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Davide Santon (now retired)

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Aye lets compare Ferguson to Solano


Raylor will keep his place obviously


No, let's compare Raylor and Ferguson. Who have been s*** two matches, and average (at best) two others? Who is the speedy, talented youngster who has a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and deserves a chance?


Weird and stupid enough, it's quite obvious Raylor will keep his place. Shouldn't be. At all.


I'm no fan of Ryan Taylor as a left back but do we know if Ferguson can defend any better than he can? Speed, talent with the ball, energy and enthusiasm will count for little if Charles N'Zogbia is on his game.


Was it against Chelsea in the cup he played left back for us once? Did great there iirc. I have absolutely no doubt, what so ever, that he is a more capable defender than Raylor.


Based on absolutely nothing.


Based on that match, and of course seeing Raylor (not) defend(ing).


Based on one game? Ok then. Maybe we should get David Edgar back since he played a blinder against Man Utd five year ago.

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Aye lets compare Ferguson to Solano


Raylor will keep his place obviously


No, let's compare Raylor and Ferguson. Who have been s*** two matches, and average (at best) two others? Who is the speedy, talented youngster who has a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and deserves a chance?


Weird and stupid enough, it's quite obvious Raylor will keep his place. Shouldn't be. At all.


I'm no fan of Ryan Taylor as a left back but do we know if Ferguson can defend any better than he can? Speed, talent with the ball, energy and enthusiasm will count for little if Charles N'Zogbia is on his game.


Was it against Chelsea in the cup he played left back for us once? Did great there iirc. I have absolutely no doubt, what so ever, that he is a more capable defender than Raylor.


Based on absolutely nothing.


Based on that match, and of course seeing Raylor (not) defend(ing).


Based on one game? Ok then. Maybe we should get David Edgar back since he played a blinder against Man Utd five year ago.


Mostly based on watching Raylor be piss poor. What a stupid comparison btw.

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Solid arguments as always


Please just bore off.



Point being - why play proven shit, when you can play a talented youngster who deserves some playing time?


Because if he gets torn to pieces in a position that he might not be ready to play in, it could do him far more harm than good?

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Aye lets compare Ferguson to Solano


Raylor will keep his place obviously


No, let's compare Raylor and Ferguson. Who have been s*** two matches, and average (at best) two others? Who is the speedy, talented youngster who has a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and deserves a chance?


Weird and stupid enough, it's quite obvious Raylor will keep his place. Shouldn't be. At all.


I'm no fan of Ryan Taylor as a left back but do we know if Ferguson can defend any better than he can? Speed, talent with the ball, energy and enthusiasm will count for little if Charles N'Zogbia is on his game.


Was it against Chelsea in the cup he played left back for us once? Did great there iirc. I have absolutely no doubt, what so ever, that he is a more capable defender than Raylor.


Based on absolutely nothing.


Based on that match, and of course seeing Raylor (not) defend(ing).


Based on one game? Ok then. Maybe we should get David Edgar back since he played a blinder against Man Utd five year ago.


Mostly based on watching Raylor be piss poor. What a stupid comparison btw.


How is that a stupid comparison? :lol:


People said exactly the same about Edgar on here after that game when he never featured for ages afterwards, and he is/was a defender! Turned out the reason he hadn't been playing was because he was fairly rubbish.

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This is a fucking piss take.


Seriously, this club is fucking cursed.


Aye, you'd think no one but us picked up injuries :lol: :facepalm:


Yeah, silly me being fucked off that 2 of our biggest recent singings have ended up getting badly injured before they've barely kicked a ball when I can just laugh it off.  Knob.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

taxfree is always correct. twitter tells him so.




I am eluding to the fact that your opinion is always the correct one, and everyone else's opinion is pointless and boring. I am also suggesting that the majority of your opinion is based on what you read on twitter. I cunningly kept all of this concise, and I even refrained from using capital letters to keep in theme with your username. All of this was done effortlessly and within a few seconds, such is my wit and banter.


Of course, I have now explained my actions and cunningly evil plot, so that means I'm either going to be foiled by James Bond or Scooby Doo.

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Aye lets compare Ferguson to Solano


Raylor will keep his place obviously


No, let's compare Raylor and Ferguson. Who have been s*** two matches, and average (at best) two others? Who is the speedy, talented youngster who has a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and deserves a chance?


Weird and stupid enough, it's quite obvious Raylor will keep his place. Shouldn't be. At all.


I'm no fan of Ryan Taylor as a left back but do we know if Ferguson can defend any better than he can? Speed, talent with the ball, energy and enthusiasm will count for little if Charles N'Zogbia is on his game.


Was it against Chelsea in the cup he played left back for us once? Did great there iirc. I have absolutely no doubt, what so ever, that he is a more capable defender than Raylor.


Based on absolutely nothing.


Based on that match, and of course seeing Raylor (not) defend(ing).


Based on one game? Ok then. Maybe we should get David Edgar back since he played a blinder against Man Utd five year ago.


Mostly based on watching Raylor be p*ss poor. What a stupid comparison btw.


How is that a stupid comparison? :lol:


People said exactly the same about Edgar on here after that game when he never featured for ages afterwards, and he is/was a defender! Turned out the reason he hadn't been playing was because he was fairly rubbish.


So when a player does well the times he get a shot, and does well for the reserves, we should just look at players who haven't cut it? Fact is, Raylor is a huge liability. Why not try something else? Why not try a talented youngster?

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taxfree is always correct. twitter tells him so.




I am eluding to the fact that your opinion is always the correct one, and everyone else's opinion is pointless and boring. I am also suggesting that the majority of your opinion is based on what you read on twitter. I cunningly kept all of this concise, and I even refrained from using capital letters to keep in theme with your username. All of this was done effortlessly and within a few seconds, such is my wit and banter.


Of course, I have now explained my actions and cunningly evil plot, so that means I'm either going to be foiled by James Bond or Scooby Doo.


My opninion, is my opinion, so i will obviously stand by it and defend it. Where the Twitter-thing comes from - I really don't know  :lol:

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Aye lets compare Ferguson to Solano


Raylor will keep his place obviously


No, let's compare Raylor and Ferguson. Who have been s*** two matches, and average (at best) two others? Who is the speedy, talented youngster who has a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and deserves a chance?


Weird and stupid enough, it's quite obvious Raylor will keep his place. Shouldn't be. At all.


All fair comment, except for saying "s*** two matches, and average (at best) two others" without mentioning that he scored the winner away to the Mackems! Give the lad some credit!


And you were scoffing at me comparing Solano and Ferguson? :lol:


Ryan Taylor hitting a dead ball well doesn't compensate for the fact he can't bring the ball out and totally fucks up our football with his panic stricken wellies down the pitch. Ferguson can play, he's done well previously and the Solano comparison is a good one because Nobby was the last player you would expect to make a decent full back.


It's a ridiculous comparison tbh. How can you compare a kid to an experienced professional in his 30s? If it's so easy, you might as well play any old winger at full back.


A player who can bring the ball out is the last thing I'm worried about when N'Zogbia's playing. He went up against Perch last time he played against us and absolutely tore him to shreds


What makes you think he won't tear Raylor a new one? Ferguson is either left back material or he isn't. If he is then put him in and let him show what he's got, he doesn't look the nervous type to me. If he's not then we should have stumped up the money and got Neil Taylor in as cover.

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Aye lets compare Ferguson to Solano


Raylor will keep his place obviously


No, let's compare Raylor and Ferguson. Who have been s*** two matches, and average (at best) two others? Who is the speedy, talented youngster who has a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and deserves a chance?


Weird and stupid enough, it's quite obvious Raylor will keep his place. Shouldn't be. At all.


All fair comment, except for saying "s*** two matches, and average (at best) two others" without mentioning that he scored the winner away to the Mackems! Give the lad some credit!


And you were scoffing at me comparing Solano and Ferguson? :lol:


Ryan Taylor hitting a dead ball well doesn't compensate for the fact he can't bring the ball out and totally fucks up our football with his panic stricken wellies down the pitch. Ferguson can play, he's done well previously and the Solano comparison is a good one because Nobby was the last player you would expect to make a decent full back.


It's a ridiculous comparison tbh. How can you compare a kid to an experienced professional in his 30s? If it's so easy, you might as well play any old winger at full back.


A player who can bring the ball out is the last thing I'm worried about when N'Zogbia's playing. He went up against Perch last time he played against us and absolutely tore him to shreds


What makes you think he won't tear Raylor a new one? Ferguson is either left back material or he isn't. If he is then put him in and let him show what he's got, he doesn't look the nervous type to me. If he's not then we should have stumped up the money and got Neil Taylor in as cover.


He might well do and I agree, we should have. Our defensive squad right across the back four is farcically thin/weak. You seem to be suggesting we do something based on footballing needs. We don't do that.


I don't think Ferguson's left back material in a month of Sundays tbh, unless he's been on the steroids over the summer.

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taxfree is always correct. twitter tells him so.




I am eluding to the fact that your opinion is always the correct one, and everyone else's opinion is pointless and boring. I am also suggesting that the majority of your opinion is based on what you read on twitter. I cunningly kept all of this concise, and I even refrained from using capital letters to keep in theme with your username. All of this was done effortlessly and within a few seconds, such is my wit and banter.


Of course, I have now explained my actions and cunningly evil plot, so that means I'm either going to be foiled by James Bond or Scooby Doo.





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Guest ObiChrisKenobi



Bore off.


Ah, I apologise taxfree, I can't help but think you're former post 'know_it_all', which you're probably not. I'll move on.

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Guest VaVaVoom

Didnt someone mention on here that he had injury problems before?


I hope this is just a niggle but a cartiledge problem doesnt sound good. I'd imagine he'l be out for 4-6 weeks.


Definitely would give Ferguson a go. Kadar has played LB also. Try them out just like Raylor who's had his chance.

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Ryan Taylor is not a defender, neither is Ferguson. However one of them has pace, enthusiasm, energy, is comfortable on the ball and is naturally left sided.


We're not going to get top 6 this season, I'd rather we started trying to play some decent football and removing Ryan Taylor from the line-up is absolutely vital as far as I'm concerned. Raylor is going to get torn apart by N'Zogbia regardless.

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Didnt someone mention on here that he had injury problems before?


I hope this is just a niggle but a cartiledge problem doesnt sound good. I'd imagine he'l be out for 4-6 weeks.


Definitely would give Ferguson a go. Kadar has played LB also. Try them out just like Raylor who's had his chance.


Well, Pardew is being quoted in Skysports.com saying it's possibly an injury he's had before.

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