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Guest palnese

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Guest kingdawson

£27m & Sturridge for Tiote?


Don't think I'd take that to be honest.


Hmm, as much as I love Tiote, I think I would tbh.

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I don't think Harry can find a player to replace Modric directly, even with 27m. More likely it would be 2-3 young players.  They would have to undergo a 2-3 years transition period in order to be back to their position now.


Bale won't wait for that.

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so to summarise..


You'd "snap their hands off" if it's 27m and sturridge for Modric but you'd "think" you would take the same amount for Tiote, meaning you have to think long and hard. Am i right?


If you sell Modric, it's certain Redknapp will spend the money on a replacement.

If we sell Tiote, it's not certain Pardew will get the money on a replacement...it's a gamble.




so if it's a gamble why would you accept the deal? oh you're saying you'd be ok with tiote for sturridge straight swap then if the gamble fails?


With £27m I think you can be confident Harry would spend it wisely and buy someone of good calibre to replace him, with us,


a) It's highly unlikely we'd spend that cash.

b) Would we sign someone anywhere near Tiote's ability?


ok i get it. So if it's highly unlikely you'd spend the cash...........why exactly would you accept the deal in the first place?


We need some new goal nets.


Should get them black and white ones back we used to have back in the day.

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so to summarise..


You'd "snap their hands off" if it's 27m and sturridge for Modric but you'd "think" you would take the same amount for Tiote, meaning you have to think long and hard. Am i right?


If you sell Modric, it's certain Redknapp will spend the money on a replacement.

If we sell Tiote, it's not certain Pardew will get the money on a replacement...it's a gamble.




so if it's a gamble why would you accept the deal? oh you're saying you'd be ok with tiote for sturridge straight swap then if the gamble fails?


With £27m I think you can be confident Harry would spend it wisely and buy someone of good calibre to replace him, with us,


a) It's highly unlikely we'd spend that cash.

b) Would we sign someone anywhere near Tiote's ability?


ok i get it. So if it's highly unlikely you'd spend the cash...........why exactly would you accept the deal in the first place?


We need some new goal nets.


Should get them black and white ones back we used to have back in the day.


We'd have to sell Krul for that.

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Because I don't think we'd spend £15m on Sturridge outright, but do think we'd take it in part-ex with a large fee still coming in. We'd never sign someone better than Sturridge so we're sorted there, and there's always the slight hope we would spend maybe £8-10m on a defensive-midfielder, but it's still doubtful.

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Guest kingdawson

Because I don't think we'd spend £15m on Sturridge outright, but do think we'd take it in part-ex with a large fee still coming in. We'd never sign someone better than Sturridge so we're sorted there, and there's always the slight hope we would spend maybe £8-10m on a defensive-midfielder, but it's still doubtful.


Mate so you'd take that deal on a glimmer of hope even though you've already admitted it's "highly unlikely" you'd spend the cash meaning you're basically doing a sturridge for Tiote swap deal with the faint hope you buy a dm along the way which is according to you "highly unlikely".


That to me is a massive risk and doesn't make sense in the slightest which is essentially why i wouldn't do a deal like that for Luka if Chelsea do offer that.

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But at the same time, we'd have a goalscorer who we probably wouldn't sign if a lot of cash wasn't coming in alongside him, so we'd have to weigh up would we be stronger with say, Tiote & Erding, or a lesser DM & Sturridge? I think it's easier to get a midfielder who can "do a job" even if he's not up to Tiote's standard, than a goalscorer who'd get the goals Sturridge would bring.


Also a good DM is normally a lot less money than a good striker, so there's a chance we would get one.

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Guest schmuck

Got him in my fantasy football team, Wigan have some nice games early on and he'll be double influential when Zog goes, Wenger nabbing him would fuck my shit up, not to mention Wigan's.

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Guest kingdawson

Cazorla to Málaga for €20m. To be finalised today or tomorrow.


Good player, but that's a lot of money. Maybe they can hold on Rossi now, though.


Didn't cazorla reject a transfer to Madrid a few years back?

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Cazorla to Málaga for €20m. To be finalised today or tomorrow.


Good player, but that's a lot of money. Maybe they can hold on Rossi now, though.


Didn't cazorla reject a transfer to Madrid a few years back?


Yes. Biggest affront a man can do, he's booed at Bernabéu ever since!

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Guest kingdawson

Cazorla to Málaga for €20m. To be finalised today or tomorrow.


Good player, but that's a lot of money. Maybe they can hold on Rossi now, though.


Didn't cazorla reject a transfer to Madrid a few years back?


Yes. Biggest affront a man can do, he's booed at Bernabéu ever since!


So why is he accepting an offer from Malaga? can't just be about £££ as i'd assume Real would have offered him a significant wage rise.

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Cazorla to Málaga for €20m. To be finalised today or tomorrow.


Good player, but that's a lot of money. Maybe they can hold on Rossi now, though.


Didn't cazorla reject a transfer to Madrid a few years back?


Yes. Biggest affront a man can do, he's booed at Bernabéu ever since!


So why is he accepting an offer from Malaga? can't just be about £££ as i'd assume Real would have offered him a significant wage rise.


According to reports, he's been offered €3,5m at Málaga, which is a big amount for somebody not playing in the top two. Villarreal need to sell, too.


Regarding why he refused Real Madrid, he was never going to be more than a rotation player there and would have harmed his Spain chances (injuries ended up doing that, sadly for him). Villarreal offered him an improved contract at the time, so I guess he didn't end up losing too much.

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Malaga looks like they might be playing exiting football this season. Have a soft spot for them and they have a large ex-pat support which makes games that little bit louder also...

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