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Other clubs' transfers

Guest palnese

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Guest kingdawson

WTF muntari? Please no? Just no. What a calamity of a transfer window this has been and that king of misplaced passes will make it 20 times worse.

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Guest kingdawson

Wigan after Gio Dos Santos.


I'd take a punt on him, like.

doubt he'll go there. Either Sevilla or Udinese I think.
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May be a bit late for this now but if Bendtner is going to Stoke we should try and get Sorensen in on the deal as cover for Szczesny and allow Fabianski go out and get some experience somewhere.


Or, get an experienced keeper in and play that experienced keeper because the experienced keeper will almost certainly make less mistakes than a young, inexperienced keeper because the experienced keeper has experience.


Then again, just claim the inevitable mistakes Chesney will make this year are a 'learning process' and will build his 'mental strength'. See: 1st goal on Sunday.

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What has happened to the money at Spurs? Wouldn't you have rather got the money from Modric and then strengthened your squad?


Levy doesn't want Redknapp to waste it, rather wait 12 months and let Ancelotti waste it instead.


There's plenty of money without selling Modric.

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What has happened to the money at Spurs? Wouldn't you have rather got the money from Modric and then strengthened your squad?


Levy doesn't want Redknapp to waste it, rather wait 12 months and let Ancelotti waste it instead.


There's plenty of money without selling Modric.


Ah, and the other one is back to living in the future. Good to see.

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Guest kingdawson

Second bid for Cahill rejected.

gooners? And how much for?




You're just winding me up with this now, surely?

not really mate. I feel we're in for him too so just making sure.
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