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Graham Carr

Guest sicko2ndbest

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MYM would've flourished here and actually was finally getting used to the league, and playing well, before he was unceremoniously dropped and then hounded out as a 'freak.'


Anita also has had a few good games for us. I agree with the Cabella bit.


What the common thread here, after mediocre scouting from Carr, seems to be is absolutely horrendous management. Why have a dinosaur from the 90s managing continental players if our entire raison-d'etre is to shop continental? We're sick of constantly repeating this glaring contradiction which results in total fucking chaos.


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Thauvin was also not given a decent run in the side. I'm sorry, but while it's easy and lazy to take the 'they're all dogshite' route, we need to split the blame across the board, and the management has to take a share of it as well.

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Thauvin was also not given a decent run in the side. I'm sorry, but while it's easy and lazy to take the 'they're all dogshite' route, we need to split the blame across the board, and the management has to take a share of it as well.


Thauvin was so desperate to leave he took a paycut to go back. Heart of a flea. No desire to make it work.


Of course we should have never signed him, he never wanted to join.

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Thauvin was also not given a decent run in the side. I'm sorry, but while it's easy and lazy to take the 'they're all dogshite' route, we need to split the blame across the board, and the management has to take a share of it as well.


Thauvin was so desperate to leave he took a paycut to go back. Heart of a flea. No desire to make it work.


Of course we should have never signed him, he never wanted to join.


In the end that cowardice was his main downfall, but still think he should've had a run on the left when we were getting hammered in that horrendous run. Anyways, pathetic bit of business (again) with Marseille.

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MYM looked no better than Willo in that run. He's not suited to the league.


ANita - nothing player.


Cabella - not suited to the league but tbh... should've been given a second season.


Thauvin - shit.

That's nonsense about Mbiwa, with a good , physical central defender alongside him, he would have been fine, just like if we see Mbemba next to a good, physical central defender, we'll see the full benefit. Anita has never had the luxury of a decent creative midfielder next to him, and therefore I'll reserve judgment on him until we see him with Shelvey, again based on that he's looked decent on occasion next to Colback, I think we'd see better than what we've seen so far.

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A man has been here for almost 4 seasons, amassed almost 100 games but you want to reserve judgement in case someone else makes him look better?




Almost as comical as making a judgement on a kid from a foreign league after 3 starts.

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A man has been here for almost 4 seasons, amassed almost 100 games but you want to reserve judgement in case someone else makes him look better?



He's had Alan Pardew managing him for three of those four years so yes, I'd reserve judgment until we see him in his preferred  role with a creative player next to him. I think he's a tidy player .



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A man has been here for almost 4 seasons, amassed almost 100 games but you want to reserve judgement in case someone else makes him look better?




Almost as comical as making a judgement on a kid from a foreign league after 3 starts.

who does that apply to? Flea heart? Perhaps having that flea heart contributed to a lack of game time?
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A man has been here for almost 4 seasons, amassed almost 100 games but you want to reserve judgement in case someone else makes him look better?




Almost as comical as making a judgement on a kid from a foreign league after 3 starts.

who does that apply to? Flea heart? Perhaps having that flea heart contributed to a lack of game time?


Flea Heart? Random choice of derogatory nickname.


Perhaps his lack of heart did contribute to his lack of game time. 420mins of football would be quite a quick time to establish said lack of heart.


Especially given the extenuating circumstances i.e: young, from a lesser league etc.


Not everyone hits the ground running.

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A man has been here for almost 4 seasons, amassed almost 100 games but you want to reserve judgement in case someone else makes him look better?




Almost as comical as making a judgement on a kid from a foreign league after 3 starts.

who does that apply to? Flea heart? Perhaps having that flea heart contributed to a lack of game time?


Flea Heart? Random choice of derogatory nickname.


Perhaps his lack of heart did contribute to his lack of game time. 420mins of football would be quite a quick time to establish his lack of heart.


Especially given the extenuating circumstances i.e: young, from a lesser league etc.


Not everyone hits the ground running.


I'm assuming Thauvin participated in training. I'm sure something contributed to his lack of game time on his end behind the scenes.  Wanting to leave perhaps. 

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A man has been here for almost 4 seasons, amassed almost 100 games but you want to reserve judgement in case someone else makes him look better?




Almost as comical as making a judgement on a kid from a foreign league after 3 starts.

who does that apply to? Flea heart? Perhaps having that flea heart contributed to a lack of game time?


Flea Heart? Random choice of derogatory nickname.


Perhaps his lack of heart did contribute to his lack of game time. 420mins of football would be quite a quick time to establish his lack of heart.


Especially given the extenuating circumstances i.e: young, from a lesser league etc.


Not everyone hits the ground running.


I'm assuming Thauvin participated in training. I'm sure something contributed to his lack of game time on his end behind the scenes.  Wanting to leave perhaps. 


I assume you're right. If you only look for 'heart' in training then your injury rate would go through the roof. You learn about a players character when the chips are down, when the team is in a battle, when you look at their work rate and their propensity to put themselves on the line for the sake of the team.


Not when you're playing head tennis or practicing set pieces.


He'd shown obvious talent from his League Cup start.


Maybe he did want to go home. Perhaps that's the effect booing a young kid has. I'd question the Manager and Backroom staff if they aren't able to work with him through that.

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He just doesn't impose himself on a game. Other than some neat passing, Anita really offers nothing.


Shelvey has been involved in all four of our goals since he joined. THAT'S what a midfielder needs to do, get stuck in.


If you are a midfielder and you are not assisting, creating, scoring, winning possession back, then what exactly are you doing? Him and Colback offer nothing whatsoever.

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Anita's  a nothing footballer

I'd like to see him next to Shelvey and not Wearside Jack to ascertain whether he'd be good for us or not.



Anita arrived her long before Colback. He's had enough opportunities.

He arrived here when Paedew was the manager despite being possibly the most anti Pardew type player you could wish to find.I think that is a more cogent argument. As I say, give him a go with a playmaker alongside him first. If he's still not contributing enough, then fuck him off, but I'm sure there's a good player for us there.

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