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Re: Prediction League 2012/13 - Final Table


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Tbf I'm delighted (I know it's only been 4 games) but fundamentally really pissed off that I'm really shit at betting at the same time.  Quite often come close on Super 6 too.


Bit of a social side-experiment for me this. Wanted to see how the gamblers on here did (your D28s, Dinhos, Neils, Wormys etc - half of whom don't bother :lol:). Just to see if it made them take stock of an unflinchingly objective table what their powers of prediction are over a season. Shame Stu isn't playing. Would have been interested to see how he get on - one of our better betters, from what I gather. Maybe if you last the season with a decent record you should consider investing more mula in the old betting coffers ;)

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That's a good point man, maybe it will be build up momentum this season and get more people on board for next?  Shame more of the know-it-alls aren't playing.  Trouble is as well that people need to be on it and make sure they play every week, that's been my trouble with Fantasy Football down the years (besides my team being wank).


Been good so far though and has given me an additional interest, thanks.  Was funny tonight, I was in the house on my own and it was like:


Inner monologue: Fuck's sake, fuck's sake, can't believe we've lost it after this 2nd half performance.  Did I predict 2-1 in this match, ah well...


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Tbf I'm delighted (I know it's only been 4 games) but fundamentally really p*ssed off that I'm really s*** at betting at the same time.  Quite often come close on Super 6 too.


Bit of a social side-experiment for me this. Wanted to see how the gamblers on here did (your D28s, Dinhos, Neils, Wormys etc - half of whom don't bother :lol:). Just to see if it made them take stock of an unflinchingly objective table what their powers of prediction are over a season. Shame Stu isn't playing. Would have been interested to see how he get on - one of our better betters, from what I gather. Maybe if you last the season with a decent record you should consider investing more mula in the old betting coffers ;)


Just wish that I'd bet on the 2-2 for yesterday.


Was adamant that'd be the score, even when we went 2-1 down. When I bet on instinct, it never comes off. When I don't bet on instinct, it does :lol:

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