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Hatem Ben Arfa


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Felt like he was trying to drag us through the game today and as a result ended up doing too much.


Dragged us into a position to actually score the winner.


He's played deep and when he receives the ball he's always got three men on him. Thank God he's so good.

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Goal run aside, it was a poor performance from him.


I honestly don't know what people expect when he receives the ball with back to goal in his own half, with three men on him. He's misplaced at the moment. It's harsh to call him poor when he's not being allowed to play his own game at the moment. Pardew said it's "his world" when he's got the ball, but the boss hasn't allowed it to be having restricted him by a deeper position.

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Goal run aside, it was a poor performance from him.


I honestly don't know what people expect when he receives the ball with back to goal in his own half, with three men on him. He's misplaced at the moment. It's harsh to call him poor when he's not being allowed to play his own game at the moment. Pardew said it's "his world" when he's got the ball, but the boss hasn't allowed it to be having restricted him by a deeper position.


Due to the formation he's recieving the ball 20 yards deeper than where he should be. And people are getting miffed he's not scoring Bolton-esque goals every weak. Baffling.

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Goal run aside, it was a poor performance from him.


I honestly don't know what people expect when he receives the ball with back to goal in his own half, with three men on him. He's misplaced at the moment. It's harsh to call him poor when he's not being allowed to play his own game at the moment. Pardew said it's "his world" when he's got the ball, but the boss hasn't allowed it to be having restricted him by a deeper position.

If there's 3 men on him,there must be at least 2 in space... oh wait.. Simmo, Williamson, Obertan

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Goal run aside, it was a poor performance from him.


I honestly don't know what people expect when he receives the ball with back to goal in his own half, with three men on him. He's misplaced at the moment. It's harsh to call him poor when he's not being allowed to play his own game at the moment. Pardew said it's "his world" when he's got the ball, but the boss hasn't allowed it to be having restricted him by a deeper position.


So him not performing is everyone else's fault? Howay man. He's one of the most talented players in our squad but whether it's his fault, the rest of the team, Pardew or the opposition, it wasn't a good performance.


He's un-fucking-touchable on this forum. He really is.

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Looked very good in the first half, gave the ball away far too much in the second.


They wised up and crowded him out second half aside from the last 5-10. Seemed to play a lot more central that freed him up when Sammy/Obertan came on.

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Not sure what he's suppose to do when he's deployed so deep, if you look at all players with similar skill and style they all deployed in the final third not in their own half ffs.


He can't dribble past the whole team every single bloody week no one can, put Messi in the same position as Ben Arfa and i doubt he would do much better.


Players need to be given the platform to succeed and he isn't, i thought he did bloody well considering the circumstances and if it wasn't for him we would not have won the game.

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Looked very good in the first half, gave the ball away far too much in the second.


They wised up and crowded him out second half aside from the last 5-10. Seemed to play a lot more central that freed him up when Sammy/Obertan came on.


Seems to be a problem of getting crowded out really whenever he's anonymous.

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Thought he tried to do too much himself today when he was well shackled with sometimes 3 players on him. Needs to pass it more rather than try to beat too many players everytime, ie accept that some weeks it'll come off some weeks it won't.

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Pardew needs to stop seeing him as a milfielder. His natural abilities are ones of a forward.

Was funny how he plays in several positions today : begin on the left of a three men forward, then on the left on a 4-4-2 (and it was horrendous) and finish behind the striker.

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Guest Howaythetoon

He will never ever fulfill his true potential while Pardew is his manager. He isn't a winger, he's not a work horse, he is a free spirit.


KK to Beresford - You will have to work harder son, I don't want Ginola defending. That's your job.


Sir Bobby was the same with Robert.


He needs the freedom of the pitch and the licence to express himself fully. Ironically he is a naturally hard working player in that he wants to get involved at all times, whether that's on or off the ball, so chasing back, trying to nick the ball etc. isn't something he needs instructed to do.


Just let him play. He is arguably one of the best natural footballers in the division and should be tearing it up week in week out, yet he's shackled by shitty tactics, a wide position and god awful football that sees him having to come deep just to get on the ball or looking skywards as it sails over his head.


Under a KK or a Sir Bobby he would be up for PFA player of the year awards, score 10 + and create just as many and easily too. Under Pardew? He will always blow hot and cold.


I don't buy into all this getting hm to work hard, be more of a team player etc. If I'm a manager I want Ben Arfa playing as high up as possible. I'd fucking buy someone to protect him even just so he can carry on working his magic that's how key he is or should be. I'd tell him to let others do the defending and let him wreck his havoc where it matters.


Not outside his own fucking box as happened against the mackems all too often.


Honestly, his talent is being wasted.

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Danny Simpson being asked to work harder. :yao:


Tbh how many other managers have successfully "tamed" him? I think I heard a stat that he's never played a full ninety under any other man. And he does it almost always for us these days, even with all the defending he's being asked to do by Pards. He might not be showcasing the best of his flair but even he realizes that he's become much more mature and responsible as a footballer with his extra duties. Maybe being an all-out attacker made him show his rather temperamental side in the past. Pards may not be the best man for grooming him to be the best player, but he certainly made him a man.



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Well personally I'm more interested in Ben Arfa the football player than Ben Arfa the man.


Think the two comes along each other. With the maturity comes the consistency to play.

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He will never ever fulfill his true potential while Pardew is his manager. He isn't a winger, he's not a work horse, he is a free spirit.


KK to Beresford - You will have to work harder son, I don't want Ginola defending. That's your job.


Sir Bobby was the same with Robert.


He needs the freedom of the pitch and the licence to express himself fully. Ironically he is a naturally hard working player in that he wants to get involved at all times, whether that's on or off the ball, so chasing back, trying to nick the ball etc. isn't something he needs instructed to do.


Just let him play. He is arguably one of the best natural footballers in the division and should be tearing it up week in week out, yet he's shackled by shitty tactics, a wide position and god awful football that sees him having to come deep just to get on the ball or looking skywards as it sails over his head.


Under a KK or a Sir Bobby he would be up for PFA player of the year awards, score 10 + and create just as many and easily too. Under Pardew? He will always blow hot and cold.


I don't buy into all this getting hm to work hard, be more of a team player etc. If I'm a manager I want Ben Arfa playing as high up as possible. I'd f***ing buy someone to protect him even just so he can carry on working his magic that's how key he is or should be. I'd tell him to let others do the defending and let him wreck his havoc where it matters.


Not outside his own f***ing box as happened against the mackems all too often.


Honestly, his talent is being wasted.


Yet Ben Arfa himself has said that Pardew's the first coach who's truly "understood" him. Hmmm.

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