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The thread about how we should play


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Didn't play either tonight :memelol:


I've always assumed '4-3-3' was more of a blanket term on here for anything other than flat 4-4-2.


:thup: last season during that run it was always seemed more of a 4-2-3-1 or 4-2-1-3 Cabaye's role was exactly same as Marveaux's was tonight.

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Didn't play either tonight :memelol:

We played 4-3-3 tonight, no?



Fairly sure we did, like.



Anita - Marveaux

Cisse - Ba - Jonas

wouldn't that be a 4-1-2-3 ?


what i saw was a 4-1-2-2. haven't the foggiest where or what joans was supposed to be doing so haven't included him.

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Interested in what people's formations would be with everyone fit but on most up to date form




Simpson    Saylor    Colo    Santon


            Anita    Bigi


    HBA      Cabaye    Marv




probably, simpson out of place and Bigi is prefered to tiote leaving us lacking much physicality in that area but that side does make me drool right now. Doubt some will maintain form tho



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You can't pick Bigi ahead of Tiote. :lol:


Aye as it stands it's definitely Anita-Tiote for me with Marv ahead of them at least until Cabaye is back anyway.


Love Bigi to bits though although i'm unsure what his position is yet as he seems to excel in quite a few different roles.

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Even Pardew says Bigi shouldn't be playing. He's very raw, we've seen that on several occasions now.


I think Anita-Tioté-Marveaux has very good potential. Bigi looks as if he's a good replacement for Anita rather than Tioté. I think Perch is Tioté's best back-up. He has the aggression and physicallity to win the battle. Bigi's more of a technical, dynamic player.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, at least we're more entertaining for the neutral viewers..


In all seriousness, whilst we look a damn sight more dangerous and attractive going forward in a 433/451 for some reason we also are considerably more vulnerable defensively, despite what some people say. Personally I think it is worth persevering with as a tactical setup (although not with a striker shoehorned in a wide position), but for it to work long term it needs better defenders first and foremost, Tiote (or defensive midfield replacement) to focus on his defensive role and hard working wide players that track back when the opposition full back likes to get forward. It's not just a matter of simply organising the frontline differently, it requires a transformation to our entire team dynamics. For all the flack Pardew gets lately, I think he has been badly let down by Ashley & co this summer in terms of not getting the defensive reinforcements he wanted and has massively overachieved last season, mainly thanks to giving our mediocre defenders as much protection as possible. It may have been negative, but at least it was effective. Discuss.

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Well, at least we're more entertaining for the neutral viewers..


In all seriousness, whilst we look a damn sight more dangerous and attractive going forward in a 433/451 for some reason we also are considerably more vulnerable defensively, despite what some people say. Personally I think it is worth persevering with as a tactical setup (although not with a striker shoehorned in a wide position), but for it to work long term it needs better defenders first and foremost, Tiote (or defensive midfield replacement) to focus on his defensive role and hard working wide players that track back when the opposition full back likes to get forward. It's not just a matter of simply organising the frontline differently, it requires a transformation to our entire team dynamics. For all the flack Pardew gets lately, I think he has been badly let down by Ashley & co this summer in terms of not getting the defensive reinforcements he wanted and has massively overachieved last season, mainly thanks to giving our mediocre defenders as much protection as possible. It may have been negative, but at least it was effective. Discuss.


In my distant and somewhat modest playing days, everyone played 4-4-2, so my knowledge of the finer points of 4-3-3 is limited.


However, the theoretical problem that occurs to me is who protects the full back. In 4-4-2, it's obvious. In 4-3-3, is it the job of the wide midfield player, or the wide attacking player, or are they expected to sort it out between them?


Genuine question. It does look to me like far more often now, our full backs are being exposed one-on-one.

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Well, at least we're more entertaining for the neutral viewers..


In all seriousness, whilst we look a damn sight more dangerous and attractive going forward in a 433/451 for some reason we also are considerably more vulnerable defensively, despite what some people say. Personally I think it is worth persevering with as a tactical setup (although not with a striker shoehorned in a wide position), but for it to work long term it needs better defenders first and foremost, Tiote (or defensive midfield replacement) to focus on his defensive role and hard working wide players that track back when the opposition full back likes to get forward. It's not just a matter of simply organising the frontline differently, it requires a transformation to our entire team dynamics. For all the flack Pardew gets lately, I think he has been badly let down by Ashley & co this summer in terms of not getting the defensive reinforcements he wanted and has massively overachieved last season, mainly thanks to giving our mediocre defenders as much protection as possible. It may have been negative, but at least it was effective. Discuss.


In my distant and somewhat modest playing days, everyone played 4-4-2, so my knowledge of the finer points of 4-3-3 is limited.


However, the theoretical problem that occurs to me is who protects the full back. In 4-4-2, it's obvious. In 4-3-3, is it the job of the wide midfield player, or the wide attacking player, or are they expected to sort it out between them?


Genuine question. It does look to me like far more often now, our full backs are being exposed one-on-one.

when out of possession most 4-4-2's and 4-3-3's become 4-5-1 anyway.
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