Webb what had been ahppening to him in the first half and pleading with him for more protection etc.


was funny to watch as he was backing into Webb and tugging his shirt etc to demonstrate.


I thought Webb was poor today mind and i thought there were more than any 5 minutes stoppags as well at the end.

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The influence that officiating has on a result and general play is completely out of kilter with most other sports these days.


They really need to get their head out of the sand and start utilising technology.  Not that this would affect the little, niggly, almost 50-50 incidents much though mind.

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Guest michaelfoster

Thought he did ok bar one or two things, one being the having to wait for the sub who wasnt even ready

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The standard of refereeing worldwide is shocking and FIFA/the FA is to blame.  THEY set the rules and THEY are responsible for enforcing them.  If a referee makes a flagrantly incorrect decision i.e. Rooney's elbow or not booking a player for diving (it's cut and dry, it's either a penalty or a yellow card for diving if someone goes down in the box and appeals), then the referees should be relegated and fined.  As for competency, clearly referees are not getting trained correctly because to be fair, my daughter could do a better job than them.  And she's 1.  The excuses "The ref can't see everything", "it all happens so fast" etc are easily mitigated by the use of a TV ref ala rugby and cricket.  It DOESN'T disrupt the game and 99.9% of sensible fans would welcome it.  FIFA/the FA have no balls and I hope fans go away in droves because of it, because Football has gone utterly rubbish in the last 15 years due to money and diving.  Something big needs to happen at a high level and I hope some sort of alternate FIFA appears, because I really struggle to enjoy watching Rooney/Gerrard/Drogba/Vand der Vaart doing their umpteenth dive and the referees buying it.  It seems you just aren't allowed to tackle anymore and it's boring.  Football is getting more and more like netball these days, footballers are just soft cheating hateable cunts now, and the Referees really don't help things.  Show some leadership FFS and book players who gob off at you!  Book divers!  Tell Terry to fuck off when he gets in your face!  It's YOUR game to control and not the usual 'Big five' teams.

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Ahhh, the rant of someone who's never been a referee.  Try it.....it's not as easy as you make it out to be!!! You wouldn't make it through a U9 game.


Open question to all - how many times have you watched a game as a complete neutral and thought that the referee had a sh****r.  Compared to how many times have you watched a game involving your team and thought the same? Wonder why.


The fact is that at any game there are only three people who don't care about who wins/looses....their only thought is to deal with the incidents that the players give them. They don't want to issue cards, they don't want to dismiss players, they don't want to call free kicks and penalty kicks, but the player do stupid things outside the laws of the game that require intervention.


Things to think about.....referees must see EXACTLY what happened to intervene. Seeing a player tumble but not seeing why and you can't award a foul....even though 42,000 might be "sure" what happened. Or rather they "Want" a call. And as clear cut or stone wall a call you can think of.....the other team disagree completely. Wonder if it's not a clear cut or stone wall as some make it out to be.


The referees need more support, not the threat of fines/suspensions.  Give them the opportunity to review incidents that they may not have seen perfectly "post game" and the problems will clear up. Currently the players know that they can get away all kids of crap, because they can/do get away with it.


IMHO FIFA should consult with the NFL and see how they manage the post-game disciplinary issue. The NFL has no qualms about issuing post-game fines and suspensions for issues.  Let the referees or the league review issues post game. Make appeals of red/yellow cards meaningful by doubling any sentence that is challenged and upheld. Support the referees and encourage them to make the calls and be a strong referee.

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Guest neesy111

With Webb, to me the most frustrating was that situation in the sub 2nd half.  The fact was the ref got the rules totally wrong on that occasion is amazing, their was a sub not fucking ready amazes me and this bold idiot allowed it.


How he is apparently the world's best referee is beyond me, but i would i say 2/3rd's of this forum would officiate a game better than this buffoon says it all.

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Didn't see the game.....what did Webb get wrong with the game?


As a referee I don't worry about calls made "in the opinion of the referee"..... only half the game like any call anyway , but I do worry about getting the mechanics of the game correct.  I have seen a few howlers at the local youth levels, but not in the upper leagues.

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Guest neesy111

Didn't see the game.....what did Webb get wrong with the game?


As a referee I don't worry about calls made "in the opinion of the referee"..... only half the game like any call anyway , but I do worry about getting the mechanics of the game correct.  I have seen a few howlers at the local youth levels, but not in the upper leagues.


Got just about everything wrong.


An everton player about to be subbed on wasn't even stripped and this idiot allowed him to come on after a minute of play.  Bad refereeing that was.


Mutliple times when he blew up and made play stop when there was no reason unless the cheat wanted to stop play.

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Guest neesy111

The demand on football referees is just simply too high. I watch a game like basketball and it seems as if there are 5 umpires running around.


Bollocks.  Referee's 20 years ago got most things spot on and this was when Sky was as popular now as Jamie Oliver.  The thing that really does it is the simple things which ref's get wrong.  They get paid 100k a year to do this, and their decisions are totally biased and unacceptable.  Corrupt organisation.

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Didn't see the game.....what did Webb get wrong with the game?


As a referee I don't worry about calls made "in the opinion of the referee"..... only half the game like any call anyway , but I do worry about getting the mechanics of the game correct.  I have seen a few howlers at the local youth levels, but not in the upper leagues.


Got just about everything wrong.


An everton player about to be subbed on wasn't even stripped and this idiot allowed him to come on after a minute of play.  Bad refereeing that was.


Mutliple times when he blew up and made play stop when there was no reason unless the cheat wanted to stop play.


So according to LOTG:

To replace a player by a substitute, the following conditions must be observed:

• the referee is informed before any proposed substitution is made  assume that Webb knew about the request

• the substitute only enters the field of play after the player being replaced has left and after receiving a signal from the referee is it fair to say that original player left the field and that Webb signaled that the new guy can enter?

• the substitute only enters the field of play at the halfway line and during a stoppage in the match Is this the problem....that he player entered when there was no stoppage?

• the substitution is completed when a substitute enters the field of play


and this part is all subjective so has no basis about a breach of LOTG :D

Mutliple times when he blew up and made play stop when there was no reason unless the cheat wanted to stop play.


So your beef is that the referee allowed a substitute to enter the field when play was not stopped?  Just wondering as I didn;t see the game.

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Ahhh, the rant of someone who's never been a referee.  Try it.....it's not as easy as you make it out to be!!! You wouldn't make it through a U9 game.





To be honest, I did ref an under 9 match once (about 20 years ago) and realised it's not for me! The way those parents screamed in protest for even the most flagrant foul being pulled up - I remember it like yesterday...


I can't even imagine officiating in front of 50,000 baying fans. I always said you had to be a masochist to be a goalkeeper, well, referees take it to a whole new level!

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Guest Roger Kint

In the pub afterwards a bloke was complaining about Webb's refereeing saying how 'poor' he was, and how he seems to have a vendetta against us. He promptly brought up the Fulham defeat in the 08/09 season which helped us on our way to relegation (Viduka's disallowed goal). Is it true that for some reasons that referees seem to have some sort of hate against Newcastle and other teams in the league for some game or incident that occurred decades ago. I don't know!  ???


There are too many people who bleat on about that goal while blissfully ignore the Saylor dive Webb awarded which prevented a derby day defeat. Unfortunately refs make mistakes for and against every team(well maybe not Fergie's...) as its a hard job to do and see everything correctly when often not getting as much help as they could from the assistants. Yesterday apart from a few minor bits and pieces he was ok and got the Best goal decision correct and cant think of any cards he got wrong.

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Total bollocks this refereeing thing, the standard of officiating is no worse than it has ever been. There's only so many decisions a human being can get right in a game that moves at this speed.


Managers, players and fans need to grow up and accept that sometimes decisions go against you and sometimes for.


Just because football is big business and a media spectacle doesn't mean that it's stopped being a sport.

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Guest neesy111

Total bollocks this refereeing thing, the standard of officiating is no worse than it has ever been. There's only so many decisions a human being can get right in a game that moves at this speed.


Managers, players and fans need to grow up and accept that sometimes decisions go against you and sometimes for.


Just because football is big business and a media spectacle doesn't mean that it's stopped being a sport.



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The demand on football referees is just simply too high. I watch a game like basketball and it seems as if there are 5 umpires running around.


Bollocks.  Referee's 20 years ago got most things spot on and this was when Sky was as popular now as Jamie Oliver.  The thing that really does it is the simple things which ref's get wrong.  They get paid 100k a year to do this, and their decisions are totally biased and unacceptable.  Corrupt organisation.


How many games 20 years ago had multi-angle coverage on Sky? In fact, how the fuck would you know what happened 20 years ago- aren't you in your twenties yourself?

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The demand on football referees is just simply too high. I watch a game like basketball and it seems as if there are 5 umpires running around.


Bollocks.  Referee's 20 years ago got most things spot on and this was when Sky was as popular now as Jamie Oliver.  The thing that really does it is the simple things which ref's get wrong.  They get paid 100k a year to do this, and their decisions are totally biased and unacceptable.  Corrupt organisation.

and this was when Sky was as popular now as Jamie Oliver.  The thing that really does it is the simple things which ref's get wrong.  They get paid 100k a year to do this, and their decisions are totally biased and unacceptable.  Corrupt organisation.


Refs were no better 20 years ago than they are now.


I could name quite a few refs from the 80's and 90's who were shocking.


I haven't minded Webb in the games he's done for us this season, in fact I thought he'd been quite good in some of them. Yesterday wasn't his best game, but he got the push for the 'goal' right  and he applied common sense to Nolans dickhead like push. Yeah I moaned about the sub thing, but was it THAT big of a deal?

The only thing I thought he was slack on was protecting Jonas who was kicked around as much as the ball.

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Of course there were major decisions that were wrong 20 years ago. The difference between now and then is just how easy it is to watch and re-watch these mistakes in HD, from multiple angles etc.


No surprise Neesy is flapping his mouth in his typical bi-polar, badly spelt way about something he knows nothing about. If you are a qualified referee then I take it back but I'd be amazed if you are. Webb got the major decisions right yesterday and apart from the sub incident had an alright day. 

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Guest neesy111

Of course there were major decisions that were wrong 20 years ago. The difference between now and then is just how easy it is to watch and re-watch these mistakes in HD, from multiple angles etc.


No surprise Neesy is flapping his mouth in his typical bi-polar, badly spelt way about something he knows nothing about. If you are a qualified referee then I take it back but I'd be amazed if you are. Webb got the major decisions right yesterday and apart from the sub incident had an alright day. 


Utter tripe.

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