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The other games today - 2012/13


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There was me thinking we take the p*ss out of them being more arsed about us suffering than them benefitting. :lol:


fair point  :lol: Though should add I do like West Brom and think they'll do something approaching what we did last season, do extremely well under the radar

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Cool, mackem game is on live here too.

Aye, you're in for a right treat :lol: :razz:


Star trek on the computer, sunderland on the telly.  Think i'll see more football on the computer tbh :lol:


The Federation XI is pretty good tbf.


                        Wesley Crusher


  Deanna Troi      Riker          Worf          Beverly Crusher




                Picard                    Data


            O'Brien                          Q 


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West Brom are a proper team rather than a collection of good players. Far more than the sum of their parts which to me is the whole point of having a manager. Outstanding management so far from Clarke, be interesting to see if he can prolong it.

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