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Columbus Crew 0-3 Newcastle United REPLAY RADIO LINK ADDED in OP

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Soo, I know I could probably find this out some other way (or by just reading the thread), but I've had a fair few, so would anyone mind just telling me what our starting XI was, which subs we made, and who scored? Would really appreciate it :) Cheers!


Game was the third attraction.


Legendary commentary


A wikipedia war


and a game.


Shola, Colo, Vook.

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Neil Sika just walked away from the mic to check his twitter on his phone and almost fainted at the amount of DMs and mentions he's gotten in the past 90 minutes.


He had about 190 followers when I found him he now has




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Soo, I know I could probably find this out some other way (or by just reading the thread), but I've had a fair few, so would anyone mind just telling me what our starting XI was, which subs we made, and who scored? Would really appreciate it :) Cheers!


Game was the third attraction.


Legendary commentary


A wikipedia war


and a game.


Shola, Colo, Vook.



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