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The 2011-2012 Betting Thread: Last call for 2011/12 football, pretty much


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Had £20 on italy @2.4 and layed the draw for another £40 or so.  Damn Croatians nearly fucked me but stuck everything on the draw after they scored and emerged £25 up.  Not sure my heart can take that again.

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I have not placed a single bet so far this tournament. It's just been a clusterfuck right from the start so I decided to wait until it settles down before diving in. Will probably go in on the 3rd round of games. Hope everyone here has recovered from the brutal stretch at the start.


:thup: Teams don't open up until the 3rd round of games when it comes to the crunch, you get too many sides settling for draws in the early games for anything to be decent value.

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