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Fulham 5 - 2 Newcastle United - 21/01/12 - Post-disaster reaction from page 60


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I actually meant Jonas and Ben Arfa. The latter is still far too loose with the ball, imo, but he is our best attacking player (with Ba and Cisse in Equatorial Guinea) by a completely ridiculous amount.


Far too loose. Jeseus man have you seen Ameobi try to controla ball, pass a ball or shoot. Laughable.

It's a good practice. Comparing everything to Shola's footballing ability so you can feel good about all the shit things in your life. This team has many failures and the inadequacies of our fourth choice striker are not particularly high on the list for me.

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Guest WashyGeordie

worst result in a few years, and a fuckin embarrasing performance 2nd half against a s**** team.


f***ing still cant work it out, 5 goals conceded against Fulham.


In a few year?


Last year we got beat off Bolton 5-1 and Stoke 4-1...

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Not sure i've ever seen us collapse like that before. There was the gash penalty decision and a couple of tactical changes from Jol... both of those incidents instigated one of the finest downfalls i've ever seen from us. We had absolutely no reply; particularly to the Johnson sub. Infuriating how we maintained that high line in spite of the fact that we were getting done for pace over and over again. Astonishing stuff.


And i'm not scapegoating but fuck me, i'm pig sick of Krul giving the ball away every single time he has it. We were under pressure as soon as the second half kicked off, and it was largely down to him. Boot it up, give it away. Boot it up, give it away. Fucking ARGH.

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worst result in a few years, and a fuckin embarrasing performance 2nd half against a s**** team.


f***ing still cant work it out, 5 goals conceded against Fulham.


fulham arent a bad side,  it's nowhere near as bad as the west brom game at st james that was horrendous.

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can we give credit to the tactical genius of martin jol?


Yep. They were being comprehensively outplayed but managed to get in at only 1-0. They changed everything and we played like we'd already won.

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

We were so good in that first half. So strange. We saw Johnson's ability to get in behind with the Santon incident and we should have dropped deeper then. Won't even start on how Shola gets near the squad.

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Well, that was awful. I don't know how that happened like. 5 fucking goals. Started with that horrible pen decision, and Andy Johnson made all the difference. I hate him so much for some reason. Shola was pathetic as always, defense fucking disgraceful and second half tactics and game plan were embarrassing. I need a drink.

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Guest bimpy474

Shola's a cunt. How the fuck did he not get subbed off?


This, he was so crap, as the main forward he has to hold the ball up, he cant do that at all, he is so shit.

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f*** me don't we get done for pace at the back sometimes (Thinking also of our loss to WBA at the hands of Odemwingie and Long) Ameobi has got be put out to pasture. 3 players away from our best side though which is important to keep in mind. Next few games will be very hard to watch


Krul 4 Kicking is atrocious!


Simmo 4.5 Meh

Williamson 3 Just pure s**** today. Major contributor to at least 3 of the conceded goals. Slow as all hell

Coloccini 5.5 Not really at fault for any of the goals but really lacks a few yards of pace.

Santon 3.5 Poor. Lucky to last 90 minutes


Ben Arfa 6.5 Another good goal. Ok first half though he lost the ball a bit too much. Tough with no movement up front. Not in the game first 25 minutes of second half but good late in the game.

Guthrie 6.5 Great goal and was fantastic first half. Needs to be signed up immediately

Cabaye 5.5 Not in the game, can't be a 100%

Gutierrez 7 Great stuff today, dribbling and running game was at its best. Lack of movement up front hurt him.


Ameobi 2 Must be put out to pasture now. Woeful movement. Yes he can win a header and put away a penalty but everything else is just woeful.

Best 5.5 No service today, tough with a strike partner who is essentially an immovable object.




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Someone assassinate Shola and save our next month.


Oh fuck off man. :lol: This result is 100% about the defence man.

Yeah our defence has been bad but two of their goals were after Shola rather hopelessly lost the ball. Attack is the best form of defence.


That's the mindset that lost us the game today, we pressed forward too much and gambled a little too much, which meant we kept giving the ball away, and left tonnes of space for Johnson and Dempsey to exploit. We could have gotten away with some of it if Tiote was here.


Also Shola, to be fair, wasn't nearly as static as he had been against QPR. He's still no Demba.

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worst result in a few years, and a fuckin embarrasing performance 2nd half against a s**** team.


f***ing still cant work it out, 5 goals conceded against Fulham.


Bolton 5-1 was worse, but maybe because i was there...


Johnson and Zamora


Elmander and Davies



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Guest Heneage

Duff's dive changes the game for me. Gets them right back into the game and gives them a stupidly big confidence boost. Not like anyone on MOTD will mention that.



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