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Alan Pardew


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Don't mean to put words in your mouth re: dominating them either :) but the 'excellent passing football pretty much from start to finish' is what I mean.


We were a poor passing side until they had the lead. We weren't a great deal better thereafter, but they had a lead and felt no need to press us while we aimlessly put balls in the box without bothering to get in behind their defence. Food and drink for the Hangeland.


Er well, thanks mate, you did put words in my mouth. :lol: I never said we dominated, my original post said we were excellent without being incisive.


All fucking season long we've been asking why we're hoofing the ball up - well tonight we played 433 and we kept the ball on the deck.  We hardly hoofed the ball at all and when we did it was more of a lofted ball from midfield than anything else, and even that was rare.


If you moan all season about us playing hoofball (as I have) then we start playing passing football throughout the game then it seems a bit fucking demanding to say you think our passing football isn't incisive enough.  Give it time man, hopefully we've reverted back to 433 and back to a passing style.  Tonight wasn't that much different to our game against West Brom away last season in terms of our approach, however Fulham had 8 or 9 men behind the ball at most times.  It was therefore difficult to open them up.


Moan too loudly and Pardew will go back to the hoof.  Stick with this and we can hopefully progress.


To me it looked like we played 4-4-2 or 4-3-1-2 from HT onwards. Hard to tell though as no-one was on the right.


Our only problem with passing it around away these days is that teams are sitting a lot deeper against us this year as we're not a surprise package anymore.


It was more difficult to tell the formation once Ameobi came on, however we kept passing it.  I could tell because I'm quite impatient with hoofs now and will normally shout "Enough of that shite" or words to that effect and barely did so tonight.


I swear we'd have beaten Fulham if they weren't in shite form, as perverse as it sounds.  They were so defensive it was untrue.


I don't think there was one when Shola came on unfortunately, we lost that link between midfield and forward line for sure. Strange, strange substitution even moreso as you say we didn't just start belting it forward thus rendering Shola pretty much useless. We were on top and for me he had to bring Marveux on for a like for like to keep it going, that sub threw us for 5-10 mins while we regrouped. Exactly what a sub is not supposed to do when you're chasing the game.


I was 100% fucked off with Pardew for not starting Marveaux, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and presumed he'd picked up an injury.  I was fuming when I saw Marveaux coming on on 85 fucking minutes, it's an absolute joke that he didn't feature more heavily.  I definitely had problems with selection / subsitutions.

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Guest neesy111

Honestly what did people at the game watch for the 1st 40 mins?  They had 7 shots to our 2 by the 40 minute mark and we'd just cleared one off the line at that point.

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I feel like Ian W here. :lol:


Not going to stay in this thread to argue the point.  Interesting how people I normally get on alright with on here take a fairly immature, mocking tone when you dare to take a different stance.  Grow up.


Some of you are angry and beyond reason tonight so I'm off. :lol: We tried to play good football tonight and it didn't pay off.  I can't remember being in a much happier defeated away end than I was tonight.


The problem is that the result and performance don't exist in isolation because we needed to win tonight as it was our last realistic chance of an away win before the middle of January (and I'll tell you now that we'll get fuck all at Carrow Road). We're long past the point where we can take encouragement from any sort of performance unless we've given someone a real battering or been robbed by a ref and that certainly wasn't tonight. They missed much better chances than we did.


Well we can take heart in it if you want us to start playing good passing football with 3 in midfield.  Because we've started playing it.  We've played like shite all season and I'm convinced we've been told to play that direct football up until now.  In which case it's a bit much to expect us to immediately switch into an incisive attacking unit as soon as we switch it.


I hope we stick to this sort of system/style until the end of the season, because it'll start working.

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Honestly what did people at the game watch for the 1st 40 mins?  They had 7 shots to our 2 by the 40 minute mark and we'd just cleared one off the line at that point.


1st 40 minutes was an open, end-to-end game, what you on about? :lol: After their first goal, they were disgracefully conservative for a home side.

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Guest neesy111

Honestly what did people at the game watch for the 1st 40 mins?  They had 7 shots to our 2 by the 40 minute mark and we'd just cleared one off the line at that point.


1st 40 minutes was an open, end-to-end game, what you on about? :lol: After their first goal, they were disgracefully conservative for a home side.



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Honestly what did people at the game watch for the 1st 40 mins?  They had 7 shots to our 2 by the 40 minute mark and we'd just cleared one off the line at that point.


1st 40 minutes was an open, end-to-end game, what you on about? :lol: After their first goal, they were disgracefully conservative for a home side.




Why the blue face?

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No ideas to stop the rot coming from Pardew. I am getting more and more irritated and worried BECAUSE theres no ideas coming from him.

Abysmal. The defence is a mess, midfield is conjuring up precious little and the forwards are firing blanks.

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I do agree that the intention was better today, we tried to keep it on the deck and pass it more than we have in most games I've seen this year. Hopefully we keep at it.


Have a hard time saying we were actually good tonight though. We didn't create any real chances and honestly never really looked like we would. The team still has absolutely no width and our movement in the final third is non-existent.


It's an improvement yes, but when an improvement constitutes finally doing something that has been ball-achingly obvious for months now then questions need to be asked.

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Game was over after Shola came on for HBA. He should have but Marveux on at that stage. Hoofing the ball to Hangelands head was sad to watch really. Especially, when our forwards did not make any efforts to win the ball.  I dont think we won any headers in their box. And all this after we played (= HBA played) some nice football in the second half. 


Jonas playing full 90 mins  :sad:


I would not mind him getting the sack, but Ashley porbably would just hire someone like Kinnear..



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I feel like Ian W here. :lol:


Not going to stay in this thread to argue the point.  Interesting how people I normally get on alright with on here take a fairly immature, mocking tone when you dare to take a different stance.  Grow up.


Some of you are angry and beyond reason tonight so I'm off. :lol: We tried to play good football tonight and it didn't pay off.  I can't remember being in a much happier defeated away end than I was tonight.


The problem is that the result and performance don't exist in isolation because we needed to win tonight as it was our last realistic chance of an away win before the middle of January (and I'll tell you now that we'll get fuck all at Carrow Road). We're long past the point where we can take encouragement from any sort of performance unless we've given someone a real battering or been robbed by a ref and that certainly wasn't tonight. They missed much better chances than we did.


Well we can take heart in it if you want us to start playing good passing football with 3 in midfield.  Because we've started playing it.  We've played like shite all season and I'm convinced we've been told to play that direct football up until now.  In which case it's a bit much to expect us to immediately switch into an incisive attacking unit as soon as we switch it.


I hope we stick to this sort of system/style until the end of the season, because it'll start working.


I said it somewhere else but I'll repeat it here because I feel it's important. 4--3-3 doesn't mean playing a centre forward on the wing. If you want to play both Cisse and Ba then might as well stick to 4-4-2. I know Ba did well on the left wing last season but he doesn't look like a long term solution out wide to me. Not that it made any difference yesterday as our genius manager decided Cisse was going to play on the wing. With an ancient arthritic left back in Riise to exploit what a fucking tactical masterstroke that was! :lol:


Yes we attempted to pass it around, I'll give you that. Just a shame it looked totally like a Pardew after thought instead of something drilled into the team from day one. If we had a coach who really believed in it we might have worked out how to put it to good use by now instead of resorting to Shola and hoof-direct at the first sign of trouble.



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I feel like Ian W here. :lol:


Not going to stay in this thread to argue the point.  Interesting how people I normally get on alright with on here take a fairly immature, mocking tone when you dare to take a different stance.  Grow up.


Some of you are angry and beyond reason tonight so I'm off. :lol: We tried to play good football tonight and it didn't pay off.  I can't remember being in a much happier defeated away end than I was tonight.


The problem is that the result and performance don't exist in isolation because we needed to win tonight as it was our last realistic chance of an away win before the middle of January (and I'll tell you now that we'll get fuck all at Carrow Road). We're long past the point where we can take encouragement from any sort of performance unless we've given someone a real battering or been robbed by a ref and that certainly wasn't tonight. They missed much better chances than we did.


Well we can take heart in it if you want us to start playing good passing football with 3 in midfield.  Because we've started playing it.  We've played like shite all season and I'm convinced we've been told to play that direct football up until now.  In which case it's a bit much to expect us to immediately switch into an incisive attacking unit as soon as we switch it.


I hope we stick to this sort of system/style until the end of the season, because it'll start working.


It's a fair point - particularly about us rediscovering our passing form overnight. :thup: I just disagree that we did play passing football until after we were chasing the game. Plan A was, again, to lump the ball early. It's probably not worth your time/effort, but if you have a rewatch of the first half I don't think you'll disagree with that.


I think the passing only really began when Fulham sat deep to protect their lead, and we had some space.


As my comments from the match thread attest to (below), I actually agree that we did try to approach the game in a better way in places, but even so - there was still too much lumping.


Seemed like there are sprouts of wanting to do the right things, but players like Jonas and Tiote seem to have forgotten how to play football. Basic passes going astray.


Mixture of good and bad so far. See sides of improvement (in intention if not execution) in places. Some organisation/hunger too, which is unusual of late!


Once we drew level (out of really un-penetrative "pressure") we actually looked a bit better. The players seem to find some belief and I was entertained (for one of the few times this season!!), but as I said - we still struggled to create openings, despite going about it in the right way.


I'd very much like to see passing the ball as Plan A from the off, before we're facing 8/9/10/11-men behind the ball from an opposition. That would encourage me. I mean, don't get me wrong, this was light years ahead of West Ham (h) and Swansea (h) but this is no time for fucking babysteps :lol: These are top professionals many of which with impressive track records. Inching along as the season passes us by and we are cut adrift from midtable mediocrity is not a viable option. Furthermore, I do think many of the problems in our side are instantly remediable for a decent manager.

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Looked angry and I think its about time they got screamed at, Pards knows Simpson & Williamson are not good enough but what can he do? MA had better fkn back him in January, non of this "its hard to get a good deal in January" bollocks pay the money sign who we need.

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Looked angry and I think its about time they got screamed at, Pards knows Simpson & Williamson are not good enough but what can he do? MA had better fkn back him in January, non of this "its hard to get a good deal in January" bollocks pay the money sign who we need.


You sure about that?


I hope to God you're right but i'm not convinced at all. I think he genuinely rates Williamson

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I haven't had time to read the last umpteen pages but I can't believe I'm:


a) Coming home to people moaning about that performance.

and b) Agreeing (never mind being the last man standing) with Ian W. :lol:


I take your point about the change in attitude to the passing football. However the real worry is that it's a last resort, with these players.


Pardew could and should have addressed our style of play over the summer, every fan knew what our problems were last season and what this team of players should be focusing on in most games.


He doesn't believe in passing football, unless he changes his outlook quickly he's not turning this group of players around. The formation change and passing attitude us a positive but it needs to be a constant thing that we work on throughout the club.

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Guest neesy111

Again what chances did we actually create until the Colocini header which was on the 35th minute?  They arguably should had been 2-0 up before that with Berbatov missing a sitter and having 1 shot cleared off the line.

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Again what chances did we actually create until the Colocini header which was on the 35th minute?  They arguably should had been 2-0 up before that with Berbatov missing a sitter and having 1 shot cleared off the line.


There's no merit in this line of argument though really. Fair enough we didn't create a lot of chances, but it could easily have been 0-0 as well. Their goal was a lucky deflection.


We weren't brilliant, but we played well enough to deserve something out of the game. I can't see how anyone who watched it can deny that.

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To be fair to Interpolic, I do remember thinking in the first half probably first 20 mins or so, 'bloody hell we are trying t knock it about a bit at least'. Personally thought after we went a goal down that he thought fuck it and went back to old ways. I could be wrong but pretty sure that's what I thought.

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I feel like Ian W here. :lol:


Not going to stay in this thread to argue the point.  Interesting how people I normally get on alright with on here take a fairly immature, mocking tone when you dare to take a different stance.  Grow up.


Some of you are angry and beyond reason tonight so I'm off. :lol: We tried to play good football tonight and it didn't pay off.  I can't remember being in a much happier defeated away end than I was tonight.


The problem is that the result and performance don't exist in isolation because we needed to win tonight as it was our last realistic chance of an away win before the middle of January (and I'll tell you now that we'll get fuck all at Carrow Road). We're long past the point where we can take encouragement from any sort of performance unless we've given someone a real battering or been robbed by a ref and that certainly wasn't tonight. They missed much better chances than we did.


Well we can take heart in it if you want us to start playing good passing football with 3 in midfield.  Because we've started playing it.  We've played like shite all season and I'm convinced we've been told to play that direct football up until now.  In which case it's a bit much to expect us to immediately switch into an incisive attacking unit as soon as we switch it.


I hope we stick to this sort of system/style until the end of the season, because it'll start working.


Yes we attempted to pass it around, I'll give you that. Just a shame it looked totally like a Pardew after thought instead of something drilled into the team from day one. If we had a coach who really believed in it we might have worked out how to put it to good use by now instead of resorting to Shola and hoof-direct at the first sign of trouble.


Completely and utterly this. It's everything we were talking about last season. Default style of play, rigid, don't move, kick it at the lad up front. Until that changes we're going nowhere.

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Guest neesy111

Again what chances did we actually create until the Colocini header which was on the 35th minute?  They arguably should had been 2-0 up before that with Berbatov missing a sitter and having 1 shot cleared off the line.


There's no merit in this line of argument though really. Fair enough we didn't create a lot of chances, but it could easily have been 0-0 as well. Their goal was a lucky deflection.


We weren't brilliant, but we played well enough to deserve something out of the game. I can't see how anyone who watched it can deny that.


How?  You can't just starting playing for 45 mins in every game, you have to start off games well and continue that through the 90 mins.


After we went behind yes we probably deserved a point in the end, but again we started off a game on the back foot for much of 1st 40 mintues.


You just sound like Pardew with the lucky deflection stuff.  What about the lucky deflection for Ben Arfa's goal, for Cisse's against West Brom etc.

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Looked angry and I think its about time they got screamed at, Pards knows Simpson & Williamson are not good enough but what can he do? MA had better fkn back him in January, non of this "its hard to get a good deal in January" bollocks pay the money sign who we need.


You sure about that?


I hope to God you're right but i'm not convinced at all. I think he genuinely rates Williamson


I honestly believe its his height that gets him the nod over Perch for CB, its as though he is needed for set pieces yet he hasn't scored from one yet and he can only defend direct alls he can hoof away.

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